A man shared his dilemma on whether or not he should write a 500-word essay just to attend his sister’s destination wedding next February. His sister has made it a requirement for guests to submit two 250-word “essays” to two questions in order to figure out who to invite and who to cut. The questions are broad and not even pandemic-related, leading the man to feel insulted by the requirement. He refused to write the essays, leading to tension between him, his sister, and his parents. Now he wonders if he is the a**hole for staying stubborn on this issue. Read on to find out more about this wedding drama and weigh in on whether or not he should just write the essays.
Living the insanity of a sibling’s wedding demand.

Destination wedding in February, but brother won’t write essay?

Sister’s wedding amidst pandemic doubts – will it happen?

Wedding guest list cut due to pandemic restrictions

RSVP do-over due to brother’s wedding antics

250 words or less? Share your thoughts on this wedding drama!

No essay, no wedding: Controversial new wedding trend

Insulted by a wedding? Man refuses to write essay

Bridezilla demands essay for wedding attendance

No essay, no attendance- sibling demands essay for wedding invite?

Refusing to write essay for sister’s wedding RSVP causes tension.

Reluctant brother writes essay to attend sister’s wedding

Man refuses to write essay to attend sister’s wedding

Standing up to family pressure for sister’s wedding

Sister demands essay for wedding attendance, brother refuses. Drama ensues.

Sister disguises essay as survey, sets word limit. Unfair?

No essay, no entry: Sibling’s wedding or college admission?

Man refuses to write essays to attend sister’s wedding ♂️
A man is feeling insulted by his sister’s request to write an “application essay” in order to attend her wedding due to the pandemic. The man is expected to write two 250-word essays on broad topics such as why he still wants to celebrate the day with them and what attending the wedding means to him specifically. He feels that his sister is blatantly looking for people to kiss her a** and tell her why they REALLY want to go. The man has refused to write the essays and this has rubbed his sister and parents the wrong way. The sister has framed the essays as “surveys” but there’s a word limit requirement, so if you don’t reach it on the Google forms, you can’t even submit it. The parents think this is perfectly reasonable, nice even, because the sister is letting everyone have the chance to attend. Do you think the man is being unreasonable? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
NTA. Sibling suggests sending two essays: ‘Mom/Dad said I have to come’ and ‘I’m your sibling’. Hilarity ensues.

NTA for not writing the essay, bridezilla being publicly humiliated.

Sister invents new way to be a lunatic for wedding

NTA. There’s an easy out: ask your sister why she wants you there.

NTA. Guest list justification is unfair, sister is wrong. ♂️

Sister’s wedding application process leaves potential guests bewildered

NTA. Sister should have cut guest list herself. Begging for invite?

Man refuses to kiss a*s for sister’s wedding, sparks family drama

NTA. Writing an essay to attend a wedding?

Man faces backlash for refusing to write an “application essay” to attend sister’s wedding ⚠️

Sister demands essay for wedding attendance, NTA reacts hilariously.

NTA comment suggests hilarious and malicious ways to deal with bridezilla sister.

Sister makes family fill out essay to attend wedding

Savage reply shuts down entitled sister for wedding demands

Sibling drama at its finest

Petty but satisfying revenge suggestion for sister’s wedding application essay.

No essays for loved ones. Family should tell her off. ♂️

Sassy NTA comment suggests creative essay topics to appease bridezilla

Just say ‘I am your sister’ and let her decide ♀️

NTA. Skip the wedding, save your money

Bridal requests hit a new level of weirdness. NTA.

♀️ Bridezilla alert! NTA for not writing an essay

Weddingzilla alert : Sibling demands essay to attend wedding. NTA.

Commenter calls out sister’s narcissism and rudeness towards guests.

Survey solution: NTA fills out survey with famous movie quote.

Stand your ground with humor and honesty

Wedding invite drama: Family doesn’t always come first

Creative solution to Bridezilla situation

Wedding not the center of the universe, sister!

Weddings aren’t cheap, and neither are application essays #NTA

Sister’s bizarre policy may lead to an under-attended wedding

Commenter finds situation hilarious, deems person not at fault.

No hoops for family! ♂️

Savage response to entitled sister’s unreasonable demand. ♂️

Sister demands 500-word essay for wedding invite, commenter says NTA

Sister demands essay for wedding attendance, commenters say NTA ♂️

Commenter criticizes destination weddings and suggests alternative options.

Skipping application essay for sister’s wedding. NTA deserves peace

Copy-pasting wiki page on Narcissism: the perfect RSVP. NTA.

Sister doesn’t care if he attends her wedding, NTA

Skipping the essay for sister’s wedding – NTA wins

Wedding guest denies essay request, wonders about test after ceremony

Commenter calls out sister’s ridiculous essay requirement for wedding attendance.

Family feud over wedding essay. You’re not the a**hole.

Man declines sister’s wedding due to absurd essay requirement

Wedding drama: Commenter defends man’s choice not to write essay.

NTA stands up to entitled sister’s ridiculous wedding demands

Savage response to sister’s entitled wedding demand

Sibling drama at its finest.

27 and still being treated like a child? NTA!

Writing an essay to attend a wedding? Not the a**hole.
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Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team