Imagine buying a beautiful old red brick house, only to find out you’ve also purchased the entire alley behind it! That’s exactly what happened to one homeowner, who decided to take matters into his own hands after neighbors started making demands. Let’s dive into this dramatic tale of property rights and neighborhood feuds.
Surprise Alley Ownership

Double-Checking the Facts

Neighbor’s Initial Reaction

Trying to Keep the Peace ️

Threats and Plowing ️

Courthouse Conversations ️

Locking It Up

Trespass Warning Signs ⚠️

Neighbors’ Fury

Settling a Debate

Edit: Responding to Comments

Garages in the Alley

Waiting to Edit

Possible Future Updates

Alley Drama Unfolds
So, our alley-owning protagonist found himself in quite the predicament! After discovering he owned the entire alley, he tried to keep the peace with his neighbors. But when they started making demands and threats, he decided enough was enough and locked the alley up tight. Now, the neighbors are furious, and even his family thinks he’s in the wrong. But one thing’s for sure – he’s not backing down! Let’s see what the internet has to say about this wild situation…
Neighbor threatened to sue, OP blocked access, NTA. Problem solved.

Neighbor locks up alley, sparks debate over property rights

Neighbor threatens to sue, OP blocks alley, hilarity ensues

OP’s ‘joke’ about being the ‘alley landlord’ set a bad tone. ESH.

Neighbor praised for taking extreme measures to protect property.

Neighbor defends man’s decision to lock alley for safety reasons.

Neighbor calls out OP for being a massive AH

Is owning a section of an alley even legal?

Neighbor predicts lawsuit over alley lockdown. YTA receives backlash.

Being an a**hole is better than being sued

Neighbor warns of legal consequences, calls OP an a**hole.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
OP’s joke caused outrage and locked up alley

Neighbor conflict over blocked alley, ESH with bigger AHs.

Joke about rent led to a snowball of misunderstandings. ESH

Neighbor calls out alley owner for blocking garage access
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Legal advice? Talk to a real estate lawyer �

Neighbor’s alley lockdown causes outrage and triple YTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Legal battle possible due to implied easement on property

Neighbors with garages affected, but not all. NAH.

Neighbor locks up alley, sparks legal debate

Neighbor calls out OP for locking up alley, warns of legal consequences

Neighbor raises valid point about right of way access. OP may be responsible for maintenance.

Neighbor questions if garages can be accessed, defends ‘alley baron’

Locking up property can be a burden, but is necessary
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Neighbor calls out OP’s spiteful behavior, predicts negative outcome.

Neighbor calls out OP for being a scummy landlord type

Neighbor calls out YTA for insensitive rent joke

Neighbors concerned about safety after alley is locked up

Neighbors demand payment for alley, OP locks it up. ESH

Neighborhood feud escalates as OP blocks neighbors’ garages. YTA.

Important reminder about owning and blocking off alleys in SoCal

Neighbor suggests legal alternatives to locking up alleyway.

Neighbor calls out OP for blocking off access to garages

Neighbor calls out entitled man with YTA comment

Neighbors’ outrage over locked alley may have been a joke

Neighbor calls out alley-locker with a YTA and legal threat ️

Neighbor calls out selfishness and greed in locking alleyway ♂️

Neighbor calls out man for locking up alley, suggests warning signs.

OP called out for hiding info and being the a**hole

Commenter called out for leaving out important information

Gates divide neighbors as legal action looms

Neighbor calls out man for immature behavior and lack of social skills

Neighbor feud escalates over alley plowing and rent.

Legal action needed?

Redditors call out OP’s bias, agree YTA

Neighbor calls out OP for being a j**k and denying access

Curious NTA asks about neighbors’ use of alley, sparking concern

Neighbor accuses man of being an a**hole for blocking alley

Neighbor calls out YTA for blocking alley, suggests snow removal fund

Both parties acted immaturely and legal consequences may follow.

Neighbors escalate tensions over alley usage, ESH.

Neighbor’s garages blocked by alley lock, OP NTA?

Neighbor wonders if alley will become pay-to-use after lockout

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team