Christmas is a time for love, joy, and gift-giving. But for one man, it’s been a half-decade of disappointment and frustration. His family has been gifting him gag presents for five years, and he’s the only one subjected to this treatment. Finally, on New Year’s Eve, he couldn’t take it anymore and confronted his family about their thoughtless gifts.
A Hairy Beginning
Twinkies and Monkeys
The Gag Gifts Continue
The Single Life ♂️
A Closeted S*x Maniac?
New Year’s Eve Showdown
Family’s Defense ️
Frustration Builds
Mom Steps In
Mixed Feelings
Miscommunication ♂️
Promise for Change
Family’s Gag Gift Tradition Pushes Man to the Edge
After five years of receiving nothing but gag gifts from his family, our frustrated protagonist finally reached his breaking point on New Year’s Eve. He confronted his family about their thoughtless presents, and the situation escalated quickly. While some family members feel remorseful, others still think he’s overreacting. Will next year’s Christmas be different, or will our hero have to resort to a good-natured revenge plot? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this festive fiasco…
NTA. Family’s teasing crossed the line. Book a vacation instead.
Family’s intentional gag gifts are crossing the line. NTA.
Receiving only gag gifts for two Christmases? NTA for distancing.
Family gifts man a d***o for Christmas. Commenters agree, NTA.
Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries is important . Family dynamics can be tough .
Family’s terrible Christmas gifts are toxic and mean. NTA
Setting boundaries with toxic family during the holidays
Giving garbage gifts or nothing at all is fair revenge
Don’t let your family make you the b**t of their jokes . Stand up for yourself and demand respect
NTA for calling out racist joke, with a funny comeback
Gifts as a joke? NTA calls out a******e behavior
Receiving useless gifts every year, NTA for finally snapping
Regifting gone wrong? Hilarious comments on tacky Christmas presents
Suggests honest talk with family to change gift-giving tradition
Feeling unappreciated by family’s terrible gifts? NTA, demand respect
Regifting is the way to go , don’t let them ruin Christmas
Toxic family gifts intended to humiliate. NTA, they are.
Receiving only gag gifts for years? NTA for being upset
Christmas gifts escalate to monkeys and s*x addicts. NTA.
Standing up against cruel teasing. You’re NTA
Thoughtful gifts matter, gag gifts are bullying. NTA
Don’t be a Grinch, even the “always right” gifts are better
Receiving bad Christmas gifts is not a joke
Gift-giving gone wrong: Redefining the meaning of ‘terrible gifts’
Gift-giving gone wrong, NTA gets joke gifts only.
User expresses frustration over family’s disregard for their feelings.
Gifts turned into jokes, NTA for snapping.
Spending Xmas with those who care about you
Standing up to mean family with terrible Christmas gifts. NTA
Calling out abusive behavior disguised as jokes.
Family’s toxic behavior ruins Christmas gift giving
Receiving terrible Christmas gifts? Not the a**hole for snapping!
Family’s terrible gifts and jokes, NTA for being upset.
Don’t let bullies ruin your Christmas. Get revenge with humor
Savage revenge or justified response?
Hilarious gag gifts or just plain r**e? NTA’s verdict
Commenter advises to spend less time with toxic family. NTA
Commenter advises OP to stand up to family’s terrible gifts
Not the a**hole for being honest about bad gifts
Take a stand against bullying family with NTA comment.
Family scapegoat? NTA OP, you might need professional help
Creative and humorous revenge gift ideas for terrible gift givers
Toxic family dynamics and terrible gifts. NTA needs space.
Standing up against bullying, NTA calls out toxic behavior.
Taking revenge on bad Christmas gifts with a hilarious twist
Suggests hilarious prank to deal with terrible Christmas gifts
OP stands up to family’s terrible gifts, receives gaslighting and bullying.
Receiving terrible gifts for 4 years in a row, NTA
Family giving terrible gifts to OP, NTA for being upset
Stand up for yourself and spend Christmas with those who care
Standing up to bullies, even family, is never wrong
Last Updated on May 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team