We all have that one friend who’s a bit scatter-brained, right? They mean well but seem to forget the important things, like your birthday or that time they promised to pick you up from the airport. Well, one man found himself in hot water after a series of absent-minded blunders led to a major fallout with his childhood friends. Let’s dive into this tale of forgotten birthdays, missed pickups, and hurt feelings…
A Trio of Childhood Friends
An Unwanted Trip
A Well-Intentioned Offer
The Forgotten Promise
The Backup Plan
Making Amends… Or Not?
Another Forgotten Friend
The Silent Treatment
The List of Grievances
The Defense ️
The Fallout
The Question That’s Got Everyone Talking: Who’s the Real Villain Here? ️♂️
So there you have it, folks. A tale of forgotten birthdays, missed pickups, and a man who believes that his absent-mindedness should be excused. Amanda, the wife of his best friend, has cut off communication, and now even his best friend isn’t talking to him. He’s apologized, but it seems ‘sorry’ just isn’t enough this time. He believes Amanda is overly sensitive and needs to stop holding grudges. But is he right? Or is he just failing to see the impact of his actions? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this tangled web of friendships and feelings… ️
Ditched friend twice, called her ‘too sensitive’ – YTA, buddy
“YTA. She’s not overly sensitive, if anything, she was super patient with you, she just realized you don’t care about her and is done having a one-sided relationship. I’m super absent-minded and I either forget people’s birthdays or forget to call them when I do remember the date. But guess what, they’re still my friends because other than forgetting a birthday here and there, I am there for them. If there is something that I said I’d do, I do it. And I’ve never ditched them for dates, much less at a time when they feel s****y and need the company. You read like a 13yo.”
“YTA. You treated Amanda poorly multiple times and she’s finally had enough.”
“YTA. You made plans with her and then dropped her twice to go do something you’d rather be doing. You showed her by your actions that you don’t value her as a friend. I would stop talking to you also.”
YTA. Excuse factory, dismissing friends’ feelings. Apologies not genuine.
“YTA. Bailing on her twice? That’s r**e. Calling her sensitive? “
“YTA. You made the offer to pick her up but you forgot and had someone else pick her up; still wasn’t you. When you were having drinks with her you ditched her and had someone else stand in. I don’t think she’s holding grudges, she’s just realizing she’s not an important enough friend to you and will stop wasting her time.”
“YTA. You ditched her twice! Time to grow up.”
Friend feels forgotten on her birthday, YTA sparks feud.
Friendship feud ignited by prioritizing gf over long-term friend. YTA
Ditched her twice? YTA!
“Apologized but still not understanding? Time to reassess your priorities.”
YTA sparks controversy, but wants to clarify their actions.
“YTA. Absent minded doesn’t excuse the fact that once you realized your mistake, you dig the hole deeper. Instead of telling your girlfriend that you already had plans that you totally forgot about and eating the cost of your mistake, you found another solution. If that had been it, you’d have probably been ok. But then you ditched her AGAIN for your girlfriend… Then to add icing on top, you had the audacity to tell her husband that she was being overly sensitive, it’s no wonder they cut you out of their lives, you’re an AH. Btw, it’s not hard to add an annual calendar reminder for important stuff…”
“YTA. Not picking her up at the airport when you said you would was s****y enough, but your GF texts you and you ditch her while your apologizing for ditching her! Then you have the nerve to try saying she’s too sensitive? Saying ‘that’s just how I am’ is rationalization and not an excuse for bad behavior. Your a horrible friend and I don’t blame them for not wanting to talk to you.”
“YTA. Treat Amanda as an afterthought? Your apology was insufficient. “
“Absentmindedness ignited a feud: YTA for being self-centered and r**e.”
Confusing story raises suspicions, commenter calls out OP’s behavior.
YTA… No doubt about it.
“YTA. Abandoning a friend for a girl? No excuses, dude! “
“YTA. Absent-mindedness doesn’t excuse treating friends poorly. “
“YTA for prioritizing girlfriends over friend. She’s justifiably upset.”
Friendship feud ignited! Is he the villain or just misunderstood?
Friendship feud ignited: Is he the villain or misunderstood?
Forgetting a friend’s birthday? ♂️ No excuse in the digital age!
YTA: Apologies aren’t magic wands. Are you a bad friend?
YTA ignites feud by ditching friend twice. Very insensitive!
Accidentally ditched a friend for a booty-call? YTA, not cool
YTA ignites feud by ditching friend for potential hookups.
Friendship feud ignited by a b********l? YTA or misunderstood?
Friendship feud ignited by insensitive comment. YTA needs reflection.
INFO: Double-booking drama! Did he prioritize plans or something else?
“YTA. You ditched your friend twice. You’re not acting like a friend.”
“YTA. Ditching her twice? Apologies aren’t enough. Show you’re sorry!”
“YTA. Your apologies mean nothing when your actions don’t align.”
“YTA for abandoning her after promising time twice. Apologize sincerely!”
Be a better friend if you want to keep friends!
Apologies without change? YTA. But wait, there’s more…
“YTA. You treated your best mate’s wife like absolute c**p.”
YTA: Prioritized others, ignored her. Thoughtless and selfish. No excuses.
OP’s excuses fall flat, time to change and do better.
Friendship feud ignited: Is he the villain or misunderstood?
Friendship feud ignited: Is he the villain or just misunderstood?
Accidental feud ignites! Is he the villain or misunderstood?
“YTA. You ditched Amanda twice. She’s not too sensitive. “
Adulting fail: YTA, use your phone’s calendar to avoid drama
Choosing a date over a friend? YTA, and it shows.
“YTA. Own up to your flaws and work on improving!”
“YTA” – Friend calls out OP for abandoning them at bar
“YTA, you’re too lazy to schedule plans. Grow up, j*****s.”
Friendship on the line: Did he prioritize poorly or just flake?
YTA: Ditched her on a date, left her at a bar?
Is he the villain or just misunderstood? YTA and terrible
Friendship on the line: Did he prioritize wrong?
Friendship feud ignited: YTA pushes boundaries, faces consequences.
Friendship feud ignited by forgotten plans and ditching for stranger?
Friendship feud ignited by blowing off friend in need. YTA
“YTA. Apologies without change? Hollow. Can villain redeem himself? “
Amanda needs to stand up for herself and stop being a doormat.
Careless actions ignite feud: Is he villain or misunderstood?
“Sh*tty friend prioritizes g**********d over friendship. YTA “
Are they really a “bad friend”? Let’s find out!
YTA: Forgotten tickets ignite friendship feud. Villain or misunderstood?
YTA: Ignoring others? Don’t be surprised when they ignore you.
YTA: Cruel or Clueless? A**hole or Misunderstood?
YTA: Best friend’s wife drama sparks fiery feud.
Being absentminded is an excuse. Do better and be a better friend. YTA
Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team