What’s in a name? For one couple expecting twins, their love for Marvel has led them to consider naming their children after beloved characters. While these names are quite common and not necessarily exclusive to the Marvel universe, the grandparents-to-be are not happy about it. The couple’s decision has caused a rift in the family, with the grandparents even considering staging an intervention!
Marvelous Baby Names

Naming After Heroes

Grandparents’ Disapproval

Bullying Concerns

Just Regular Names

Parents’ Choice

Intervention Plans

Angry Response


Update: Uncovering History ️

Disapproving In-Laws

Captain America’s Influence ️

Heartbroken Mother

Feeling Guilty

Upset Friends

Marvelous Names or Too Much?
A couple’s decision to name their twins after Marvel characters has caused quite the family drama. The grandparents-to-be are unhappy with the choice, believing it will lead to bullying and that their son and daughter-in-law need to grow up. The situation escalated when the friend of the couple tried to reason with the grandparents, leading to accusations and anger. Unbeknownst to the friend, there was a history of disapproval and tension between the couple and the grandparents. Now, with emotions running high and relationships strained, the question remains: are the Marvel-inspired names really worth all the drama?
Parents projecting their snobbery onto grandkids. NTA.

Naming kids after Marvel characters? NTA. Grandparents need to chill.

Expecting couple’s Marvel-inspired baby names spark hilarious prank ideas.

Naming a baby after a Marvel character? NTA, says commenter.

NTA. Supportive reply to baby name drama with a clap emoji.

Marvel-themed baby clothes cause family drama but NTA.

Defending baby names inspired by Marvel movies with logical points ♂️

Celebrities naming their children after fictional characters.

Star Trek fan approves of naming after fictional characters ✌️

NTA defends couple’s baby name choices amidst family drama

Nerd parents defend unique baby names against judgmental grandparents

Defending couple’s baby names from family drama. NTA

Fan mom shares baby name choices, sparks Harry Potter convo.

Naming your child after a superhero is harmless. NTA.

NTA defends couple’s baby names and calls out grandparents’ overreaction

NTA- Normal baby names inspired by interests, grandparents need to b**t out

Passionate Marvel fans receive support for baby names inspired by franchise.

Respectful response shuts down family drama

Grandparents vs. Marvel fans: NTA prevails

Choosing baby names based on interests: fair or unfair?

Normal baby names spark drama. NTA for choosing them.

Defending Marvel-themed baby names against overbearing grandparents. NTA

Defending unique baby names and Marvel fan clothes. ♂️

Geeky baby names unite fans, spark family drama

Dress up your baby in what you like!

Debate over calling babies ‘chew toys’ sparks controversy

Let parents name their child what they want. NTA.

Naming a child after a Marvel character? NTA. GTFO, family.

Anime names for twins, NTA advises soon-to-be parents

Giving baby name advice to Marvel-obsessed couple. NTA wins.

Geek shaming? NTA couple passes on Marvel love to kids

NTA defends couple’s parenting choices, shuts down family drama

NTA, friends shouldn’t control baby’s interests.

Geeky baby names spark family drama and Star Trek compromise

Parental interests on baby names: NTA and ladybug nickname.

NTA defends couple’s unique baby names against family drama

NTA shuts down overbearing parents’ baby name interference

Marvel-loving parents face family drama over baby names. NTA wins.

Naming kids after interests: NTA. Family drama: ♂️

Geeky parents raise ‘tragically normal’ kids with secret names

Normal baby names pay homage to Marvel universe, NTA parents.

Respect your friends’ decision, not the parents’.

NTA. Only the parents have a say in baby names.

Naming baby after comic book character sparks family drama NTA

NTA defends Marvel-inspired baby names, drama ensues

NTA defends friends’ Marvel-themed baby names and gear with humor

Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team