Meet our 30-year-old ‘Savings Samurai’, who’s been working diligently since he was 16, keeping his costs low and his bank balance high. His dream? To buy his own house. But life throws a curveball in the form of his 23-year-old girlfriend’s college debt. Now, he’s caught between his love and his life savings. Let’s dive into this tale of love, money, and moral dilemmas.
Meet the Savings Samurai

His Debt-Free Dream

Enter the Love Interest

The Financial Burden ️♂️

The Big Ask

The Tough Decision ❌

The Aftermath

The Community Weighs In ️

The Resolution ️

The Future Plans

Love on Hold: A Debt Dilemma Resolved
Our ‘Savings Samurai’ found himself in a real-life soap opera when his girlfriend’s college debt came knocking. Despite the pressure, he stood his ground, refusing to pay a debt he didn’t incur. The silent treatment from his girlfriend followed, but eventually led to a heart-to-heart conversation. The girlfriend understood his stance and promised to resolve the issue with her father and find a job. The man, scarred by his parents’ financial woes, decided to postpone their marriage until they’re both financially stable. A tale of love, money, and tough decisions – let’s see what the internet has to say about this!
“NTA. Run dude. Shes 23 and old enough to know how bills work. Run” – Comment and replies: “I feel like he accidentally adopted her rather than started a relationship…”, “do NOT take this on. I have six-figure debt and I would NOT ask my partner to pay it for me. That’s insane thing to ask someone who isn’t rolling around in money. Why doesn’t she have a job and help with bills? Seems like you both should have several meetings with a financial advisor BEFORE getting married.”, “Errr…But what is a 30 yo doing with a 23 yo? Not saying just because a man should pay for everything if he is way older, but the relationship dynamics with a huge age gap is usually a bit different.”, ”
Still time to run.
No future.”, “I originally left this thread. But thought you might need to know how right these people are”

Is she your child or your partner? Who should pay?

Run before she gets preggers . Mental maturity gap too wide.

Is he a hero or a zero? Discussing financial responsibilities.

Confusion over relationship status, employment, and lack of effort.

NTA… run from this…. Far and fast..

Is he a hero or just a walking wallet?

Dating a younger person: different stages in life, equal ground.
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Red flag alert! Age gap and maturity mismatch in relationship.

NTA. Time for her to be independent and work.

NTA: Red flag! Don’t pay for their debt, reconsider relationship.

NTA: Sugar daddy or supportive partner? Let’s discuss financial independence.

Fiancée’s debt, no job, and no effort. Run away!

Debt dilemma: NTA, but YTA vibes for treating fiancée like child

NTA. Don’t do it!

Red flags: Dad’s interference, financial irresponsibility, and dependency expectations.

NTA – Discussing finances before marriage is crucial.

NTA: Love doesn’t pay the bills

NTA. Don’t pay! Reconsider relationship. She sees you as ATM.
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♂️ Bail now before you get baby trapped! NTA

Fiancée demands you pay her debt instead of buying a house. Time to reconsider?

NTA: Should he pay? Let’s hear what others think!

NTA: Don’t pay her debts! Shouldn’t she contribute too?

Debt drama: whose responsibility is it? Let’s settle this!

Boyfriend refuses to pay fiancée’s college debt: NTA

Partner treating commenter like a parent, not an equal.

NTA. Fiancée’s debt causing doubts. Is she a sugar daddy seeker?

Don’t marry this person. Run while you can! ♀️

NTA: Discuss her plan for handling the debt before marriage.

‘Met her at one of my jobs at a college.’ Power dynamics and questionable ethics.

Age gap drama: Creepy or just misunderstood?

Helping your fiancée with college debt: to invest or not?

YTA. Age matters! Find love, not a sugar baby.

Different backgrounds, same expectations. Study hard or find a job.

NTA: Don’t pay her debt, tell her to get a job!

Debt: the ultimate test of love and commitment. ❤️

NTA: Let her learn financial independence, not rely on bailouts.

NTA stands their ground against fiancée’s college debt. Run!

NTA. Don’t marry her. She’s using you as an ATM.

Daddy’s debt burden: Are you the hero or the zero?

Bro, leave! You’ll be taking care of her forever

Are you her sugar daddy? NTA, but be careful!

NTA: Run dude, run! ♂️

Don’t marry someone who’s financially dependent and in debt!

Red flag! Run from this potential baby trap situation!

Are you being used? Find out what others think!

Dating for money? Is age really just a number?

Jealous of women who get away with debt, NTA op

NTA: Standing up for financial independence

NTA. Run far, run fast.

NTA. Have a financial discussion before marrying. Can you afford her debt?

Run! ♂️ NTA advises fleeing from fiancée’s college debt drama.

Break up with her and stop being a doormat

Split decision: Should he pay or not?

NTA: Discuss expectations with your fiancée before making commitments

Parents passing off debts? NTA, hero or zero?

NTA – Red flag: fiancée not working. Don’t rush marriage.

INFO: NTA. Fair for couple to split expenses based on income.
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NTA! Stand your ground and consider the future implications.

NTA: Living for free and avoiding family responsibilities!

Be her partner, not her sugar daddy. #NTA

NTA. Break up with her and run for the hills! ♂️

NTA, but why isn’t she working?

NTA. Rethink relationship: partner or bank account?


Debt dilemma: NTA, but are you her Sugar Daddy?

NTA, but is the relationship worth the financial burden?

♂️ NTA: Is it time to run from this toxic relationship?

Choose a partner whose values align with yours. ❤

“Gold digger” comment sparks heated debate. Who’s in the wrong?

Don’t pay for her debt! ♂️ You’re NTA. Consider these factors.

Generous or Justified?

Does she contribute to the relationship? Find out her role!

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team