A 34-year-old man shares his story of dealing with his wife’s chronic lateness. Despite being married for five years, her inability to be punctual has caused tension in their relationship. The man’s patience finally runs out when they go to the mall to catch a movie, and he ends up leaving her behind. Was he right to take a stand, or did he go too far?
Married for Five Years

Wife’s Chronic Lateness ⏳

An Anxious Husband

No Awareness of Others ⌛

Losing Friends Over Lateness ♀️

A Night at the Movies

Shopping Before the Movie ️

“Hang On” Means… ⏰

Missing the Previews

Walking Away ♂️

Missing the Beginning ️

Wife’s Reaction

An Awkward Drive Home

Tough Love or Too Far?

A Stand Against Chronic Lateness: Justified or Cruel?
A husband’s patience runs out as he deals with his wife’s chronic lateness. After years of frustration, he finally takes a stand by leaving her at the mall when she takes too long shopping before a movie. While he believes it was tough love, his wife is left hurt and upset. Was he justified in his actions, or did he go too far? Share your thoughts and reactions below.
Managing a chronically late partner: NTA’s strategy to follow through.

Chronic lateness or chronic disrespect? NTA leaves wife at mall

Don’t let chronically late people disrespect your time

Man leaves wife at mall for taking too long: NTA

Wife left at the mall for being late to the movies

OP leaves wife at mall for being late to movie

Man leaves wife at mall for taking too long , but was he NTA? Discussion on missed movie.

Husband leaves wife at mall for taking too long

NTA for leaving, but fundamental incompatibility suggests rethinking the marriage.

Chronic lateness is a serious problem that needs to be addressed

Discussing boundaries and respect in relationships

Spouse’s lack of concern for time leads to justified departure ⏳

NTA for leaving wife at mall. She needs to value others’ time and wear a watch. Replies suggest some struggle with time estimation.

When you’re always late, can you blame someone for leaving? ⏳

Commenter defends leaving spouse at mall, sparks debate

Chronic lateness can be inconsiderate, leaving her was justified. NTA

Chronic lateness is a battle. Was he right to leave?

Lesson learned: Be on time or get left behind ⏰

Partner’s shopping habits causing conflict: NTA or ESH?

Spouse left at mall for being late: justified or not?

Spouse chronically late? Accept, therapy or manipulative behavior?

Wife ditches movie for shopping, husband leaves her at mall. NTA.

Man leaves wife at mall for taking too long

Chronic lateness is disrespectful. Leaving might be the only cure.

Friendship in jeopardy due to chronic lateness

NTA for leaving wife at mall, but communication is key

Late wife at the mall: NTA’s blunt approach to compliance.

Husband leaves wife at mall for being late

Spouse left at mall for being late: NTA or ESH?

Friend tricks chronically late person, NTA for leaving wife.

Movie over shopping? NTA leaves wife at mall.

Partner’s ADHD not an excuse for disrespecting other’s time.

Man leaves wife at mall for being late to movie
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/6a98e943-c022-454d-bbab-546dd8ecf76b.png)
Spouse left at mall for taking too long. NTA wins.

Leaving your spouse at the mall? NTA or ESH?

Spouse left at mall for taking too long: NTA wins.

Commenter admits flaw, supports leaving wife at mall for disrespect.

Putting yourself first for half a decade? NTA, apparently.

Putting yourself first or being selfish? NTA sparks debate

Leaving your spouse at the mall? Justified or not?

Movie date gone wrong: Man leaves wife at mall

Respect others’ time. NTA leaves wife at mall for lateness.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/44b3f4de-6629-4df5-885e-78c61e404f5d.png)
Marriage and time management – a recipe for disaster? ⏳

Standing up to entitled behavior

Partner’s chronic lateness can be frustrating, NTA for leaving.

Standing up for yourself: NTA for leaving wife at mall

Taking a stand or being impatient? NTA or ESH?

Leaving your spouse at the mall? NTA but communication is key

Taking a stand against chronic lateness

Spouse left at mall for being self-centered? NTA

Trick to deal with chronically late people ⏳

Setting boundaries is important, but communication is key for resolution.

When waiting for your partner becomes too much

Compromise is key. Leaving after warning seems like a fair solution.

Partner’s shopping habits causing trouble? Consider ADHD or breakup.

Don’t wait for anyone, just go!

Managing time for shopping but not for SO is disrespectful

Breaking up over lateness? NTA, but communication is key.

Respect for plans or disrespect for spouse? NTA verdict.

Spouse left wife at mall for being late: NTA or ESH?

Taking a stand against self-centered behavior

Leaving your spouse at the mall? NTA or ESH?

Ouch! Harsh truth about marriage compatibility.

Late wife wastes time, husband leaves at mall. NTA?

Setting boundaries for leaving events can prevent future conflicts. NAH

Being punctual is important, but is it worth ending a marriage?

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team