Imagine being granted a wish by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, only to have your family turn against you for your choice. This is the unfortunate reality for one individual who, after years of refusing the organization’s offers, finally decided to make a wish for themselves. However, their family deemed the wish selfish, leading to a tense and emotional conflict. Let’s dive into this heart-wrenching story.
The Make-A-Wish Dilemma ♂️

Years of Refusing Wishes ♀️

Turning 18 and Facing Health Challenges

A Last Chance for a Wish ⏳

Family Pressure for a Trip ✈️

Denied Tuition Money

The Shopping Spree Decision ️

Mom’s Disapproval

Selling the Gifts ️

Brother’s Accusations

The Reasoning Behind the Wish

Questioning Their Actions

Update: MAW Rep Intervenes

Giving Mom Another Chance ⏰

A Wish Torn Apart by Family Drama
After years of refusing Make-A-Wish offers, our wish recipient finally decided to ask for a shopping spree to get tech for university. However, their family, who had pressured them to wish for a trip, disapproved of the decision, calling it selfish. Mom even went as far as selling the computer they received as part of the wish. The internet has a lot to say about this emotional rollercoaster of a story, so let’s see what people think…
NTA, don’t feel guilty for your Make-A-Wish. Your family is selfish

Siblings of Make-A-Wish recipients share their experiences and support.

Make-A-Wish is for sick children, not their relatives. NTA.
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Make-A-Wish recipient stands up to family pressure for selfish wish

NTA for making your own wish , and your mom’s actions are theft

Family tries to guilt Make-A-Wish recipient into their wish
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Make-A-Wish recipient stands up to greedy family members

Make-A-Wish recipient reports mother for stealing and selling gifts

Former Make-a-Wish candidate supports wish recipient. Hard NTA

Family’s conditional love towards sick child leads to backlash.

Make-A-Wish recipient faces family backlash for ‘selfish’ wish . Supportive aunt and theft accusations.

Recipient faces family backlash for Make-A-Wish, defended as NTA

Family backlash for Make-A-Wish recipient’s ‘selfish’ wish. NTA.

Make-A-Wish ensures family doesn’t pressure child. NTA.

Heartwarming support offered to commenter in difficult situation
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Giving the power of wish-making to the child is crucial

Make-A-Wish recipient faces family backlash for choosing selfish wish

Don’t be ashamed to do things that make you happy

Recipient defends wish against family backlash

Selfish wish? NTA, it’s their wish, their choice

Commenter supports Make-A-Wish recipient and condemns family’s behavior

Donating to Make-a-Wish helps sick kids, not their families

Make-A-Wish recipient’s family tries to sell computer. NTA.

Family calls Make-A-Wish recipient selfish for wish

Wish mama defends recipient and suggests legal action against family

Commenter supports Make-A-Wish recipient, condemns family’s selfishness

Wishing the best for the unwell Make-A-Wish recipient

Family tries to gain from Make-A-Wish recipient’s condition

Mother sells Make-A-Wish computer for family vacation money
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Teen faces family backlash for ‘selfish’ Make-A-Wish computer wish

Sibling and mother’s behavior towards Make-A-Wish recipient is disgusting

Make-A-Wish recipient’s family faces backlash for selfishness. NTA supporter.

Family trying to profit off illness, NTA for wanting own wish

Family accused of wanting a free holiday from sick relative

Make-A-Wish is for *you*, not your selfish family. NTA

Don’t let selfish family members ruin your special wish

MAW prioritizes the child’s wish, not family influence or reward.

Make-A-Wish policy prioritizes child’s wish over family’s pressure

User defends Make-A-Wish recipient from family backlash

Make-A-Wish is for sick kids, not to compensate families. NTA

Make-A-Wish recipient faces family backlash over computer sale

Make-A-Wish recipient’s family criticized for selfish behavior

Make-A-Wish experience should be all about the child

Family pressures Make-A-Wish recipients, NTA stands up for self

18-year-old Make-A-Wish recipient stands up to family’s selfish request

Heartbreaking story of a selfish family. NTA’s advice is solid

Make-A-Wish recipient defends wish for laptop over family’s desires

A heartwarming NTA comment supporting a Make-A-Wish recipient ❤️

NTA chooses meaningful wish over Disney, family reacts selfishly

NTA stands up to greedy family in theft dispute

Empathetic comment supports Make-A-Wish recipient’s selfless wish ❤️

Sibling of Make-A-Wish recipient defends patient’s selfish wish

Make-A-Wish kid’s family steals computer, commenter suggests legal action.

Supportive comment congratulating Make-A-Wish recipient on graduation and wish.

Family shames Make-A-Wish recipient for selling PC ♂️

Heartless siblings and selfish mom? NTA, OP is cool

Standing up for oneself in illness

Make-A-Wish recipient defends selfish wish, receives family backlash
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Wish Granter supports recipient’s authentic wish. NTA

Supportive comment suggests legal action against unsupportive family

Comment dismissed with a YTA judgment ♂️
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Commenter defends Make-A-Wish recipient against family’s selfishness

Make-A-Wish recipient stands up to family backlash

NTA for using Make-A-Wish for yourself. Family’s reaction is gross

Take control of your wish, you’re not the a****e

Make-A-Wish is for the person directly suffering, NTA

NTA recipient’s mom called selfish for insensitive comment ♀️
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NTA comment receives no backlash in comment section

Family uses illness as cash cow, NTA stands up for self

Make-A-Wish recipient stands up to family’s selfish backlash

Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team