Imagine being a mom in pain, desperately needing a pack of pads, and your fiancé refuses to help. That’s the situation one woman found herself in when she asked her 18-year-old son to grab her some feminine hygiene products. Her fiancé was not happy about it and accused her of putting her son in an awkward position and even implied that she was abusing him! ♀️ Let’s dive into this dramatic tale…
The Painful Situation

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Fiancé’s Unhelpful Advice

Mom Calls Son for Help

Son Saves the Day ♂️

Fiancé’s Furious Reaction

Accusations Fly ️

Fiancé’s Unreasonable Demands

Crossing the Line

Unresolved Argument ️

Mom’s Doubts

Is Mom Really the Bad Guy Here? ♀️
This mom thought she was just asking her son for a simple favor, but her fiancé turned it into a full-blown argument, accusing her of abuse and making her son feel awkward. Justin didn’t seem bothered by the request, so was she really in the wrong? Let’s check out some top reactions from the internet to this dramatic situation…
NTA- Son’s maturity highlights fiancé’s toxic masculinity and immaturity

Fiancé’s fragile masculinity exposed by son’s act of empathy

Raising a good man and handling misogyny like a boss

18yo man buys feminine products for mom, fiancé insecure

A mom asks her son for pads, and her fiancé gets embarrassed. Commenters praise the son’s maturity and hope the fiancé learns from him.

Commenter asks for more context, gets hilarious reply.

Breaking gender stereotypes and supporting women is always NTA

Fiancé’s toxic masculinity is a red flag. NTA, your son is great

Normalize periods, NTA for asking son for pads

Fiancé shames partner for asking for pads. Misogyny at its finest.

Dump the fiancé, he’s a lunatic.

Supportive comments urge OP to leave abusive fiancé

Fiancé’s reaction to pads request makes him TA

Fiancé’s reaction to pads request is ridiculous and stupid

Supportive commenters agree: NTA for asking son for pads

Fiancé’s sexist comment sparks outrage, NTA for asking son’s help.

Empower yourself and set boundaries. You deserve better

Breaking the taboo: a mom asks for pads and fiancé freaks out

Breaking the taboo: Men buying pads for their loved ones.

Fiancé’s reaction to pads request deemed unacceptable by commenter

Fiancé’s fragile masculinity causes unnecessary conflict over menstrual products. NTA.

Fiancé’s reaction to pads request: unacceptable. You’re not the a**hole.

Breaking the stigma: Men can buy pads too!

Breaking the stigma around periods and educating men.

Breaking gender barriers and stigma around menstruation. NTA.

Breaking gender stereotypes, one menstrual product at a time

Normalize men buying pads , fiancé overreacts

Son buys pads for mom, fiancé overreacts. NTA wins.

Supportive comment section defends mom’s request for pads
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Son calls out fiancé’s immaturity for being embarrassed about pads

Fiancé’s period stigma raises red flags . NTA, reconsider marriage.

Fiancé’s controlling behavior sparks outrage in comment section

Fiancé’s insecurity about buying pads for partner’s son. NTA.

Fiancé loses it over pads? NTA dodged a bullet

Fiancé loses it over pads request, commenters call him a wimp

Breaking the taboo on female hygiene products. Fiancé shames partner.

Breaking gender stereotypes, one pad at a time

Asserting independence against controlling fiancé.

Dump the fiancé! Glad you raised your son right
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Fiancé’s controlling behavior raises red flags, period shaming aside

Fiancé’s period stigma causes drama over a pack of pads.

Normalize period talk and support. NTA.

A supportive son and a proud mom. NTA

Fiancé overreacts to pads request, NTA for asking son.

Commenter jokingly asks if ex-fiancé is the topic.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Fiancé loses it over pads request, commenters side with mom.

Fiancé’s insecurity causes conflict over feminine hygiene products. #NTA

Son’s thoughtful act of buying pads and snacks for friend.

Fiancé accuses mother of abuse for asking son for pads

Breaking gender stereotypes, this comment supports men helping with menstruation

NTA tells fiancé to grow up

Buying pads is normal, fiancé is ignorant. NTA.

Breaking the stigma: Men should help buy period products

Engaging response to NTA comment on fiancé’s red flags

Fiancé’s hangups about female body natural functions is controlling

Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Diply Social Team