Picture this: a young man, M24, takes a break from his job to run errands for his grandma. He’s dressed in dirty work clothes and boots, and just wants to grab some baby aspirin and a Gatorade. But little did he know that a trip to the store would turn into a dramatic confrontation over… olives! Read on to find out how this seemingly innocent shopping trip escalated into a full-blown argument.
A Break from Work ️

Dirty Clothes and a Shopping Trip

The Olive Bar Dilemma

Deli Manager Steps In ️

The Code Question ❓

Accusations Fly

Confrontation at the Deli Counter

Walking Away… Or Not

More Insults and a Search for the Manager

The Manager’s Reaction

The Final Verdict

The Great Olive Showdown: Who’s the Real Culprit? ️♀️
So there you have it: a young man in dirty work clothes gets into a heated exchange with a deli manager over the proper way to pay for olives. Accusations of theft and insults are thrown, and the store manager ends up siding with our protagonist. But was he really in the right, or did he take things too far? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this juicy situation…
Debate over whether man’s outburst was justified or not.

Customer accused of stealing olives explodes at employee, called out for bigotry and misogyny. Replies debate employee’s professionalism and suggest alternative solutions.

Misogynistic language used towards grocery store employee. YTA.

Commenter calls out misogynistic behavior and suggests therapy. ESH

Both sides at fault in olive altercation ♀️

Kindness is free, don’t be a c**t to strangers

Grown man explodes over olives, called out for bad attitude

OP refuses to accept judgement, gets called out.

Commenter calls out OP’s bad behavior, receives defensive reply.

Retail worker explains why customer was wrong for exploding over olives

Customer explodes at employee over olives, called out for behavior.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/10c58e48-cc50-4f68-9bbc-256bf4fc95ad.png)
Confrontational employee racially profiles customer, both react poorly ♀️

Commenter calls out entitled behavior with a touch of sarcasm

Customer refuses to follow simple request, YTA

Customer throws tantrum over olives, called out for poor behavior. ♂️

Customer goes too far with insults, deemed YTA by commenter

Commenter calls out OP’s fat-shaming, verdict: YTA

Commenter calls out OP’s denial and aggression, declares YTA. ♂️

Customer’s overreaction to olive sticker results in YTA judgement. ♂️

Customer berates employee over olives, called out for bad behavior.

Customer throws fit over olives, gets called out for behavior

OP admits to being a ‘d*******g’ in heated olive dispute

Both sides at fault: commenter insults, employee overreacts

Commenter calls out YTA’s personal attacks, receives defensive reply.

Customer body shames and throws tantrum at grocery store employee. YTA

OP gets called out for bad behavior at the grocery store
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7d63d7ae-ceff-48b3-ba46-21c01004afe5.png)
ESH, r**e behavior from both parties. Be an adult.

ESH. Retail worker mishandled, but customer’s response was excessive.

Customer gets called out for misogynistic insults towards female employee.

Commenter calls out bad behavior with YTA verdict

Customer gets called out for being r**e about store policy

NTA: Commenter shares similar experience of being profiled while shopping.

Former retail worker empathizes with grocery store employee’s experience

Insensitive customer verbally abuses grocery store employee over olives

Don’t be a j**k over olives
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/bcdf149e-23ab-49d9-b276-1866805876af.png)
Commenter calls out bad behavior with a touch of sass

Customer accused of stealing olives explodes at employee. Comments divided. ♂️

ESH, but worker was mostly wrong for starting beef
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/19fe84b3-919c-449e-a237-91324455a7af.png)
Commenter calls out entitled behavior with a fiery insult

Customer explodes at employee, uses fat-phobic and misogynistic language. YTA.

Exploding at a grocery store employee over olives? ESH. ♂️

Exploding at a grocery store employee over a sticker accusation

Customer explodes over olives, but YTA for overreacting.

Commenter calls out YTA for abusive behavior in grocery store.

Customer gets called out for bad behavior

Customer berates employee over olives, called out for bad behavior

Commenter deems someone the a**hole over olive incident

Commenter calls out bad behavior, receives ungrateful response

Commenter calls out misogynistic language in olive altercation.

Debate over salad stickers and grocery store nostalgia

Commenter calls out OP for making excuses and throwing a tantrum

Commenter suggests possible underlying issues for customer’s olive outburst

Explosive comment section leaves everyone sucking here

Disagreement over store policy leads to heated olive debate.

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team