Imagine having a spacious home with a room to spare, a mother in desperate need of shelter, and a wife who won’t budge due to her fear of a particular breed of dog. This is the predicament our storyteller finds himself in, as he juggles the needs of his mom, wife, and three kids. Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, he’s left questioning: Is he wrong for calling his wife selfish? Let’s delve into this doggone dilemma.
Mother’s Dire Situation ️
A Possible Solution?
Wife’s Rejection
The Canine Conundrum
Accusations Fly ️
An Ultimatum Issued ⚖️
Additional Information
A Family Feud Fueled by Fido: Who’s the Real Villain?
In a tale that tugs at the heartstrings, our storyteller is caught between a rock and a hard place. His mother, battling Lupus and homelessness, could move in, but there’s a catch – her beloved Rottweiler. His wife, paralyzed by a childhood fear of the breed, refuses to let the dog in, causing a rift in the family. With accusations of selfishness and ultimatums flying, the question remains: who’s in the wrong? Let’s see what the internet has to say…
OP is the a**hole for not considering his wife’s perspective.
“YTA. Her concerns are valid and you know if your mother moves in, she’s never leaving.”
“YTA! Your wife was traumatized by a Rottweiler, and you are completely dismissive of that. I LOVE Rottweilers and would never DREAM of forcing one to be around someone who is afraid of them, much less as force them to LIVE with one, especially if it is not properly trained! Plus, you wife knows that if MIL moves in, she will end up as her primary caretaker in addition to caring for 3 children.”
“YTA. Wife’s fear of rottweilers valid. It’s her house *too*.”
YTA for not considering your wife’s comfort in her own home.
YTA: Expert says dog needs training, wife recognizes the truth
YTA. Wife doesn’t want your mom in her house.
INFO: Who’s responsible for taking care of the mother and dog?
YTA – Accusing your wife of being selfish escalates the drama. ♂️
YTA- Wife scared of dogs, you wanted an untrained Rottweiler?
“YTA. You’re an a**hole.” Wife owns the house.
YTA for prioritizing a dog over your wife and mother.
“59 is NOT ELDERLY.” Comment sparks debate on housing and dogs
“YTA for not thinking it through. “
OP accused of leaving out crucial details, wife is right
Dealing with a selfish spouse and a demanding mother-in-law
Rehoming the dog: A solution or a heartbreaking decision?
YTA for blaming wife, mom neglecting dog. Dogs are expensive.
“YTA. Imagine if roles were reversed. Consider your wife’s perspective.”
“YTA. Throwing wife & kids under bus to please your mom. “
YTA: Insulting comment leads to dire consequences
“YTA. ‘Every alternative imaginable.’ And how many of those imaginable alternatives didn’t have your mother and her dog moving in?”
Commenter suggests alternatives, including sleeping in the attic and sharing bedrooms.
YTA for calling your wife ignorant about the dog situation.
Your wife vs. your mother: Who’s really the problem?
“YTA. Your wife has a full-time job and takes care of the kids (and probably most/all of the housework as well). You want to take away her office while massively adding to her daily workload between taking care of your mother and the untrained dog – the untrained dog she’s terrified of. You’re expecting her to make massive sacrifices for the next few decades and neither you nor your mother are willing to do anything to make life easier on her. And she’s the selfish one?”
Complicated situation, but YTA. Wife fears dog, prioritize safety
Commenter calls out OP for dismissing wife and enabling mother. YTA.
YTA and so is your mother. Compromise for the dog.
YTA gets called out for audacious demands.
Commenter calls out OP for prioritizing mom over wife.
“YTA for not considering your wife’s trauma and responsibilities. “
User calls out OP for being dense and insensitive.
Mom’s pain prevents job, but not owning a rottweiler?!
Commenter criticizes mother’s irresponsible dog ownership, supports wife’s concerns. YTA.
Listen to your wife. Address her concerns about the dog. YTA
YTA: Insulting your wife’s parenting and living situation
“YTA. Your wife will leave you if you force this issue.”
Passionate dog lover criticizes OP’s irresponsibility and dismissive attitude.
YTA. Your wife’s concerns mean NOTHING to you?
Husband calls wife selfish over dog drama – who’s right?
YTA for disregarding your wife’s fear of dogs.
Empathy and understanding are key in this delicate family situation.
User suggests getting an apartment for OP and their mom
“YTA. Your wife is willing to compromise, but you’re gaslighting her.”
He’s a pr!@k? She’s right. YTA.
YTA, disrespecting your wife’s history with dogs
Mom vs. Wife: Who’s the real problem here?
OP’s wife dehumanized in post, raises concern about their relationship
“Everyone’s got a valid point with small pieces of AH in between”
“YTA (well, maybe both of you are a bit if you talk to each other that way, but you still started it). She has equal rights to the house and is allowed to veto who can live there. Put the dog in boot camp training and see if that would make a difference with her. And btw, the emergency COVID rules for not going through the usual channels for renewing eligibility for federal/state assistance has expired. A LOT of people are going to be hit with this in the next year as states catch up.”
“YTA. Untrained Rottie + small kids = potential danger “
It’s your wife’s house! Let her decide. “
YTA gets roasted for being a selfish dog drama king
Dude, YTA! Stop harassing your hardworking wife.
YTA: Putting your kids at risk for your mother’s dog.
YTA: Don’t make her miserable in her own home
YTA calls out OP for prioritizing mother over wife and kids
Wife fears untrained dog, husband defends mom’s choice.
“YTA for not considering your wife’s fears and responsibilities. “
Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team