Imagine finding out that your close friends have been making fun of your girlfriend behind your back. That’s exactly what happened to one man who was accidentally added to a group chat where his friends had been making offensive jokes about his girlfriend’s weight for weeks. As he considers cutting ties with these friends, he’s left questioning the true nature of their friendships and whether he can ever trust them again.
The Circle of Friends

The Girlfriend

Accidental Group Chat Invite

Cruel Jokes

Bigoted Attacks

Crossed Line

Real Connection ❤️

Severing Friendships?

Apologies and Excuses

Lighthearted Jokes vs. Cruelty

Cutting Them Out?

Gratitude for Support

Feeling Great

Appreciation for All

Toxic Friends or Forgiveness? ♂️
After discovering his friends’ cruel jokes about his girlfriend’s weight, this man is left questioning whether to cut ties with them or give them a chance to redeem themselves. They’ve apologized profusely, but can he ever trust them again? Share your thoughts and reactions below.
NTA. Friends’ apology is not genuine. Toxic people, find new friends.
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Cutting off toxic friends is the best decision

True friends support, not bully. Cut toxic people out
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Betrayed by friends, better off without them

NTA calls out group chat for mocking girlfriend’s weight

OP is called out for only caring about his girlfriend’s weight being mocked and not others’. ESH.

Stand up for your partner and cut off toxic friends

Defending girlfriend against fatphobic friends makes you NTA

Friendship severed over girlfriend’s weight, but ESH for derogatory comments.

Discovering friends mocking girlfriend’s weight, kick them to curb

Standing up for your partner is always the right move

Stand up for your girlfriend and cut off toxic friends

Leave those f*ckwads behind and find new, more supportive friends. NTA

Stand up for your girlfriend and cut out toxic friends

NTA. Surround yourself with people who support and lift you up

NTA. Woman shares story of finding love despite workplace bullying ❤

Healthy choice! Cutting toxic people out of your life

Real friends support each other, not mock their loved ones

Friends mock girlfriend’s weight, NTA not sorry they got caught

Supportive comment shuts down cruel friends

Stand up for your love ❤️ Cut off toxic friends

Mocking girlfriends is not cool, they were obvious a**holes

Drop toxic friends who mock your relationship and girlfriend’s weight
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Excluded from group chat, but not from the drama ♂️

Discovering friends’ cruel behavior, NTA decides to reconsider friendship

Cut toxic friends out of your life

Cutting off toxic friends is the way to go

Dump the toxic friends and find better ones

Standing up for yourself is always the right thing

True friends don’t mock your partner’s weight. You’re NTA

Toxic friends mocking girlfriend’s weight, advise to distance yourself

Standing up for your girlfriend, NTA.

NTA. The girlfriend’s position is relatable and heartbreaking

Discovering your friends mocking your girlfriend’s weight is heartbreaking . But it’s a superpower to know who your true friends are .

Confront friends face-to-face about girlfriend’s weight. Are they worth keeping?
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Dump the bullies, they’re not friends

Surround yourself with good people who love and accept you ❤️

Leave those toxic friends behind and find better ones. NTA

Toxic friends? Cut them out! NTA for prioritizing your well-being

Friends mock girlfriend’s weight, OP considers forgiving them.

Toxic friends mocking girlfriend’s weight, NTA for cutting them off

Supportive comment, boyfriend is praised for standing up for girlfriend ❤️

Ending toxic friendships is the best decision for your happiness

Protect your girlfriend’s feelings, cut off toxic friends

Stand up for your girlfriend and cut off toxic friends

Supportive comment applauds OP for not justifying girlfriend’s weight.

Toxic friends mock girlfriend’s weight, NTA stands up for her

Stand up for your girlfriend! NTA.

Betrayed by friends who mocked his girlfriend’s weight. #NotRealFriends

Stand up for your girlfriend and ditch those toxic friends

Choose love over shallow friends.

Standing up for your partner is always the right move ❤

Defend your girlfriend, ditch the friends

Commenter questions the logic of weight-shaming friends. NTA.

Cut off toxic friends who mock your girlfriend’s weight

You go, defender of love!

Supportive comment, calling out friends’ awful behavior.

Heartwarming comment celebrates love and friendship

Stand up for your girlfriend and cut these toxic friends

Stand up for your girlfriend! You’re not the a**hole
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Stand up for yourself and cut out toxic friends

Dump the friends, keep the girl. NTA

When your friends show you who they really are

Friends made mean fat jokes about girlfriend behind his back

Stand up for your girlfriend and cut off toxic friends

Stand up for yourself and your girlfriend!

Stand up for your girlfriend and ditch those toxic friends

A heartwarming comment about love and decency ❤

Choosing growth over toxicity with NTA comment.

Cut them off! They’re not sorry, just sorry they got caught

Exclusion from group chat for girlfriend weight jokes – not cool
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Dump the toxic friends and keep the one you love ❤

Commenter is not the a**hole for calling out friends’ behavior
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Defend your loved ones from body-shaming. Stand up for them!

Standing up for your partner is always the right move

Stand up for what’s right, drop toxic friends

Confront friends and dump them if they don’t apologize properly

Last Updated on April 28, 2023 by Diply Social Team