We’ve all had our share of neighborly disputes, but this one takes the cake! A 35-year-old man, living alone, had a rather peculiar encounter with his neighbors, which may have led to their decision to move. The story begins with a few minor annoyances, like the neighbor’s kids leaving their toys in his yard, but takes a strange turn when the man decides to play a bizarre joke on his neighbor.
The Minor Inconveniences
Not Making a Big Deal
Spring Cleaning with Tunes
Neighbor’s Request
The Bizarre Joke
Neighbor’s Reaction
The Big Move?
To Tell or Not to Tell?
Eerie Joke Gone Too Far? ♂️
So, our protagonist played a bizarre joke on his neighbor, pretending that he hears voices in his head. Now, the neighbors are keeping their distance and even considering moving. Was it all just a harmless joke, or did he cross the line? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this peculiar situation…
NTA – Hilarious prank on neighbor who couldn’t handle music
Neighbors learn their lesson after being called out
Neighbor’s joke sends neighbors packing, NTA gets support
Keeping a joke to yourself: NTA’s decision
Neighborly revenge ideas shared with humor
Neighbor’s ableist assumptions exposed by hilarious joke. NTA.
Neighbors debate whether OP’s joke was harmless or threatening
Woman calls out man’s threatening behavior towards neighbor, sparks debate.
Neighbor’s joke clears out street
Neighbor calls out OP for making a threatening joke
Insensitive joke causes concern, sparks political commentary
Neighbor’s joke impresses, earns NTA judgement.
Insensitive joke about mental illness draws rightful criticism.
Faking a mental illness for a joke is not okay
Neighbor fakes mental disorder and lies to avoid turning music down
Neighbor conflict escalates to disturbing threats, YTA.
Apologize if someone is uncomfortable with your joke
Neighbor’s joke sends everyone packing, NTA found it hilarious!
Pretending to have a disability to get rid of neighbors? YTA
Sarcastic comment falls flat with no replies
Neighbor’s joke impresses with a touch of profanity
Commenter calls out YTA for cringy joke
Neighbor’s joke backfires, causing fear and distrust
Neighbor’s annoying behavior leads to a cannibalistic joke
Petty joke turns offensive and threatening, mixed judgment from commenters
Commenter deems someone the a**hole. Drama ensues.
Insensitive joke causes offense, YTA. Be mindful of others.
Insensitive joke causes tension and neighborly conflict
Commenter calls out OP as the a**hole with humor
Commenter calls out insensitivity towards mental illness in neighbor dispute
Exploiting mental illness for a joke? YTA
Neighbor’s joke makes everyone laugh, no a**holes here
Joke falls flat, earns YTA judgment
Neighbor accuses man of scaring her, calls him YTA
Neighbor revenge plans brewing? This comment approves
Neighbor’s joke clears out area, deemed hilarious.
Neighbor’s joke scares neighbors away, NTA wins this round
Neighbor makes disturbing threats, labeled YTA by commenter.
Neighbor conflict resolved with NTA judgement
Neighbor’s joke clears house, deemed hilarious by commenter
Neighbor approves of man’s joke, finds it hilarious
Neighbor’s joke clears the block, deemed NTA
Neighbor approves with a thumbs up emoji
Don’t let good neighbors get away, explain yourself
Neighbors flee after man’s hilarious joke #NTA
Laughing so hard, I can’t breathe
What if the next neighbors are worse?
Clever joke scares off neighbors with kids
Hilarious neighbor joke causes r**e neighbor to leave
Neighbors complain about music, but won’t admit to moving. NTA
Neighbors flee from man who’s ‘a d**n delight’
Neighbor praised for legendary prank
Neighbor’s joke backfires, but OP not the a**hole
Neighbor’s bizarre joke leads to hilarious fallout
No a**holes here, just a simple judgement.
Neighbors leave after man’s hilarious joke NAH
This comment sums up the article with a laugh
Satisfying justice: Being s****y to s****y people
Neighbor makes disturbing joke, called out for insensitivity and threat.
Neighbor conflict resolved with a joke. NTA wins
Last Updated on May 17, 2023 by Diply Social Team