Get ready for a sizzling family drama that’ll leave you questioning who’s right and who’s wrong! When a vegan teen clashes with her meat-eating family, things get spicy real quick! ️ Mom tries her best to accommodate her daughter’s lifestyle, but the teen’s militant attitude pushes everyone to the brink. Buckle up, because this story is about to take a wild turn that’ll have you picking sides faster than you can say “tofu”!
Vegan Daughter vs. Meat-Eating Family: The Showdown!
Mom’s Cooking Dilemma: Accommodating a Vegan Teen
️ Separate Dishes, Same Cleaning Duty
Parents Put Their Foot Down: No Forced Veganism!
️ The Great Chili Catastrophe: Vegan Daughter’s Revenge!
Dramatic Daughter: “The Smell is Too Much!”
Parents Livid: Wasting Food is Never Okay!
Mom’s Ultimatum: Eat the Vegan Food or Starve!
The Punishment: Vegan Daughter Must Cook Meat!
Daughter’s Meltdown: “You’re Awful and Disgusting!”
Mom’s Dilemma: Did I Go Too Far?
Family Divided: Husband and Brother Say Yes, Grandparents Say No! ♀️
️ AITA? You Decide! ♀️
The Great Chili Showdown: Vegan Teen vs. Mom!
In a shocking twist, the vegan daughter throws away an entire pot of chili, both vegan and meat-based, claiming the smell was too much to handle! Mom, furious about the food waste, dishes out a punishment that has the internet divided. The teen is forced to buy and cook meat, leading to a meltdown of epic proportions! Now, the family is split on whether Mom went too far or if the punishment fit the crime. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this spicy situation! ️ ️
Taking responsibility for mistakes extends to veganism, too. ️
Vegan daughter recruits meat eaters, NTA enforces boundaries ✌️
Teens need to learn actions have consequences.
Daughter threw away food, mom made her replace it. NTA
Daughter wastes meat, mother’s punishment is reasonable. NTA
Respect goes both ways , wasting food is not ok
Daughter destroys food, mom makes her cook meat. NTA.
Forcing a vegan to cook meat is disgusting, ESH but OP is the bigger AH
Daughter forced to cook meat as punishment, ESH according to comment.
ESH, but making a vegan cook meat? Kind of disgusting
Professional chef and psychologist suggest alternate punishment for vegan daughter.
Vegan commenter sympathizes but reminds not to mess with food
Compensate for wasted food, don’t force ethical dilemma punishment. ESH
Respect goes both ways. Daughter should pay for wasted meal.
Vegan daughter’s mother isn’t TA for cooking meat. NTA wins.
Logical consequence for wasted food. NTA
Forcing a vegan child to cook meat is cruel and petty ♀️
NTA, suggest vegan daughter cook dinner and appreciate effort.
Vegan daughter’s dilemma: Can’t stand meat smell, punishment involves meat cooking
Punishment not fitting the crime: ESH and handling meat
NTA defends forcing daughter to cook meat to avoid wasting it.
Former vegetarian supports OP’s parenting style. Waste of animals’ lives.
NTA parent enforces consequences for daughter’s food waste, supports veganism.
Understanding personal beliefs can lead to mutual tolerance
Vegan commenter supports NTA and calls out daughter’s behavior.
Teens to young adults often adopt new beliefs and expect others to abide by them. NTA mother forces daughter to cook meat as punishment.
Vegan defends non-vegan punishment, calls out wrong behavior.
Ethical vegan explains why shaming and wasting food aren’t effective
Vegan daughter punished with meat cooking, but is it fair?
ESH: Both parties were wrong. Education would have been better.
Vegan commenter empathizes with daughter’s feelings and suggests a compromise
NTA, daughter wasted food. Making her cook same amount reasonable
NTA for punishing daughter who wasted food, including meat.
Teen wants to be vegan but hates cooking meat. ESH.
Vegan guest throws away food, mom stops cooking for group. NTA.
Vegan commenter defends cooking meat and shares a tip
Vegetarian commenter defends mom’s decision to make daughter cook meat.
NTA. The comment emphasizes on the philosophy behind Veganism.
Vegan daughter demands personal chef; throws away meat as punishment.
Don’t let your beliefs waste food and create more demand
NTA Daughter disrespected effort put into feeding family. Time for consequences.
Supportive of veganism, but NTA for not being forced to waste food
Vegan agrees: Daughter’s behavior was stupid. NTA for tough punishment.
Newly vegan commenter supports mom’s accountability lesson with empathy
NTA. Vegan daughter wasted animal lives and resources. Food wastage unacceptable.
Punishment too harsh, but not entirely unjustified. ESH. ♀️
Encouraging a child to eat all parts of a meal with meat as a pescetarian parent.
Vegetarian and Texan husband coexist peacefully, daughter is difficult. NTA
NTA. Making her buy her own groceries and cook vegan dishes would have been a better lesson
Vegan daughter wasted meat, mildly ESH. Punishment went too far.
NTA for punishing daughter who wasted food and badgered others.
NTA. Respect goes both ways. Daughter needs to grow up.
NTA teaches daughter to not waste food, wins at parenting
Respectful vegan daughter should cook meat as punishment? NTA
Valid point! Let’s reduce food waste
NTA, daughter should not force veganism and waste food
NTA explains well, preparing daughter for future with peers
NTA but should’ve found a better way to punish daughter
Engaging with sarcasm! NTA parent shuts down annoying vegan daughter.
Suggesting therapy for daughter’s control issues, possible eating disorder
NTA defends parent’s decision to make vegan daughter cook meat
NTA! Daughter needs to learn respect. Punishment was perfect
NTA: Daughter’s hypocrisy confronted, veganism not about waste production ♻️
Vegan daughter gives bad rep to vegans, NTA for punishing.
NTA. ️ Throwing out the chili caused unnecessary animal death.
Engaging with the ethics of veganism and supporting vegan options
Forcing someone to break ethical rules as punishment is wrong. ♀️
Replacing destroyed property is a universal responsibility.
Daughter throws out meat, gets a taste of her own medicine. NTA
Vegan sister cooks meat for sick parents, OP NTA for teaching responsibility
NTA. Parenting done right Lesson learned. Hopefully.
Teaching a lesson: NTA says daughter needs to adapt
NTA, fair punishment but a mini fridge might be a solution
Daughter wastes food, mom makes her replace it. NTA
Replacing the cost and labor is fair. NTA
Respecting different beliefs goes both ways. NTA for teaching consequence.
Sister throws away food, gets what she deserves. NTA.
Teaching responsibility and respect for others’ choices at young age.
Respect her lifestyle but she disrespected yours. NTA
Respect for others’ morals is important, NTA did right
Teaching valuable cooking skills while instilling empathy
Vegan daughter gets a taste of her own medicine
Teaching consequences and respect for food
Respect is a two-way street NTA taught a valuable lesson.
NTA. Commenter shares their experience and hopes for daughter’s growth.
Vegan daughter throws away edible chili, mother demands replacement. NTA.
Vegan daughter gets a taste of her own medicine
Daughter’s wrong, but making her cook meat is also a**hole move
Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by Diply Social Team