What happens when a golf trip collides with a wedding invitation? Drama, that’s what! Meet our hero (or is he the villain?), a 26-year-old golf enthusiast who’s been planning a trip with his buddies for over a year. But there’s a catch. The wedding of his girlfriend’s sister, who he doesn’t exactly see eye-to-eye with, falls on the same weekend. Now, he’s caught in a whirlwind of conflict and moral ambiguity. Let’s dive into this emotional rollercoaster, shall we? ️♂️
The Golf Trip: A Year in the Making ️♂️
Enter the Sister: A Thorn in the Side
The Clash: Ideals and Egos
The Fallout: A Relationship on the Rocks ️
The Final Straw: Words That Cut Deep ️
The Wedding: A Date with Destiny ⏳
The Dilemma: Golf or Wedding? ⛳
The Ultimatum: Money Talks
The Standoff: A Man and His Decision ♂️
Golf vs Wedding: The Verdict ️♂️
So, our golf-loving friend is standing his ground, refusing to cancel his long-awaited trip to attend a wedding he’s not too thrilled about. He’s got his reasons – a hefty trip expense, a strained relationship with the bride-to-be, and a firm belief that the marriage won’t last. His girlfriend, PJ, is less than pleased, and the two are at a stalemate. Now, the question remains: is he in the wrong for choosing golf over family obligations? Or is he justified in his decision? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Prior engagement planned, go golfing and have a good time! ⛳
Defending against a r**e sister-in-law, NTA!
NTA – Relationships require compromise. Girlfriend should understand your prior commitment.
NTA. Go on your golf trip and reevaluate your relationship ️♂️
NTA. Enjoy your golf trip guilt-free! ️♂️
Evaluate relationship: skipping wedding for golf trip, potential misery
NTA: Fallout predicted for golfing hero, future battle awaits with PJ.
NTA. Golf trip > girlfriend’s sister’s wedding. Huge golfer here too!
NTA, you can do better.
NTA. Time to end things with PJ. ⛳️
NTA: Wedding conflict, compromise offered, costly double attendance doesn’t make sense.
NTA. Stuck between a rock and a hard place
NTA for choosing golf over wedding, relationship may suffer ⛳
NTA. Stick to your plans and evaluate your relationship’s future.
NTA. Stick up for yourself and evaluate your relationship with PJ.
NTA: Reflect on your relationship and PJ’s lack of support.
Pre-existing plans and a sour relationship: NTA for skipping wedding
️♂️ Is PJ really long-term material? NTA for choosing golf!
Counseling might save your relationship with PJ.
Setting boundaries: NTA, but relationship may face major issues
Choosing golf over wedding: NTA, but money and relationship issues.
NTA: Golf trip over wedding? Consider the bride and groom.
NTA – Stick to your plans and evaluate your relationship
Choosing golf trip over sister’s wedding: NTA, understandable disappointment.
Sister expects you to always be the ‘bigger person’
NTA – Prioritizing personal plans over strained family relationships. ️♂️
Commenter seeks clarification on PJ’s relationship with OP and Erin
NTA. Enjoy your trip! ⛳
NTA: Golf trip vs. sister’s wedding drama, no reimbursement
NTA: Golf trip vs wedding drama. Who’s the real winner?
Planned trip over wedding: justified or heartless?
NTA…. clearly!
NTA: Golf trip wins over sister’s wedding. Hero or zero? ⛳
NTA: Prioritizing bros over wedding, GF’s sister’s wedding drama unfolds.
Sister’s true colors revealed, bro’s girlfriend might be hiding hers. NTA
NTA: Golf trip planned longer than her sister’s wedding. ️♂️
Setting boundaries: Golf trip over wedding, NTA.
Commenter calls out PJ’s self-centered behavior and supports golf trip ️♂️
NTA: Hilarious golf trip choice sparks agreement and laughter!
Red flags in the relationship? Don’t ignore them!
NTA. Reevaluate relationship. Golf vs. painful wedding. ⛳
First weddings are more important than second weddings, NTA.
NTA. Skip the wedding, enjoy your golf trip ️
Ending it with PJ? NTA for choosing golf!
NTA but maybe consider discussing boundaries with your girlfriend’s sister
NTA. Planned trip vs. sister’s wedding drama: Golf wins ️♂️
Outrageous demands from girlfriend’s sister, no compromise or reimbursement
NTA – Prioritizing golf over wedding: Hero or Zero? ️♂️
NTA. Prioritizing fun and friends over a toxic relationship.
Choosing between a golf trip and a wedding: relationship impact.
NTA. Golf trip > sister’s wedding. Relationship advice included. ⛳️
Planned golf trip ruined by sister’s wedding: NTA or ESH?
NTA: Stand your ground and prioritize your own plans and happiness ️♂️
Prior engagement clashes with family drama. Is GF unsupportive?
Choosing golf over wedding: NTA, but is it worth it?
Prior commitment or family loyalty? ️♂️
NTA: Is PJ trying to assert dominance in the relationship?
Skipping a wedding for takeout and Hulu? Relatable priorities!
NTA. Get out now.
Golfing for love? ️♂️ Maybe he’ll find his dream mate!
NTA, PJ may not be the one for you.
Mixed opinions on attending girlfriend’s sister’s wedding vs golf trip
Consider the relationship before choosing, but good luck with whatever you decide!
No regrets! Golf trip wins over sister’s wedding drama. ⛳️
Prior commitment for the win!
Wedding drama: Is skipping it a hero or zero move?
Skipping wedding for golf: justified or relationship suicide? ⛳️
You’re the a**hole: The verdict is in!
INFO: Suspicious living situation, but NTA for choosing golf trip ⛳
Choosing golf trip over wedding: relationship test or dealbreaker?
Pre-existing plans: NTA, distractions are irrelevant. ️
NTA – Go have fun on your trip!!
️♂️ Golf trip over wedding: planned trip, irrelevant everything else. NTA.
Engaging caption: Is it better to decline politely or attend begrudgingly?
NTA, but reconsider relationship with PJ.
Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team