Jane Fonda is no stranger to run-ins with the law. She’s been an activist her entire life and has always stood up against political inaction.
Recently, the star’s zealotry landed her in an 8×8 holding cell – overnight. Here is her incredible story.
It all began when Jane decided that more needed to be done to help fight climate change.

In a recent interview with Elle, the star describes feeling “very depressed” that she “wasn’t doing enough about the climate crisis.”
So Jane got to work.
She started making small changes to her life that she could manage perfectly on her own.
That meant no more single-use plastics for Jane.
Which is an excellent first step to make our planet healthier!
After some time, Jane even made the switch to an electric car.
Jane did the world (and Elon Musk) a favor when she adopted clean energy .
Which, hey, I’m sure if we all had the money to do so, we would.
Finally, Jane pledged to cut back on her overall consumption of meat.
This would be nearly impossible for me (and probably a lot of other meat lovers) to achieve – good for you Jane!
But even after all of her efforts, it still wasn’t enough for Jane. Not even close!

She knew that more work was needed, but she was unsure on how to proceed.
“When you’re famous, you have this incredible potential platform, but how do you use it?” she said.
She still felt that way even though she’s been an activist for most of her celeb life!
Since the time of the Vietnam War, Jane has been a political activist.
Her 1970 mugshot remains a powerful image of feminist rights and freedoms, even to this day.
That’s what led her to start ‘Fire Drill Friday’.

Inspired by the words of Greta Thunberg, Fonda was spurred into action.
She began holding protest rallies on the White House lawn, which got her into some trouble.
But Washington didn’t take too kindly to Jane’s efforts.
Fonda was arrested on four separate occasions .
After her most recent run-in with the law, police decided to make an example out of her.
Jane was placed in handcuffs and forced to spend the night in a holding cell.
The 82-year-old actress wasn’t given so much as a blanket or a pillow to sleep on.
She had to use her own coat to put over her bunk, and listened to inmates “sobbing, screaming, and rattling the bars of their cells.”
But she knows that even in jail, she was treated much more fairly than others.

“I’m white and I’m famous and I think orders came down from the attorney general to handle me with kid gloves.” she said.
Despite her night that will likely stay in her memory forever, she isn’t letting it stop her from doing what she thinks is right.

Handcuffs will not keep her down, that’s for sure!
“It’s very hard in life to find a way to align your body with your deepest values, and that’s what civil disobedience can do,”
“Even though you’re being handcuffed and put in a situation where you have absolutely no control, it’s like stepping in to yourself.”
“I have chosen to put myself in this position where I lose all power because of something I believe in.”
“And it’s incredible.”
In fact, she’s making sure that even in isolation, she’s doing her part to help climate change.
Fonda announced that she’ll be hosting her marches virtually starting April 3.
And yes, you can be part of it.
If you want more info on it, text Jane to 877877.
Let us know below in the comments if you’ll be joining her!
To read the entirety of the Elle article, click here!
Last Updated on April 1, 2020 by Jordan Claes