Imagine you’re a new mom, trying to nurse your crying baby in a corner of a fast-food restaurant. Suddenly, a man approaches you with his own crying child, asking you to explain to his daughter why your baby is crying. Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one woman, and the internet is buzzing with opinions. Let’s dive into the story.
A Special Child and a Newborn’s Cry

Fast Food Fiasco

An Unexpected Approach ♂️

The Unusual Request

The Explanation and the Escalation ️

A Further Ask and a Firm Refusal ♀️

The Boyfriend’s Perspective ♂️

The Girlfriend’s Reaction

The Clash of Opinions

The Final Verdict ️

A Perverted Perspective?

A Lesson in Empathy or a Case of Overstepping Boundaries? ⚖️
In a world where everyone’s got an opinion, this story has sparked quite the debate. A man, his special needs daughter, a new mom, and a crying baby all converge in a fast-food restaurant, leading to a tense encounter. The man’s attempt to use the situation as a teaching moment for his daughter leaves the new mom uncomfortable and the man’s girlfriend questioning his actions. Was he trying to foster understanding, or was he simply insensitive to the new mom’s plight? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this…
NTA. BF’s inappropriate behavior with crying baby sparks controversy.

NTA. BF’s entitled behavior ruined woman’s day and breastfeeding experience.

NTA! BF’s creepy behavior made a new mom uncomfortable. ♀️

“NTA: Boyfriend’s lack of understanding and empathy is concerning. “

BF is creepy, NTA. Relationship in question

NTA: Run away from a potential abusive relationship

♀️ Arrested for using a stranger’s crying baby as a teaching moment?

NTA. Boyfriend’s daughter’s special needs don’t excuse boundary trampling.

“NTA. It’s unfair to everyone just trying to mind their own business “

NTA – Empathy for the woman, teaching moment gone wrong

NTA. BF wants woman to calm down his crying daughter? No way!

NTA: Stranger’s approach to stressed mom was exhausting and unnecessary

Teaching boundaries: Boyfriend’s lesson or disregard for personal space?

NTA: Autistic parent shares experience, others agree it was inappropriate.

Commenter suggests noise-canceling headphones, criticizes father’s insensitivity. NTA.

“NTA! I would have called the police. Zero sh*ts given!”

Woman refuses to explain baby’s needs to man’s daughter. NTA

Parent defends daughter’s reaction to crying baby, criticizes man’s interference.

NTA. Creepy guy asks to watch woman breastfeed. Absolute violation.

NTA. Break up with your creepy boyfriend for your own sake.

Boyfriend’s entitled behavior with crying baby sparks controversy.

NTA. Boyfriend’s creepy behavior interrupts mother’s nursing time.

OP prioritizes child’s safety, time to leave for everyone’s sake

NTA: Concerned for your safety. Leave now for your daughter.

NTA. BF has her 80% of the time

NTA. BF’s behavior is unacceptable. Show him this thread for clarity.

NTA: BF’s red flag for using stranger’s crying baby

NTA: Mother’s discomfort with stranger near nursing baby is understandable

NTA. Parent should teach daughter privately, not involve strangers.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Boyfriend’s harassment of breastfeeding stranger: NTA or ESH?

NTA. Parent misunderstands daughter’s sensory issues with crying baby.

Parent defends not calming their autistic child during baby’s crying

NTA: Uncomfortable situation for the mother. What a violation!

NTA shares helpful experience with handling upset children.


BF invades woman’s space in misguided teachable moment

NTA. Your boyfriend needs to understand that people don’t care.

Autistic adult shares perspective on man’s inappropriate teaching moment.

Boyfriend’s intrusive behavior deemed creepy by commenter.

Man asks to watch woman breastfeed teenager in public

Not the a**hole for using a crying baby as a teaching moment!

Boyfriend neglects child, prevents woman from caring for newborn. NTA!

Boyfriend’s entitlement and poor judgment disgusts and baffles commenters. NTA.

Commenter warns woman to escape toxic relationship.

Man uses stranger’s crying baby as teaching moment, but crosses boundaries. NTA.

BF’s behavior with daughter crosses the line, creepy vibes detected

Boyfriend oversteps boundaries with new mom in restaurant

Commenter calls out boyfriend, supports OP. No a****e here.

Parent accuses man of ableism for using stranger’s baby

Relationship red flags: High expectations and controlling behavior

NTA. Woman treated like an animal at a zoo.

Time to run far away from this chaotic situation!

Mom frustrated with man’s interference in breastfeeding. NTA.

NTA explains overstimulation in autism and gives parenting advice.

Creepy guy uses crying baby as teaching moment. NTA.

NTA and you’re 100% right. He made the situation worse

Hilarious clapback shuts down creepy comment. NTA wins!

NTA. Parent fails to understand daughter’s sensory issues with baby.

Is your boyfriend really an a**hole? Let’s find out!

Engaged commenter offers advice on relationship boundaries and parenting skills.

NTA – Teaching moment with a stranger’s crying baby? Weird AF!

Breastfeeding woman’s privacy invaded by entitled stranger. NTA!

Boyfriend’s an idiot and a weirdo. NTA!

Removing the daughter would’ve been more empathetic and effective

Insensitive man confronts nursing woman; suggests using headphones for daughter.

NTA teaches stranger’s baby, but should’ve called security.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA tries to educate entitled parent, but doubtful of success.

New mother nursing baby interrupted by boyfriend, NTA.

Breastfeeding encounter turns awkward: Who’s the real weirdo?

“NTA. This guy needs to educate himself and show empathy.”

NTA: Autistic mom shares relatable and mortifying breastfeeding experience.

Last Updated on August 1, 2023 by Diply Social Team