Picture this: your sister and her wife want a baby, but they need your help. You agree to be a sperm donor, but that’s where your involvement ends. No fatherly duties for you, thank you very much! Well, that’s exactly the situation our anonymous hero finds himself in. He just doesn’t like kids, and he’s wondering if it’s wrong to refuse a father figure role in his niece’s life. Let’s dive into the story and see what’s going on!
The Big Ask

First Request Denied ❌

Deployment and Timing ⏰

Second Request Accepted ✅

Pregnancy Announcement

Curious Friends

Not My Kid

No Love for Kids

Unpopular Opinion

The Big Question

Sperm Donor, Not Daddy! ♂️
Our hero stepped up and donated his sperm to help his sister and her wife have a baby, but he’s drawing the line at playing daddy. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t like kids and has no intention of ever having any of his own. His friends are curious about his feelings towards his niece, but he insists that she’s not his child and he won’t be a father figure. Is he wrong for refusing to take on a parental role? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this tricky situation…
Generous sperm donation without parental attachment. NTA

Clear boundaries important in sperm donation to avoid parental role.

Choosing not to be a parent doesn’t make you a**hole

Donating genetic material to family is normal and clinical.

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA

Detachment makes perfect donor. Baby isn’t yours. NTA

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/341283c6-3fe8-424a-b1c0-934632acce88.png)
Donated sperm to sister’s family, no legal or medical issues. NTA

Sibling love at its finest

Selfless act of sperm donation without attachment to the baby

Choosing not to parent, but still helping family. Great decision!

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1659b3eb-8582-46ae-8e46-856b564c8ec0.png)
Redditor overwhelmed by support after venting about sperm donation guilt

Donating sperm to your sister’s family – NTA and a big ask

Setting boundaries is important. NTA comment shuts down inappropriate behavior.

NTAH. Donating sperm doesn’t mean being a father figure

Suggests discreet IVF as a solution to unwanted comments.

Uncle donates sperm to sister’s family, refuses father role. NTA

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a parent. NTA

Genetic similarities can be surprising, have a plan to explain. NTA.

Family genetics make nephew look like commenter, NTA for refusing father role.

Donating sperm to sister’s family, setting expectations. NTA

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA.

Supportive comment encourages being a great uncle, not a dad

Modern families don’t need a ‘father’ figure. NTA

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father figure. NTA

Donating a seed, not a person. Congrats on becoming uncle!

Donating sperm to sister’s family without father role. NTA

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a dad. NTA

Donating sperm to family doesn’t make you a parent

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a dad. NTA for setting boundaries

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role – Perfect donor

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father. NTA.

Biological father, but not intended to be the dad. NTA!

Donating sperm to family? Get a lawyer and protect yourself!

Sibling love triumphs over societal norms in sperm donation

Being a father is a role, not necessarily biological

Donor refuses father role, child can know biological origins. NTA

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father

Family ties: when sperm donation becomes a gift of love

Donating sperm to family doesn’t mean being a father. NTA

Clear NTA judgement for sperm donor respecting sister’s family boundaries.

Not wanting kids doesn’t make you a bad person

Uncle Daddy: Heartwarming story of sperm donation and family love

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA

Anonymous sperm donation suggestion to avoid questions. Heartwarming gesture ❤️

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a dad. NTA

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a dad. NTA

Birthmother shares support and personal experience with NTA sperm donor.

Heartwarming story of a supportive uncle

Donating sperm to sister’s family, but refusing father role. NTA.

Sibling becomes mother and aunt? Mind blown

Donating sperm to family doesn’t make you a father figure

Genetic relation doesn’t equal fatherhood. NTA

Donated sperm, not a dad. NTA, did a nice thing

Donor explains attachment to niece, questions why it’s an issue

Not everyone has to like kids, and that’s okay

Donating sperm to sister’s family, being involved as uncle. Win-win!

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA

Uncle’s role is enough. NTA. Questions make no sense

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a parent. NTA

Donating sperm to sister’s family, refusing father role. NTA

Donating sperm to family without father role, NTA comment

Biological father’s responsibility in case of sister’s death discussed.

Support for sperm donor’s decision to not be father figure

Choosing to donate sperm doesn’t mean wanting to be a dad

Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father-figure. NTA

Donating sperm to sister’s family doesn’t make him a father #NTA

Kid deserves to know for health reasons and identity. #NTA

Donated sperm to sister’s family, refuses father role. NTA

Donated sperm to sister’s family, criticized for not wanting role

Donating sperm to family doesn’t make you a father. NTA

Generous sperm donation leads to interesting genetic resemblances. #NTA

Sperm ≠ Kid. Donating doesn’t make you a**hole.

Uncle’s sperm donation leads to family drama. NTA stands firm.

Supportive comment, telling the donor to ignore naysayers

A selfless act of love and family, no father role involved

Donating sperm to family, but important to discuss with child later

Growing up in a similar situation, the commenter shares their experience.

Genetics can be confusing, like mistaken identity with family members

Sister donated egg, treats child as nephew. Counseling helped.

Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by Diply Social Team