Meet our protagonist, a 46-year-old man who found himself in a sticky situation with his girlfriend and her daughter. He had been living a peaceful life with his girlfriend, May, and her daughter, Alice, until things took a dramatic turn. Alice fell pregnant, and our hero found himself unwilling to play the role of a grandfather. What followed was a whirlwind of drama and hard decisions. Let’s dive into his story.
A Happy Family…Until…
The Unexpected Guest
And Then There Were Three
A Shocking Revelation
The Hard Truth
A Compromise?
The Uninvited Guest
The Culprit Revealed
The Confrontation
The Fallout
The Final Straw
The Aftermath
The Legal Battle
The Question
A Family Torn Apart: The Shocking Conclusion
Our protagonist found himself in a whirlwind of drama, forced to make a tough call as he navigated through the murky waters of family, relationships, and personal boundaries. After discovering Alice’s unauthorized stay at his beach house, he decided to take drastic measures, leading to a shocking eviction and a broken relationship. The question remains, was he justified in his actions or did he go too far? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation… ️♀️
NTA- Clear conditions, but breakup method was s****y. ESH in communication.
NTA. Alice and May broke your trust and took advantage.
ESH: Illegal evictions, secret living arrangements, and a messy breakup.
“NTA for kicking them out, but be careful with legalities!”
ESH. Cold dynamics, eviction without notice, and taking advantage.
Cold and rigid man kicks pregnant daughter and girlfriend out.
NTA: No sympathy for irresponsible choices during a pandemic.
ESH: The father, pregnant daughter, and girlfriend all made mistakes.
NTA. They underestimated you. Good riddance!
ESH. Step kid, mom, and you all made mistakes.
“NTA. Surprised problem behavior didn’t pop up earlier. Entitlement? “
NTA: Setting boundaries and rules within your home is fair.
♂️ Breaking up with your girlfriend: was it really that bad?
ESH: Father kicks out pregnant daughter and girlfriend, legal consequences.
NTA for kicking her out, but YTA for breaking up over the phone.
Heartless eviction? YTA for tossing out girlfriend’s things unceremoniously.
ESH: Illegal actions make for a messy and complicated situation.
NTA, but throwing things out the window? Awful manners!
NTA. Kicking her out protected your property and rights.
ESH: A tangled web of AHs and bad decisions. ️
ESH with a heavy smattering of YTA. Sheesh, ego inflation!
NTA – Daughter and girlfriend moved in without permission.
Heartbreak and betrayal: A cold ending to a 3-year relationship. ESH. ❄️
ESH for kicking out two women during a pandemic.
Everyone s***s here. Drama unfolds in family dispute.
INFO: Why didn’t you offer her your property for rent?
ESH / INFO – OP feels betrayed and violated by girlfriend’s actions
ESH: Father kicks out pregnant daughter and girlfriend, but lacks empathy.
Mixed feelings: ESH, not wrong but not a good person ♂️
Everyone s***s here. Drama unfolds in family dispute.
YTA for kicking out your girlfriend and her daughter without notice
Huge a**hole kicks out pregnant gf and her kid. Lack of compassion?
Legally right, but still an a**hole. Heartless move, dude.
Kicking out family: justified but done in a s****y way. ESH.
ESH. Shades of gray in a heartless situation
NTA – They broke the rules and disrespected your property. ️
Everyone s***s here. Drama unfolds in family dispute.
ESH. Daughter invited without permission, but kicking out girlfriend seems harsh.
Cowardly breakup? Everyone s***s here.
ESH: May, Alice, and the father all made mistakes.
“NTA, but struggling to understand the disconnect…”
YTA: Commenter calls out OP for mistreating girlfriend. OP defends.
Waiting for the shocking twist in this family drama…
Is this a fictional troll or a real-life drama?
Everyone s***s here. Drama unfolds in family dispute.
ESH. Breaking up over the phone and evicting them? Dickmove.
NTA: Cut her off! What is she even thinking?
Heartless or justified? Man kicks out pregnant daughter and girlfriend.
NTA, but consider letting GF pack her own things
“YTA” – When being right doesn’t make you any less of an a**hole.
NTA for kicking them out. Heartless breakup after 3 years.
YTA ruins lives of homeless pregnant woman and ex-girlfriend.
ESH: Their behavior s***s, but illegal eviction could lead to lawsuits
NTA! Unbelievable behavior! Press charges against them for sure!
Cold-hearted man kicks out pregnant daughter.
ESH: A**hole dad, pregnant woman in danger, and pressing charges
NTA, but throwing belongings out is petty and possibly illegal
Debate on abortion and family patterns sparks intense discussion.
Everyone s***s here. Drama unfolds in family dispute.
Is he heartless or just a j**k? You decide.
ESH, but you’re way more wrong. Expect consequences.
Everyone s***s here. Drama alert!
Kicking out a pregnant woman during a pandemic: Heartless or justified?
Last Updated on September 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team