A 35-year-old man is facing backlash after telling his parents he refuses to take care of his disabled sister, Daniella, in order to prioritize his own career and hobbies. Daniella, 33, has Rett syndrome and will never be able to live independently. Growing up, the man and his older brother were forced to be caretakers for Daniella, causing them to miss out on their own childhood experiences. Now, as his parents are getting older, they expect him to step up and care for Daniella again, but he’s had enough. Is he being selfish or is he justified in wanting to live his own life? ♀️
The Childhood Sacrifice
The Burden Shifts
“You Get to See Your Friends Every Day”
Escaping the Caregiver Role ♂️
Parents’ Health Scare
The Care Home Waiting List ⏳
Parents’ Expectations
Career and Hobbies First
Parents’ Disapproval
Standing His Ground
Family and Acquaintances’ Judgement
Accusations of Ableism
Beliefs and Boundaries
The Tough Decision ️
Selfish or Justified: The Verdict
The man’s decision to prioritize his career and hobbies over caring for his disabled sister has sparked a heated debate. While some label him as selfish and ableist, others argue that he’s justified in wanting to live his own life after sacrificing his childhood. It’s a tough call, but one thing is certain: the decision to care for a disabled family member is never an easy one. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. Parents failed all of you miserably. Live your life.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister: justified or selfish? NTA
Family members should step up and help with care. NTA
User defends OP’s decision not to care for disabled sister. NTA
Sibling support despite abusive parents
NTA commenter criticizes parents and suggests care home for sister.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister due to childhood sacrifices. NTA.
Sassy response shuts down critics of not caring for sister
Sibling caretaking is a personal choice. NTA
Prioritizing one’s own life and seeking external help. NTA
Nurse agrees with NTA verdict, siblings not responsible for disabled sister.
Sibling conflict over disabled sister’s care: NTA or ESH?
Sibling feels justified in refusing to care for disabled sister.
NTA. Family with disabled child hired caregivers, didn’t expect sibling help.
Commenter calls out selfish behavior towards disabled sister.
Sibling struggles: NTA for not being sister’s fulltime caregiver.
Sibling refuses to be full-time caretaker for disabled sister. NTA.
NTA: Commenter justified in not caring for disabled sister. ♂️
Putting yourself first is not selfish.
NTA: Don’t judge until you walk a mile in their shoes.
NTA. Family members should volunteer or stuff it. Parents neglected OP.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister: justified or selfish?
Focusing on career instead of caring for disabled sister. NTA.
NTA for refusing to care for disabled sister, parents are TA
Parent of disabled child supports OP’s decision to not be caregiver
Setting boundaries for caregiving is reasonable and not ableist
Choosing not to care for disabled sister – justified?
Standing up for oneself in tough family situations.
NTA blames parents for not preparing for sister’s care needs
Commenter calls out parents for exploiting free labor.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister, justified or selfish?
Parenting a disabled child is tough, but siblings shouldn’t be responsible.
Suggest setting up a special needs trust for sister’s care
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister, suggests 529-A account. NTA
Are the critics willing to provide care?
Refusing to care for disabled sister: Neutral or NTA?
Not the a**hole for refusing to care for sister.
NTA stands up for decision to not care for disabled sister
NTA. Estate planning is important to ensure sister’s adequate care.
Not the a**hole for not wanting to be caretaker
Taking on guardianship, not caregiving, is reasonable. NTA
Defending personal boundaries against family criticism
Putting a disabled family member on a waiting list? NTA.
Live your life for you , without guilt. Best to you.
Disabled commenter supports OP’s decision to not care for sister.
Choosing not to be a caregiver doesn’t make you ableist
Commenter empathizes with OP’s situation and supports their decision ❤️
NTA commenter challenges others to step up and help family
NTA: It’s not your responsibility. Don’t let guilt manipulate you.
NTA for refusing to care for disabled sister. Parents should have planned better.
User defends man’s decision to not care for disabled sister. NTA.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister. NTA wins!
Support for not caring for disabled sibling. NTA
NTA but prioritize your life. Consider moving and not sharing address
NTA. Block the haters and prioritize your own life.
Choosing not to burden siblings with disabled sibling’s care. NTA
Take back your life and don’t feel guilty. NTA
Proposing no contact with family if forced to care for sister.
Parenting a disabled child shouldn’t burden siblings.
NTA. Suggesting others care for sister shuts down critics.
Sibling refuses to care for disabled sister, commenters side with him
Sibling obligations can be overwhelming. NTA for prioritizing self-care.
Parenting a special needs child: Should siblings be responsible? NAH
Prioritizing career over disabled sibling: NTA or heartless?
User defends OP’s decision to not care for disabled sister. ♂️
Redditor sympathizes with OP’s decision not to care for disabled sister
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team