Imagine finding the perfect engagement ring for your partner, only for your friends to call you a cheapskate. That’s what happened to one man who decided to use a sentimental ring his girlfriend had lost to propose. The ring, originally gifted by her late grandmother, held a deep emotional connection for the couple. But now, the man is left questioning his decision after his friends criticized him for not buying a new ring. Let’s dive into this heartwarming yet controversial story. ❤️
The Perfect Proposal Plan
The Lost Ring and a Broken Heart
A Christmas Idea
The Search for the Ring
The Ring is Found!
The Big Reveal to Friends
The Ring’s Sentimental Value
Friends’ Criticism
Doubts and Fears
EDIT: The Internet’s Advice
The Surprise Factor
A Sentimental Proposal or a Cheapskate Move?
This man thought he had the perfect proposal plan by using a sentimental ring his girlfriend had lost, given to her by her late grandmother. However, his friends called him a cheapskate for not buying a new ring and questioned if the gesture would taint the ring’s original meaning. Now, he’s left doubting his decision and considering offering to go ring shopping after the proposal. But will his girlfriend appreciate the sentimental value or see it as a cheap move? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation… ❤️
Offer to propose with found ring and pick out a new one together.
Proposing with found ring, but unsure if gf wants it. Suggestions?
Proposal advice: “Found the ring! Let’s choose one together.”
Regifting a lost ring as an engagement ring? NAH, but risky
Returning the ring ASAP is a safe bet
Proposal with lost ring: Soft YTA, get a new ring.
Using her lost ring as an engagement ring? YTA, say commenters.
Commenter suggests OP should buy a new ring with girlfriend
Propose with the ring and offer to buy a new one
Man’s proposal with GF’s family ring sparks YTA controversy
Proposal with lost ring deemed cheap by commenters
Returning the ring as an engagement ring? YTA move.
Man proposes with lost ring, called a cheapskate. YTA comment.
Man proposes with lost ring, called a cheapskate. YTA verdict.
Man criticized for not telling girlfriend he found lost ring ♂️
Discussion on engagement ring etiquette and thoughtful proposal ideas
Man holds onto lost ring for proposal, friends call him a**hole
Man wants to propose with lost ring, but YTA according to commenters
Proposal with lost ring called cheap, insensitive
Proposal with lost ring sparks debate on appropriateness.
Ring found, but is it a good idea to propose?
Consider asking her how she feels about using the lost ring
Suggesting honesty and caution to avoid a proposal disaster
Friends caution against using sentimental ring for proposal
Suggests proposing with found ring, buying traditional one together later
Timing of proposal questioned, potential for upset girlfriend
Using grandma’s ring for proposal: YTA or NAH?
Proposing with a lost ring? Soft YTA, it’s cruel to keep it.
Return the ring and talk to her about proposal preferences.
Proposal with found ring? YWBTA, give her a new one
Using her grandmother’s lost ring for proposal: YTA says commenter.
Proposal with lost ring? Offer to go ring shopping together!
Family approves of using lost ring as engagement ring, propose away!
Man finds lost ring to propose, but friends call him YTA
Commenter calls out man for proposing with girlfriend’s sentimental ring.
Man gets called out for not buying fiancee a ring
Man proposes with wrong ring, called a cheapskate. YTA.
Proposal with lost ring may not be the best idea
Commenter criticizes man for proposing with grandma’s ring, calls it inappropriate
Proposal with lost ring is a bad idea, YTA.
Proposal with lost ring? Soft YTA, consider alternatives.
Suggests gifting grandmother’s ring before proposing with a new ring
Timing is everything. Propose now and give her the ring
Partner holds onto lost ring to propose, called YTA
Proposal advice backfires, labeled YTA for not buying new ring
Mixed feelings about proposal ring found and returned to girlfriend
Sweet proposal idea, give her option to shop for ring ❤️
Proposing with her lost ring? YWBTA, friends call you cheapskate
Proposal with lost ring not cool, return it to her. YTA.
YTA returns lost ring to propose, friends call him cheap
Commenter thinks proposing with lost ring is wrong. No replies.
Engagement rings don’t have to be expensive
Potential proposal mishap, ring forfeiture concerns raised in comments
Proposal with found ring causes controversy over sentimental value.
Man finds lost ring, proposes with it, gets called cheapskate
Proposal advice sparks debate over sentimental vs. new rings
Lovely gesture, discuss buying a ring together with your gf
Finding lost ring for proposal: romantic or insensitive?
Love matters more than the ring ❤️ NAH
Girlfriend doesn’t care about ring, values sentiment over money
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team