Imagine having to choose between your spouse’s happiness and your career. That’s exactly what happened to a 28-year-old man who found himself in a sticky situation. His wife (27), a recent medical school graduate, was excited to attend a graduation event, but it conflicted with the husband’s crucial work trip. The couple made a plan to leave the party early, but things didn’t go as planned. Let’s dive into the story and see how it all unfolded. ✈️
The Graduation Party
Last-Minute Invite
Wife’s Excitement
The Work Trip Dilemma
High Stakes
Party and Flight Timing ⏰
Wife Insists on Attending
The Plan
Time to Leave, but Wife Stalls ⏳
Old Crush Interferes
Husband Confronts Crush
Wife Ignores Husband
Husband Leaves for Airport ✈️
Angry Texts from Wife
Husband’s Perspective
Tense Times and Therapy Talk
Since the incident in June, the couple has been on tense terms. The wife brings up the event frequently and even suggests therapy so the husband can “learn how to behave in a marriage.” However, the husband believes she should take accountability for causing the problem in the first place. Was he right to leave her at the party to save his career, or should he have stayed with her? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA for prioritizing job over wife’s immature partying behavior
NTA. Wife disregarded plans, disrespected OP, and ignored snide comments.
“NTA, the disrespect is divorce material. She showed zero regard.”
NTA. Marriage counseling might help her see her own faults.
NTA: Wife’s immature behavior jeopardizes husband’s career. Job consequences imminent.
NTA for leaving wife, but therapy needed to resolve relationship stress
NTA: Wife’s behavior jeopardized job, let another man insult husband
NTA. Time and plane schedules > her feelings. Couples counseling?
Commenter questions what the wife expected, sparks heated debate
NTA. Couples therapy may help your wife understand accountability
Speculation of infidelity and shared frustrations in the comment section
NTA, therapy can help her understand your perspective and feelings
NTA, seek therapy to improve communication and save your marriage
NTA. Blatant disregard for your needs and still blaming you?
NTA. Wife’s behavior questionable. Possible affair. Did you get promotion?
Flight delay causes conflict: NTA for leaving wife behind? ✈️
NTA: Wife ignores husband while another guy hits on her
NTA. You compromised by going to the party, with the agreement that you’d leave on time. You made it very clear to her when you wanted to leave.
NTA. Therapy can help resolve the conflict and validate you.
NTA. Relationship red flags: lack of trust, self-centeredness, and disrespect.
NTA. Wife prioritizes party over husband’s job. Counseling may help.
NTA: Wife prioritizes socializing over husband’s job, infuriating both
Will he save his job or get fired?
NTA. She’s using you until she finishes residency
Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team