Katy Perry is a “Firework.” She’s explosive, breathtaking, and impossible not to watch. For a while, it seemed as if Katy was content to live her life on her own terms, absent children .
But after meeting Orlando Bloom in 2016, a primal dormant instinct from deep inside began to “Roar”, until the noise became deafening .
Much to her own surprise, she became a mother and during a recent appearance on the Dear Chelsea podcast — Katy finally revealed what prompted her to “breed” with Orlando Bloom .
Katy Perry is without a doubt one of the most significant artists of the new millennium.

Ever since Katy stormed onto the scene back in 2008, she’s been an unstoppable proverbial pop music force. With 21 songs and 3 studio albums certified Platinum , Katy really lived a “Teenage Dream.”
But as the years went by, those dreams began to change, and Katy’s priorities slowly shifted from music to her personal life.

After a failed marriage to Russell Brand, love and marriage were the last things on Katy’s mind. That is until she met Orlando Bloom.
Katy and Orlando first met back in 2016. By 2019, they were engaged to be married.

Recently, while making an appearance on Chelsea Handler’s Dear Chelsea podcast, Katy revealed what first prompted her to “breed” with the Pirates of the Caribbean alum.
Katy explained that before meeting Orlando, she never considered herself to be a maternal person.

” I find joy through other people’s joy ,” Katy said. “Like, if they’re having a great time, I’m having a great time. But still, there was a little bit of a disconnect.”
However, once Katy started to see how Orlando interacted with his own son, Flynn, something began stirring inside her.

As soon as Katy ” Saw what a great dad he was ” first-hand, she started to yearn for a child of her own.
“That definitely primally influenced me,” Katy told Handler. “Something inside of me said, ‘You, mid-30s. This man is nice. Must breed.'”

Eventually, Katy’s primal instincts took over, and in March of 2020 — the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together.
While speaking about her pregnancy during an interview with SiriusXM, Katy said that it “Wasn’t an accident.”

The “Firework” singer went on to say that ” We were both looking forward to this new interval of life and sharing this .”
Then, in August of 2020, Katy and Orlando introduced their daughter Daisy to the world.

” We are floating with love and wonder from the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter ,” Katy and Orlando wrote in the caption of their first family photo.
But just because Katy caved to her primal maternal instincts once, don’t presume that she’s in a hurry to do it again.

At the moment, Katy is directing all of her spare time and focus toward her full-time Las Vegas residency.
“I can’t do that show with anything in my belly,” she jested to E! News. “Especially a human.”
Although Katy’s career is still her main focus, she still somehow manages to be present for all of her daughter Daisy’s big milestones .
When asked about how Daisy was progressing, Katy couldn’t help but brag.

” She’s running, she says ‘I love you,’ she colors; she’s got pigtails .” And while it may be some time before baby Daisy gets a baby brother/sister, Katy isn’t saying no to the possibility of future breeding.
Last Updated on May 19, 2022 by Jordan Claes