Imagine planning a vacation with your spouse, only to find out they can’t pay their share because they’ve been financially supporting their adult son and ex-husband. That’s exactly what happened to a 45-year-old man who decided to cancel the vacation after his wife (44F) couldn’t cover her part of the expenses. The couple usually splits joint expenses 70/30, and the wife’s financial aid to her ex-family has started to impact their lives more and more. Let’s dive into the story and see what led to this dramatic turn of events.
The 70/30 Split

Paying for Experiences

The Adult Son and Ex-Husband

No Plans for the Future

The Money Requests

Who’s Calling? ☎️

Impact on Their Lives

The Vacation Plan ️

Ex-Husband’s Financial Crisis

Son’s Transportation Woes

Wife’s Financial Sacrifice

Vacation Cancelled! ✈️

The Man’s Stance

The Big Question ❓

Clarification on Finances

Husband’s Tough Love or Heartless Move?
This husband is fed up with his wife’s financial support to her adult son and ex-husband, which has started to impact their own lives and plans. After the wife’s financial aid to her ex-family left her unable to pay for their upcoming vacation, the husband decided to cancel it altogether. Was this a tough love move to teach them a lesson, or was he being heartless? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA: Wife’s financial support of ex and son is enabling.

“NTA. She can’t budget HER money, let alone a house fund. People are delusional.”

“NTA. Wife enabling lazy adults. Son’s bad decisions multiply consequences.”

“NTA. Wife enabling lazy ex and son. Discuss boundaries and trust.”

NTA. Cancelling vacation over wife’s financial fiasco with ex-husband & son

“NTA but wife’s boundary issues need addressing. Responsible adult “

NTA. Wife enabling son’s financial dependency. Yikes!

NTA. Wife’s financial support enables son’s bad choices. Time for tough love.

NTA for not wanting to financially support wife’s ex and son

NTA. Wife’s financial fiasco causes vacation cancellation. No support.

NTA: Wife’s enabling behavior caused financial fiasco and canceled vacation

NTA cancels vacation due to wife enabling bad behavior by others

Stay firm and nip it in the bud!

NTA: Stop the money flow, they’ll keep asking for more

NTA – Enabling ex and son, suggest al-anon for both.

NTA. Canceling vacation due to wife’s financial fiasco with ex-husband & son

NTA. Wife enabling ex and son financially. Separate finances is wise.

NTA, discuss finances with wife. Why give money to ex-husband?

NTA: Financial fiasco with ex & son? You didn’t sign up for that

NTA: Enabling adult children, canceling vacation. Financial fiasco.

Spouse cancels vacation over wife’s financial support for ex-husband & son

NTA. Cut your losses and let her enable irresponsibility

NTA – Wife’s financial fiasco jeopardizes family vacation

NTA: Wife’s financial fiasco with ex-husband & son causes vacation cancellation

ESH. Lack of communication and passive acceptance led to vacation cancellation.

NTA: Set firm boundaries and don’t keep covering her expenses

NTA: Wife enables son’s laziness, you set boundaries.

NTA. Wife enabling son’s failure-to-launch lifestyle. Unfair to fund deadbeats.

NTA. Enabling ex-husband and son? Not cool

NTA. Wife’s choice jeopardizes vacation. Agreement broken.

NTA. Wife enabling ex-husband and son. Take a solo vacation!

Last Updated on February 4, 2024 by Diply Social Team