Guys, the greatest thing just happened. Two of the most genuine, kind, BEST people in Hollywood just met via podcast phone call and I am NOT OKAY!!!
Jennifer Garner is literally the sweetest, most adorable woman of life.
If you don’t follow her socials, you’re truly missing out.
You know who else is the sweetest, most adorable woman of life? DAME JULIE ANDREWS.
So when the two ladies joined forces on Katie Couric’s podcast, it was pure magic!
Katie posted the adorable video on her Instagram, showing Jennifer’s surprise and delight at hearing Julie on the phone.

“I wanted to tell you I’m a huge fan and love what you do,” Julie told Jennifer.
“And Katie was just telling me that you were pretty admiring of me, too, so I thought, ‘Well let’s just have a chat.'”
Jennifer tells her idol she raised her kids on her films and books and would “leave [her] children on the side of the freeway” for the opportunity to chat with her.

Julie laughs and the two have the most adorable convo, and decide to go for lunch with Katie sometime soon.
Jennifer posted a series of pics of herself during the phone call with Julie and honestly they’re a BIG MOOD, lol.
“@katiecouric asked @julieandrews to call me. It was a surprise. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn this, but I love her. . #NextQuestionwithKatieCouric with Dame Andrews is out tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all of us. #zerochill #thankyoukatie,” she wrote.
Watch the full phone call below, and try not to CRY from the cuteness!
Last Updated on November 30, 2019 by Anastasia Ross