Imagine going on a vacation with your significant other, only to find out they’ve been cheating on you! That’s exactly what happened to one guy who went on a trip with his girlfriend of 5 years. They were enjoying their time together in Tennessee, but things took a dramatic turn when he discovered some incriminating messages on her phone.
A Romantic Getaway
The Cute Accent
The Trip Begins
Exploring Tennessee ️
Suspicious Messages
The Shocking Reply
The Unthinkable Happens
Confrontation Time!
Breaking Point
The Decision
Blocking Her Out
Accusations Fly ️
Legal Threats
His Defense ️
The Situation
The Aftermath: Legal Trouble or Justified Actions?
So now our heartbroken protagonist faces potential legal trouble for leaving his cheating girlfriend stranded in another state. He argues that he didn’t owe her a ride home after discovering her betrayal, and he left her in a safe hotel, not a dangerous situation. But with threats of a criminal case and a lawsuit, the drama is far from over. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this intense situation…
Defining criminal negligence, NTA leaves cheating girlfriend stranded on vacation
No grace for cheaters.
Stranded cheating girlfriend gets what she deserves, no sympathy here
No law against leaving a cheating partner stranded. NTA wins.
Handling a cheating girlfriend like a boss!
Cheating girlfriend left stranded, commenters side with man.
Cheating girlfriend gets what she deserves.
Ex-girlfriend stranded on vacation, commenter advises to sue parents.
Abandoned cheater left safe in hotel room, got what deserved
Tennessean shows empathy and suggests cool places to visit despite breakup.
User questions authenticity of story and suggests more communication beforehand.
Blocking her and her family is the right move. NTA
Leaving a cheating girlfriend on vacation? NTA, says commenter.
Cheating girlfriend left stranded, gets no sympathy from commenters
No danger, no theft, no problem!
Boundaries were not discussed, overreaction by leaving her stranded.
The odds of receiving an unsolicited d**k pic are high
Cheating girlfriend not stranded, NTA for leaving her behind.
21st century Tennessee logic: Order a plane ticket and Uber ️
NTA but littering is still a crime
Cheating or not, leaving was the best thing to do
Confusion over details but sympathy for the situation. ♂️
No legal obligation to drive her home. You’re in the clear!
Morality vs. revenge: Is leaving a cheater stranded justified?
A commenter defends the man’s actions and insults the girlfriend.
Legal repercussions unlikely for leaving cheating girlfriend on vacation.
Michigan officer confirms legality of leaving cheating girlfriend stranded. NTA.
Doubting authenticity, cautioning against jumping to conclusions.
Debate over whether leaving cheating girlfriend on vacation was justified.
NTA. Leaving her on vacation was justified. No damages incurred.
Don’t worry, OP. Move on with your life. ♂️
Taking a stand against cheating with a long-distance twist
No sympathy for cheating girlfriend left stranded, she’s an adult ♀️
User questions vague wording and warns against trusting strangers online.
Cheating girlfriend left stranded on vacation, no sympathy from commenter
Legal ≠ Not an a**hole move. YTA for leaving her stranded.
Debate over whether girlfriend’s actions constitute cheating. ESH.
Mature or not, leaving a cheating partner is always tough
Leaving a cheating girlfriend alone in a hotel room. NTA
Skeptical comment questions the story’s plausibility and heroism
Cheating girlfriend left stranded on vacation, NTA strikes back
Don’t be a drama Dan. YTA for abandoning her.
Leaving a cheating girlfriend on vacation: NTA, F cheaters!
NTA. Stranded cheater with a weak excuse and criminal negligence
Stranded cheater’s mom mad, but no legal consequences for OP.
Left cheating girlfriend and her kids at Disneyland. NTA.
No case for suing, she’s an adult in safe location
Leaving a cheating girlfriend stranded is justified. Stay strong
Leaving a cheater on vacation? NTA but maybe too harsh
Cheating girlfriend tries to press charges and take money. Yikes
NTA leaves cheating girlfriend stranded on vacation, comment approves
NTA leaves cheating girlfriend stranded, ex dodges bullet in style
Hilarious comment, tell that ex to get lost!
Cheating girlfriend stranded, gets what she deserves. NTA
Choosing revenge or forgiveness? The high road is better. ️
Karma strikes back! NTA for leaving a cheating girlfriend stranded.
Retaliation is a biotch. Strike hard. NTA
Standing up to toxic family members.
Legal revenge on cheating girlfriend?
Satisfying revenge on cheating girlfriend.
Parents in denial over cheating daughter, commenter supports stranded ex.
Last Updated on February 26, 2024 by Diply Social Team