A couple’s road trip to the airport with their brother-in-law, Gary, quickly escalates into a heated conflict over smoking in the car. Despite agreeing to give Gary a ride, the couple finds themselves at odds with him when he insists on lighting up a cigarette. This tense situation leads to a dramatic decision that leaves Gary stranded and the couple questioning whether they were in the right.
The Ride and the Plan

Turning it into a Fun Weekend

The Smoking Dilemma

Car Smell Concerns

Gary’s Defiance

The Ultimatum ⚠️

Wife’s Support ✊

Gary’s Last Chance

Brake Check and Pull Over

The Confrontation

Standing Firm

Gary’s Irate Texts

Family Reactions

Parents’ and Sister’s Views

Were They Right to Kick Him Out?
After a dramatic confrontation, the couple kicks their brother-in-law out of the car for refusing to respect their no-smoking rule. With Gary stranded and the family divided, the couple wonders if they were in the wrong. Share your thoughts and reactions below!
NTA for kicking out r**e and entitled BIL who disregarded your car rules

Smoking brother-in-law kicked out of car during road trip. NTA.

Non-smoker kicks out inconsiderate smoker brother-in-law

Enforcing smoking rules in your car is fair.

NTA for kicking out brother-in-law for smoking in car

NTA. Consequences for actions, even for adults.

Former smokers agree: cigarette smoke is overpowering and foul-smelling

Setting boundaries and teaching lessons . Brother-in-law learns respect.

Unanimous decision: commenter is NTA and brother-in-law is a j**k

Man gets kicked out of car over cigarette request

Smoking in someone’s car without permission? NTA did the right thing

Chain smoker brings drinks on car rides to cope

Kicking out r**e brother-in-law over cigarettes, NTA wins.

Commenter finds the story funny and agrees with the verdict

Chain smoker supports kicking brother-in-law out of car over cigarette.

Support for NTA who kicked out smoker brother-in-law

Smoking brother-in-law kicked out of car: NTA wins

Commenter and replies call out fake story with humor
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3b6bdfd5-1a65-48d7-8956-f5b67ae7f146.png)
NTA kicks out smoker from car, shocked Pikachu face ensues

Commenter supports kicking out brother-in-law over cigarette dispute.

Smoker defends kicking brother-in-law out of car over cigarette dispute

Smoking brother-in-law gets kicked out of car. NTA wins.

Smoking brother-in-law gets kicked out of car

Respectful smoker shares car etiquette, sparks no debate

Kicking out a smoker from your car? NTA strikes again

Commenter calls out cigarette smokers for selfish behavior at work.

No regrets. Not the a**hole for standing up for himself.

Respectful smoker supports kicking out brother-in-law over cigarette dispute

No regrets kicking out brother-in-law over cigarette dispute

Set your rules and stick to them.

Commenter takes a hard stance against smoking, supports OP’s actions.

Vaping couple respects others, BIL acts entitled over cigarette dispute

Man asserts his right to no smoking in his car.

Smoking etiquette: NTA respects non-smoker’s boundaries
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2d31c30f-5e72-4b8c-aeb4-a470d4443ce2.png)
Smoking etiquette: NTA sets boundaries for smoking in cars.

Respect boundaries or get kicked out #NTA

Former smoker supports kicking out brother-in-law for smoking in car

Respecting rules is important, even if it’s inconvenient.

Setting boundaries and respecting them. NTA wins in Minnesota

Agree that smoking in a car is terrible for resale value

Sounds like a real joy to be around

Minnesotans unite against cigarette stench in cars

Setting boundaries with family: NTA kicks brother-in-law out

Smoker stands up for their right to smoke in their car

Kicking out brother-in-law over cigarette dispute in Minnesota winter.

Considerate smoker asks permission, yet still kicked out of car

Debate over kicking brother-in-law out of car over cigarette dispute.

Commenter approves of kicking brother-in-law out of car

Short and sweet, this commenter agrees with the action taken.

Respect the rules or pay the price

Former smoker defends kicking out entitled brother-in-law over cigarette.

Agree or disagree? Non-smoker kicks out smoker from car

Considerate smoker puts others first, earns NTA judgement

Smoking dispute leads to brother-in-law being kicked out

Respectful smoker shows consideration for non-smoker’s car
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7a8c7212-1e25-477e-bf77-8b4f40de7651.png)
Kicking out brother-in-law over cigarette dispute: justified or not?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/960214db-e88f-4362-b60d-c8072a478d16.png)
Non-smoker questions brother-in-law’s behavior over cigarette dispute

Setting boundaries with family over smoking.

Commenter supports man’s actions with a sassy remark

Commenter finds brother-in-law’s cigarette dispute hilarious

Former smoker condemns entitled smokers, supports brother-in-law’s actions

Respect the car owner’s rules. NTA for kicking out smoker

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team