Picture this: you’re a successful business owner, and you’ve fallen head over heels for a charming man named Brian. Things start off great, but soon, you begin to notice some red flags . He starts taking you for granted and making degrading jokes. To make matters worse, he starts referring to your successful company as “ours”. What would you do in this situation? Well, one woman found herself in this exact predicament and decided to take matters into her own hands. Let’s dive into her story to see how it all unfolded!
The Beginning of a Romance
The Shift in Priorities
Feelings and Family Ties
Business Owner Suspicions
Ex-Wife Drama
Insults and Unknowns
Degrading Jokes
Confusion and Income Gap
The High Profile Agreement
Misleading Laughs
Second Chance and Effort
The Industrial Complex Incident
Anger and Ribs
The Confrontation
The Breakup
Embarrassment and Reflection
The Aftermath ️
About Him and His Friends
Love, Lies, and a Company Hijack?!
Our heroine thought she’d found her perfect partner in Brian, but things took a turn for the worse when he started taking her for granted and making degrading jokes. As a successful business owner, she was proud of her accomplishments, but Brian began to refer to her company as “ours”. After a high-profile agreement was announced, his behavior escalated. One night, while out with friends, Brian showcased her new office space and continued to claim the company as his own. That was the final straw! Our heroine confronted him in front of his friends, dumped him on the spot, and refused their offer to take her home. The next morning, she woke up feeling embarrassed and unsure if she’d overreacted. Meanwhile, Brian’s friends reached out, apologizing for any wrongdoing and sharing that he was humiliated and took it really hard. What a rollercoaster of emotions! Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Girlfriend rightfully dumps credit-stealing boyfriend. Ribs wasted
NTA dumps lying boyfriend who stole credit for her company
NTA gets praised for leaving a cheater and a liar.
Girlfriend dumps thief for stealing credit for her company
Setting clear boundaries and ending a relationship in public
Dumped for credit theft. NTA stands up against manipulation tactics
Woman stands up for herself after boyfriend steals her credit
Stealing credit for a company? Brian got what he deserved.
Supporting theft and public outbursts with profanity. Not cool.
Prioritize well-being and career growth. You’re not the a**hole.
Manipulative Brian gets called out by friends after being dumped
Gender stereotypes leading to credit theft?
User questions OP’s investment in ex’s daughter and motives.
She worked hard for her business, no need for a parasite
Cheers to seeing through his true intentions!
Empowering women and standing up to credit theft
Supportive comment agrees with company theft victim, calls for humiliation.
Ex-partner shows true colors after short-lived honeymoon phase
Stand your ground and don’t let him take advantage
Taking credit for your hard work? Dump him!
Supportive comment calling out toxic behavior.
Girl dodged a bullet with that credit-stealing leech
Empowering reply to a woman who dumped her deceitful ex-boyfriend
NTA! Dodged a massive bullet with an abusive, lazy hobo
Trust your instincts, he sounds like a liability
Boundaries broken, fragile ego shattered, dumped in public
Standing up for yourself and correcting lies is NTA
Spouse’s career is theirs alone, just like your company.
Girlfriend dumps credit-stealing boyfriend, NTA wins
Ex-boyfriend tries to steal credit for girlfriend’s company. NTA.
Gold-digging ex-boyfriend gets what he deserves. NTA.
Partner tries to steal credit for business, not the a**hole for dumping him
Red flags and warning signs of a potential shady partner.
Girlfriend dumps credit-stealing j**k. NTA, get out while you can
NTA, ex-boyfriend is a con man after money and success
When he said ‘our’ company, he meant ‘I’m the thief’
NTA and an expertly handled breakup.
Outing a lying a**hole? NTA, don’t look back
Ex-boyfriend tries to steal credit for girlfriend’s company, gets dumped publicly
Supportive comment commends OP for being a hero.
Supportive comment about standing up for oneself and setting boundaries.
Supportive comment encourages OP to leave abusive ex.
“Believe them when they tell you who they are”
Healthy relationships don’t involve competition. Don’t steal credit
Taking credit for someone else’s hard work is never okay.
“Praising your partner’s success is key to a healthy relationship” ❤️
Dumping him publicly for stealing credit, NTA wins the game
Partner lies about company, blames girlfriend for consequences. NTA
Escape the narcissist! Don’t fall for their empty promises
Sarcastic response to relationship advice, humorously dismissing forum’s worth.
NTA commenter advises against red pill and alpha echo-chambers.
Reject toxic masculinity and those who believe in it
Insecurity breeds toxic masculinity and credit-stealing behavior. #NTA
Taking credit for someone’s business? NTA deserves better
Dump the thief before he ruins your life and finances!
Complimenting the ex for throwing out the trash
Self-respect and composure wins the day. #NTA
Deserved dumping for taking credit for girlfriend’s success.
NTA stands up for herself after boyfriend steals her credit
NTA for publicly dumping a freeloading d-bag
Supportive comments for a woman who stood up for herself
Moving on and being a boss is the best revenge
Woman publicly dumps thief who stole her company’s credit
Good on you for leaving that f**ker
Dumping a credit stealing boyfriend? NTA, good riddance
Girlfriend dumps credit-stealing boyfriend, internet cheers her on
Standing up for your work and warning someone about it
Empowering comment celebrates woman’s bravery in dumping cheating ex
Don’t let anyone steal your credit!
Defend yourself, leave him in the dumpster and walk away. ♀️
Recognizing the red flags and making the right decision ✔️
Supportive comment highlights importance of healthy relationships in business ❤️
Lesson learned: Don’t steal credit or you’ll get humiliated.
Supportive comment for dumped boyfriend with cautionary advice
Taking credit for someone else’s work? Public humiliation seems fitting.
Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Diply Social Team