What happens when family love collides with freeloading? A 35-year-old man found himself asking this question when his unemployed brother-in-law, Ian, moved in with him and his wife. Initially, the arrangement was supposed to be temporary until Ian found a job. But six months later, Ian not only still doesn’t have a job but has also started to act like the king of the castle, making demands and giving unsolicited opinions on everything.
A Temporary Guest Turns Permanent
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Ian’s Opinions Start to Flow
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The Personal Chef and the Itchy Detergent
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Ian’s Friday Night Outings
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The Living Room Showdown
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The Unexpected Visitor
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Ian’s Unwanted Interference
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The Private Conversation
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The Man’s Retort
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Ian’s Claim
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The Final Blow
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The Aftermath
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The Hope for Change
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Unemployed Brother-in-Law Learns a Tough Lesson
After months of enduring his brother-in-law’s unsolicited opinions and demands, our frustrated homeowner finally snapped. He reminded Ian, who had been living rent-free in his home, that he could have an opinion when he started contributing financially. This confrontation led to Ian feeling unwelcome, which the homeowner saw as a potential catalyst for him to finally get a job. But with Ian’s attitude of certain jobs being ‘beneath him’, will he step up or continue his freeloading ways? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. Wife’s support of BIL caused bigger problem. Good comeback!

“NTA. Throw him the f**k out, dude.”

NTA, kick him out! What an entitled idiot!

“NTA – Time for Ian to move on. Let BIL crash elsewhere!”

NTA: Ian needs to understand he’s a guest in HER house

NTA, but better to set a deadline than have an entitled renter

NTA: Unemployed brother-in-law freeloading, wife’s attitude causing concern. Boundaries needed.

“NTA. Brother took advantage of our hospitality without contributing.”

NTA. Time to set boundaries with wife and BIL.

“You’re unwelcome here.”

NTA. Kick out the freeloader!

NTA: Daughter’s friend comment raises eyebrows, sparks important discussion.

NTA. Hilarious sitcom moment! Don’t kick him out, but nip that entitled attitude!

NTA. Stand your ground and remind him it’s your house!

NTA. Shut down entitled brother-in-law. No random kids for him!

“He asked if we could be quieter at night after 10 since we wake him up”
L***o, yes how dare you interrupt his beauty sleep, he has to be up early for *checks notes*: nothing
“He makes request for dinner daily” “he said he doesn’t know how to cook”
clearly you made a typo in his age, why isn’t this 4yr old living with mommy?
Each example of his behaviour is just more and more entitled. NTA OP kick him out
NTA. Ungrateful brother-in-law causing tension and making guests uncomfortable.

Family drama! NTA but watch out for the in-laws

NTA: Set house rules, talk to wife, present united front.

NTA. Set boundaries and demand respect or show him the door!

NTA, but eviction might be necessary. Gratitude over entitlement!

NTA. BIL being a r**e guest, leeching off you guys.

NTA. BIL’s entitlement issues and wife’s misunderstanding spark conflict.

NTA: Tough love may be the motivation he needs

Unemployed brother-in-law needs a reality check. NTA for speaking up!

NTA. Unemployed brother-in-law criticized for running his mouth instead of finding a job.

NTA: Kick him out!

NTA. Any wage is better than no wage.

NTA. Unwelcome whiner. Why is he still in your house?

NTA. Unbelievable! I would’ve packed his bags too!

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Diply Social Team