A man’s nephew recently had his tablet stolen after he brought it to school, despite being told not to. The man had given his nephew the tablet for Christmas on the condition that it would not be taken to school. The nephew broke the rules and now wants his uncle to buy him a new one. However, the man is standing by his initial agreement and refuses to purchase a new tablet. Despite this, the man is being called an a**hole by his family for not giving in to his nephew’s demands. The man is struggling to see how he is in the wrong, as he had made the rules clear from the beginning. Read on to find out more about this family dispute.
Loving uncle denies nephew new tablet after school theft

Uncle’s gift of a tablet to nephew leads to school theft.

Uncle sets strict rules for gifted tablet after school theft.

Uncle stands by decision to not replace stolen tablet.

Nephew’s tablet stolen at school, Aunt seeks school’s assistance

Nephew’s stolen tablet case reaches dead end, Aaron upset

Uncle stands his ground after nephew’s tablet is stolen ♂️

Nephew’s stolen tablet: Should uncle reconsider punishment?

Man stands by agreement despite family backlash over stolen tablet.

Man refuses to buy nephew new tablet after school theft
A man is facing backlash from his family after refusing to buy his nephew a new tablet after it was stolen at school. Despite being a father figure to his nephew and buying him the tablet for Christmas, the man had made it clear that taking it to school was not allowed and would result in no replacement if lost or broken. When the tablet was stolen, the man stood by his word and refused to buy a new one, causing his nephew to cry and shut himself in his room. While some family members are calling him an a**hole for not buying a replacement, the man is sticking to his principles and the agreement he made with his nephew. This situation raises questions about the importance of setting boundaries and consequences, even when it may be difficult to follow through. In the next section, we will explore some of the reactions and opinions from the online community about this dilemma.
Nephew’s stolen tablet: NTA suggests making him work for it

Teaching responsibility – NTA, but cheaper tablet for birthday?

Lesson learned through consequences. NTA

Encouraging responsible behavior through financial incentives

Teaching kids consequences can be tough but necessary
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Track the stolen tablet? Check out these tech tips

Don’t reward bad behavior NTA
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Teaching responsibility: Uncle refuses to replace stolen tablet.

Track the stolen tablet with find-my-device feature

Teaching kids responsibility through consequences

Teaching responsibility: Nephew loses tablet, uncle doesn’t replace it.

Consequences, not punishment. NTA for uncle standing his ground.

Teaching responsibility: Nephew learns to value expensive gifts.

Clear boundaries set, nephew disobeyed, NTA for not replacing tablet

Teaching responsibility: Nephew not entitled to new tablet. #NTA ❌

Nephew broke the rule and lost his tablet, NTA for refusing replacement

Teaching responsibility: Nephew’s tablet was stolen, NTA refuses replacement.

Lessons learned . NTA for not replacing stolen tablet.

Teaching responsibility: Nephew suffers consequences after ignoring instructions

Teaching responsibility: Nephew’s tablet was stolen, NTA uncle refused replacement.

Don’t be an enabler. Let them learn from their mistakes

Check your home insurance policy for lost items coverage

Teaching consequences to entitled nephew. NTA

Teaching responsibility – Uncle’s tough love approach

Teaching consequences: Uncle refuses to replace stolen tablet. #NTA

Setting boundaries pays off, but have you tried using tracking apps?

Lesson learned. School is a closed community, keep an ear open

Rule-breaker nephew doesn’t deserve a new tablet. NTA

Spoiling a 12-year-old? Not the a**hole move, IMO.

Nephew’s entitled behavior prompts uncle to refuse new tablet purchase ♂️

Teaching the value of hard work

Parenting lesson: Hold the line, but offer opportunities to earn.
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Motivating kids to read and do chores with rewards

Keeping your word – uncle refuses to buy new tablet

Setting boundaries with ungrateful family members.

Teaching financial responsibility early
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Teaching kids accountability: NTA uncle refuses to replace stolen tablet

Spoiling kids can hinder their ability to budget and save

Encouraging work ethic in children pays off in the long run ✍️

Setting boundaries is reasonable. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise #NTA

Suggests tracking device & police involvement for stolen tablet situation ️

Clear rules were set and earning the money for a new tablet is fair
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/14010ef3-5325-4629-924e-b44f37ce1a82.png)
Uncle stands his ground after nephew loses tablet at school ♂️

Teaching a lesson or being unfair? NTA stands firm.

A responsible 13-year-old suggests nephew learn money management.

Teaching responsibility: Nephew’s stolen tablet – learning opportunity for him

Teaching responsibility Nephew learns the hard way

Teaching responsibility: NTA refuses to buy stolen tablet for nephew

Nephew broke the rule, no new tablet. Hard lessons matter

Adults shouldn’t have to replace stolen items #NTA ♂️

Teaching kids the hard lessons

Teaching responsibility with incentives can lead to success.

Teaching kids consequences and the value of money.

Nephew breaks promise, no new tablet. Sister and mom mad

Teaching responsibility: Nephew’s stolen tablet doesn’t deserve a replacement ♂️

Teaching a lesson or being cheap? NTA comment thread.

Son’s determination to earn and build a gaming PC inspires
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4ad78f2f-9c9e-4cc3-90cb-d4eec67b6e40.png)
Teaching consequences: Uncle refuses to replace stolen tablet.

Valuable lessons over material possessions

School should ensure safety of student’s belongings, NTA for uncle.

Teaching responsibility: Nephew broke the rule, no new iPad.

Teaching the value of hard work and responsibility.

Commenter defends man’s decision not to buy new tablet.

Mom catches neighbor’s kids stealing son’s prized DS, breaks it in front of them

Setting boundaries with family can be tough

Encouraging suggestions for a nephew to earn money for new tablet

Teaching responsibility , NTA uncle enforces consequences for broken rule.

Teaching boundaries and responsibility.

Uncle stands his ground after nephew’s tablet gets stolen. NTA

Teaching responsibility and value of belongings through consequences.

Teaching responsibility and independence

Setting boundaries is important.

Choosing not to replace stolen tablet, but still a great aunt

Uncle justified in not buying new tablet after nephew’s theft

Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team