Meet our protagonist, a self-made 30-year-old who’s worked hard to be where he is. He’s got a younger brother, the ‘spoiled prince’ of the family, who’s been living off his parents’ wealth. When the prince falls on hard times, our hero opens his doors, only to be met with disrespect and utter chaos. Let’s dive into this rollercoaster of a story, where family ties are tested and boundaries are crossed.
The Self-Made Hero and the Spoiled Prince

The Prince’s Fall from Grace

The Prince’s Unruly Behavior

The Prince’s Tinderella Moves In

The Unthinkable Happens!

The Final Straw

The Prince’s Pleas Fall on Deaf Ears

Family Backlash

A Family Feud Ignites
Our protagonist’s act of kindness turns into a nightmare when his brother and his new girlfriend take over his apartment, leaving him locked out of his own room. When pleas and threats fall on deaf ears, he takes the drastic step of calling the police. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, his family turns against him, with 90% labeling him as the villain! Let’s see what the internet has to say about this explosive family drama…
“NTA your brother is a piece of work and clearly cut from the same cloth as your parents oh my god”

NTA kicks out freeloading brother, sparks debate over family loyalty

NTA. Brother kicked out, but is he entitled to accommodation?

Heartless or justified? Laughing at awful parents’ priorities.

NTA. Entitled monster created by family. Deal with it.
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Family guilt trips OP for kicking out freeloading brother

NTA. You are 100% not the a**hole.

Heartless or justified? Commenter says NTA, they’re just freeloading!

Changing locks to claim apartment? NTA brother vs entitled a**hole.

Questioning the authenticity of the story and its purpose.

NTA. Heavy entitlement and consequences for freeloading brother. Congrats!

Questioning the legitimacy of the eviction process.

YTA called out for suspicious behavior. Quick lock-changing skills questioned.

NTA. Strongly standing up against entitled family members.

Cutting toxic ties: Going solo and leaving negativity behind. ✂️

Absolutely NTA. No room for freeloaders!

NTA. Family can be tough. Sorry yours s***s.

YTA for baiting, but let’s see how others react!

NTA. Brother deserved a beating, but you took the high road.

NTA. Actions have consequences. Family volunteers but doesn’t help.

Freeloading brother steals apartment, lucky you didn’t press charges!

NTA. Brother’s freeloading: let parents deal with their mess.

NTA: Breaking free from entitlement and toxic family dynamics.

Lease confusion: Who’s the real owner?

NTA: You handled it well. Relatives can take him in.

Outrageous! Family takes the side of the freeloading brother? NTA!

NTA! Cut and dry! Live your life, good on you!

Eye-rolling at yet another entitled relative taking over someone’s home

NTA vs Entitled Brother: Who’s the real a**hole?

Lack of imagination makes for a dull story.

Different countries have different housing arrangements.

NTA! Your brother’s entitlement is outrageous. Cut ties, move on.

NTA. Brother is a piece of work. Parents should kick him too

NTA: Brother needs to grow tf up.

NTA: Brother deserved to be kicked out.

NTA: Brother’s entitlement, his problem. Step up or shut up!

Enabler parents? NTA! Your place, your rules. Kick ’em out!

NTA: Family entitlement and a cruise? Insanely clear you’re justified!

NTA. Brother’s freeloading behavior crosses all boundaries. Time for tough love.

NTA: The audacity of people! Selfishness at its finest.

NTA: Family drama at its finest. Cut ties and move on.

NTA: Set boundaries with family. Your place, your rules.

NTA: Brother mooches off parents and me, girlfriend was final straw

Family feud: Who’s the real a**hole?

Is the comment accusing the story of being fake?

Another post about a**hole siblings. You’re not the AH.

Lock change without going out? Restraining order advice needed!

NTA: Weekly requirement for kicking out freeloading siblings?

Audacious brother gets kicked out. NTA or jacka**?

Stick with the 10% good family members

Teaching respect: NTA kicks out freeloading brother for cruise.

NTA: Brother’s eviction sparks fiery debate among commenters.

NTA kicks out freeloading brother, offers to send him elsewhere
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NTA. You’re a saint and he was lucky to have you.

Heartless or justified? NTA, he needed to go.

NTA. Family members can take in the freeloaders themselves

NTA, good riddance to them.

Heartwarming comment about being an orphan and not the a**hole.

NTA: Cut ties with freeloading brother, prioritize your own happiness.

NTA. Stand up for yourself, even if it means eviction!

NTA!!!! Cut off any family that thinks you weren’t generous.

NTA. Kicked out greedy, selfish brother. Dodged eviction process!

Heartless or justified? Commenter says NTA.

Heartless or justified? Commenter says NTA.
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Cutting off toxic family: NTA. Sometimes, self-care comes first.
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NTA- Don’t let hypocrites guilt trip you. Good riddance!

Family drama: when bridges burn, it’s time to call cops

Kicked out the leech, now keeping him out. NTA!
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Family upset because they don’t want him in their house
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NTA: Kick out the freeloader and let parents handle it.

Cutting off toxic family? NTA!

NTA kicks out freeloading brother, audacity to lock you out.

Heartless or justified? NTA kicks out freeloading brother.

Brother takes over apartment, locks out owner. NTA wins!

NTA: Brother drama – not your monkey, not your circus!

NTA: Family drama and freeloading siblings
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NTA. Family betrayal hurts.

NTA! You stood up for yourself and did the right thing!

Family responsibility? NTA. Let them take care of him.

NTA: Cut them off and let the church work miracles

Last Updated on December 29, 2023 by Diply Social Team