When a new mom decided to take a break from her buzzing phone during her maternity leave, little did she know it would spark a family feud of epic proportions! Working for her cousin’s business, she was enjoying her well-deserved time off, until a missed call led to a lost client and a whole lot of drama. Let’s delve into this tale of family, business, and the battle for some peace and quiet.
A Family Business and a Baby Break
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The Maternity Leave Begins
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Crisis Calls During Baby Time
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The Great Phone Disconnect
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A Lost Client and a Furious Cousin
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The Family Fallout
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The Unplugged Mom Strikes Back!
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The War of Words Escalates! ️
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The Unplugged Mom’s Defense ️
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Maternity Leave or 24/7 On-Call? The Unplugged Mom’s Dilemma! ♀️
In a world where work and personal life often blur, our Unplugged Mom found herself in a whirlwind of family drama, all because she wanted some quiet time during her maternity leave. Despite her meticulous planning and assigning her clients to her co-workers, a missed call led to a lost client, and a family feud ensued. Accusations flew, with her cousin and other family members blaming her for the business blunder. But she stood her ground, defending her right to a peaceful maternity leave. Will she cave in, or will her phone remain unplugged? Let’s see how the internet weighs in on this family-business fiasco!
Maternity leave means no contact, but cousin violated boundaries. NTA

ESH: Miscommunication and unmet expectations lead to lost client and frustration!

NTA: Family misunderstands maternity leave, potential legal consequences.

OP’s sudden change in availability during maternity leave causes conflict. ESH.

“YTA for not setting boundaries, but going no contact was unprofessional.”

NTA: Consider starting your own business!

Cousin crosses the line, expecting OP to work during maternity leave!

NTA comment calls out exploitation and American capitalist brainwashing

UK law forbids employers contacting employees on maternity leave

Boss respects PTO, but client emergency made exception. NTA.

YTA for not understanding the importance of maternity leave.

Focus on your child, not work. Find a new job!

NTA. Good for you! Ignored calls and lost clients? That’s outrageous!

ESH: Communication breakdown leads to lost clients and family feud!

NTA OP, your absence didn’t cause the lost client.

NTA: Your cousin’s business, his responsibility. Enjoy your leave!

NTA – Mixing family and business without boundaries.

NTA, consider finding a new job with proper maternity leave.

ESH: Setting boundaries during maternity leave leads to family feud!

NTA, Taking work calls on leave is normal for some.

Impressed by the 9-month maternity leave!

NTA. Company needs better contingency plan. Owner’s tantrum is unacceptable

Maternity leave durations and pay vary widely across different countries!

Split ownership? He yelled at her for suggesting it!

NTA- Maternity leave rights defended with a legal twist!

NTA, but a simple text could have avoided this meltdown!

YTA for ignoring calls during maternity leave, but cousin’s being a d**k.
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Family business drama: ESH – OP’s response reveals power dynamics

Family feud over work boundaries and long-term consequences. Update resume!

YTA for not informing and insulting boss. Risked job replacement.

NTA. Time for a new job. Family taking advantage.

NTA OP! Laws and baby care misunderstood by commenters!

Balancing maternity leave and work: stress, importance, and dependency.

NAH. Maternity leave expectations clash with company responsibilities.

“Shocked at 9 months maternity leave! Different perspectives, different backgrounds!”

ESH on maternity leave: balancing work and personal life struggles

Easing back into work after maternity leave? NAH, it’s common!

Engaging comment: ESH. Maternity leave drama and job security clashes!

ESH: Maternity leave boundaries crossed, insults exchanged, professionalism questioned.

Commenter criticizes cousin’s reliance on nepotism, calling them incompetent. ESH

NTA: Cousin should have prepared for your maternity leave!

Mixed feelings about answering calls during pregnancy and maternity leave

Client left, you fixed it. What caused the meltdown?

YTA for not warning everyone about turning off your phone

Last Updated on December 12, 2023 by Diply Social Team