We all know that parents can be nosy, but how much do they really need to know about their children’s private lives? One couple found themselves in a heated conflict after their mother demanded to know the intimate details of their bedroom struggles. The wife had been battling a condition called Vaginismus, which made it difficult for them to conceive. They eventually overcame this obstacle and announced their pregnancy, but not without some serious family drama.
Long Backstory Alert

Vague Responses to Parents

The Struggle: Vaginismus

Physical Therapy and Support

Mom’s Concerns and Advice

To Tell or Not to Tell

Pregnancy Announcement

The Slip-Up

Mom’s Explosion

Intimate Details and Entitlement

Mom’s Reaction and Silence

Friends’ Opinions ️

The Great Bedroom Debate: Who’s in the Wrong?
So, the burning question remains: is it wrong for this couple to keep such an intimate detail from the husband’s mom? While some friends are split on the issue, it’s important to remember that everyone’s comfort levels with sharing personal information vary. It’s a delicate balance between respecting a parent’s concern and maintaining one’s privacy. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA- Wife’s intimate issue, mom has no claim. Congrats on baby

NTA: Mom overstepped boundaries, give her time to cool down

NTA. Privacy boundaries with in-laws. OP’s mom is overbearing.

NTA – Wife’s mom has privileges, your mom doesn’t. Set boundaries.

“Mom gets mad for not sharing fertility issues. NTA. “

Respecting privacy: NTA, let your wife decide who knows

NAH. Privacy and stress are key in this sensitive situation
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NTA. Wife’s v****a, her business. She decides who knows what.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/dfec27f2-1cef-4ac4-8972-457315a436cb.png)
Setting boundaries with nosy moms
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f9dda2f3-f139-4278-9525-f1a6fbf05700.png)
NTA. Mother should stay out of your wife’s private matters.

NAH vs NTA: A clash of perspectives on privacy

NTA. Vaginismus is a misunderstood condition. Mom’s insensitive response proves it

NTA. MIL wants bedroom details, but wife’s mom already knows

NTA. The mom needs to recognize it’s not about her

NAH. Boundaries are important, even with family.

NTA for keeping bedroom struggles private from mother-in-law

NTA- Wife’s medical issue, mom didn’t need to know

NTA: Boundaries are important. Your mom needs to respect them.
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Sharing intimate details: personal decision or family involvement?

NTA. Clear communication and respect for boundaries is key.

NTA defends wife’s privacy in bedroom struggles, mom oversteps boundaries

NTA for keeping bedroom struggles private, but consider discussing infertility.

Congrats! Hopefully mom will be excited for you all
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e76dc743-c246-435f-a9d0-83bd80602f66.png)
NTA. Mom overstepped boundaries by prying into intimate details

Mom crosses boundaries, couple stands up for their privacy

NTA. Mom overstepped boundaries, you handled it maturely and respectfully.

Setting boundaries: Personal details are off-limits, even to family.

NTA: Wife’s condition, her decision. Mom needs to cool her jets

Last Updated on January 31, 2024 by Diply Social Team