In a world where language barriers can cause misunderstandings, who would have thought it could extend to our furry friends too? Meet our protagonist, a 31-year-old man, who moved in with his Chilean girlfriend and her Spanish-speaking cat, Luz. He thought he had a simple request – for his girlfriend to start speaking English to Luz so he could communicate with her. But, oh boy, was he in for a surprise! ️
Moving in with a Spanish-speaking Cat

Lost in Translation ️

The Struggle to Communicate

A Simple Request or So He Thought…

The Unexpected Response

The Emotional Fallout

The Apology and the Standoff

The Plea and the Accusation

The Final Showdown

The Verdict ️

The Tale of a Man, His Girlfriend, and a Spanish-Speaking Cat: Who’s Right?
In an unexpected twist of events, a man’s simple request to his girlfriend to start speaking English to her Spanish-speaking cat, Luz, spirals into an emotional rollercoaster. What starts as a language barrier issue, soon reveals the deeper, heartbreaking truth of Luz’s impending death. As the man pleads for understanding, he faces a staunch refusal from his girlfriend who insists on not confusing Luz in her final months. Accusations fly, tears are shed, and the question remains – who’s right in this feline fiasco? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this emotional conundrum…
OP’s refusal to learn Spanish for the cat sparks outrage

“YTA Cats don’t understand Spanish any more than you do”

YTA. Expecting a Spanish-speaking cat to learn English? Meow-velous idea!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
“YTA for wanting your gf to teach cat English. Lazy pos.”

YTA. Expecting a cat to learn English? Seriously?

“YTA – Pushing English over her culture? Inconsiderate and selfish!”
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
YTA for not learning Spanish to communicate with your girlfriend’s family

YTA. Being clueless about this is a major red flag

“F**king what? You expect her to teach the cat a new language because you can’t be bothered to learn a few very simple commands in Spanish? YTA. You are a human being. You can learn how to say ‘come here’ and ‘stop’ in Spanish. Asking her to stop speaking the language the cat understands is out-of-this-world insane.”

YTA wants girlfriend to speak English to Spanish-speaking cat

YTA for not bothering to learn a few cat-level words

“Ven” pronunciation difficulty sparks drama. YTA comment.

Cat speaks ‘Catonese’ and ‘Miau’ – multilingual feline!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
YTA. Asking someone to speak a different language? Major a**hole

Cat speaks Spanish better than you? YTA!

YTA: Expecting a cat to learn English? Meow-verestimation!

Hilarious debate over speaking English to a Spanish-speaking cat

Commenter questions if there’s any redemption for the a**hole

Cat doesn’t give a f**k about language, just wants treats

“‘Murican only! English-speaking cat drama unfolds!”

YTA wants to speak English to Spanish-speaking cat

Cat learning English before human learns Spanish

Grown man wants cat to learn English, sparks unexpected drama

Entertaining clash of languages and cultural misunderstandings.

Cat doesn’t care about language, just wants the yum yums

“YTA. Refusing to communicate with a pet. Heartless and selfish. “

OP wants cat and girlfriend to change for convenience. YTA.

YTA for wanting to speak English to a Spanish-speaking cat

Ridiculous request sparks drama – YTA should learn Spanish!

YTA – What’s wrong with you? Drama unfolds

Worried the girlfriend and her cat are talking s**t!

YTA sparks unexpected drama with Spanish-speaking cat

Entitled bs: YTA centers himself, not his partner’s comfort.

“YTA for expecting your girlfriend to change for your convenience”

YTA, learn your partner’s language. The cat won’t respond either.

Selfishness and language barriers causing drama in a relationship

Let’s not forget about the cat’s language!

Dating a girl for 4 months and already causing drama? YTA

“YTA” – A fiery comment sparks unexpected drama

YTA. Learn some Spanish

Lazy OP refuses to learn Spanish to communicate with cat

YTA for not learning Spanish to communicate with your cat

YTA for trying to control your girlfriend’s interactions with her cat

Gatekeeping language with an old cat? Dude, YTA.

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by Diply Social Team