Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a juicy tale of family drama, in-law invasions, and a battle for personal space! Meet our leading lady, a 28-year-old work-from-home powerhouse who’s married to Nick, a 30-year-old apprentice. They’re living the dream in a mortgage-free house gifted by her parents, but there’s a catch… Nick’s family just can’t seem to stay away! Every other week, they descend upon the house like a swarm of locusts , leaving our heroine feeling cramped and overwhelmed. But fear not, she’s got a plan! Let’s dive into this wild ride and see how it all unfolds!
A House Divided: The In-Law Invasion!

Mortgage-Free Living: A Gift from the Parents

Renovation Nation: Modernizing the Family Home

Living the Good Life: Holidays and Savings Galore!

The In-Law Invasion: Every Other Week!

⏰ Overstaying Their Welcome: Work and Hobbies Interrupted!

Enough is Enough: The Office/Gaming Room Transformation!

The Disappearing Workstation: Nick’s Oblivious Reaction

The Office Reveal: In-Laws Upset and Off to the Hotel!

Catching Up on Work: A Peaceful Weekend at Last!

️ Bedroom Demands: Nick’s Ultimatum

The Silent Treatment: Nick’s Bedroom Retreat

Edit 1: The Forgotten Office Plans ♀️

️ The Unheeded Plea: “They Are Family!”

The Open Door: Nick’s Compliments and Assumptions

Edit 2: The Visiting Bunch: Underage Siblings Galore!

Gaming with the Hubby: Another Reason for a Separate Office! ️

The In-Law Invasion: A Battle for Personal Space!
Well, well, well… it seems our leading lady has had enough of the constant in-law invasions! She’s taken matters into her own hands and transformed a spare bedroom into her personal oasis – an office/gaming room complete with a library and cozy sofa. But wait, there’s more! Nick, the oblivious husband, didn’t even notice the disappearing workstation! When the in-laws arrived for their usual visit, they were in for a surprise… no more free lodging! Off to the hotel they went, leaving our heroine to enjoy a peaceful weekend in her own home. But the drama doesn’t end there! Nick’s demanding she convert the room back into a bedroom, and now he’s giving her the silent treatment! The audacity! Let’s see what the internet thinks of this juicy tale!
DIL turns spare room into office, in-laws outraged. NTA

NTA prioritizes work over in-laws, suggests couples counseling

In-laws constantly visiting, husband ignores wife’s discomfort, NTA.

Protect your assets and stand up for yourself. NTA

DIL turns spare room into office, refuses to host in-laws

DIL stands up for herself, husband must host his own family

DIL under fire for turning spare room into office

DIL is NTA for turning a spare room into an office ♀️ In-laws need to respect personal space

DIL turns spare room into office, in-laws not respecting boundaries. NTA

OP’s partner is taking advantage of them and not respecting boundaries

DIL turns spare room into office, in-laws shocked. NTA.

DIL turns spare room into office, in-laws offended. NTA wins!

DIL turns spare room into office, in-laws upset, but NTA.

DIL’s partner taking advantage and disregarding her. NTA for setting boundaries.

DIL stands her ground against in-laws’ selfish behavior. NTA

Passive aggressive in-law guilt trips DIL over home office renovation. NTA.

Partner’s family overstays, disrespecting DIL’s space. NTA, set boundaries

Hosting 18 relatives is too much, NTA for being p****d

DIL turns spare room into office, husband values family over her

Setting boundaries with in-laws over spare room usage. NTA

NTA, set your boundaries and take control of your home
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/59387e87-3cbf-4ce4-97cf-e35a65483e63.png)
DIL’s in-laws expect her to host 70 people but won’t let her have an office? NTA

DIL stands up to entitled in-laws and sets boundaries
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cb6a2233-360e-41bd-b21d-e2abe6cf0966.png)
Setting boundaries with in-laws visiting is important. Stand your ground!

Taking a stand for your own well-being and boundaries!

DIL’s right to a safe haven in her own home. NTA

DIL’s husband dominates everything, treating her like a dowry
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ecbbb82b-a54b-46f1-838f-b68f395c21dc.png)
Marriage problems run deeper than the spare room issue.

Setting boundaries with in-laws, NTA but need better communication

NTA refuses to host in-laws, questions sanity of 8 guests.

Being NTA doesn’t mean being a doormat ♀️. Let him host and find out.

Serious advice alert! Consider ending the relationship.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/325ada8c-82c5-4f5d-8607-3d326206652d.png)
Reclaiming space & setting boundaries, NTA.

Redditor called out for editing post to hide their a**hole behavior.

Setting boundaries with in-laws, NTA.

NTA suggests being petty and holding a mini game vacay in remodeled room, putting a lock on it

“NTA. Major red flag. Leave him asap”

In-laws treating your house like a bed and breakfast? Pitch in financially.

Hosting is exhausting, don’t adjust your space – NTA

DIL is NTA, but commenter’s opinion of in-laws is brutal

User sympathizes with DIL and suggests leaving narcissistic husband

Setting boundaries with in-laws, NTA. Husband needs to help clean.

No teenage dream: cramped house + visiting siblings = shower chaos

Asserting boundaries with difficult in-laws.

Dump him? NTA stands their ground against in-laws.

Suspicious comment suggests in-law may have ulterior motives
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/932cc5bb-b1b7-48f1-b40a-b31daaf694fb.png)
In-laws overstayed welcome, DIL sets boundaries. NTA

Peace and quiet over in-laws. NTA wins!

Supportive comment encourages OP to take control of her life

Husband prioritizes family over wife, expects her to host and clean.

In-laws treat DIL like a hotel and restaurant, NTA for setting boundaries

Boyfriend’s entitlement no match for empowered DIL.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/62b0d064-4c54-4b25-9b76-714fbbb653e9.png)
In-laws banned , couples counseling needed , careful with assets

Couple with clashing family preferences should consider separation.

Breaking the cycle: a reflection on self-awareness and growth

NTA, but dump him?

Setting boundaries and seeking counseling can help handle in-law issues.

Take a break from hosting and let your husband play host!

Communication is key Talk before making big decisions.

Unsupportive spouse and uninvited guests – Recipe for disaster

DIL is NTA for refusing to host in-laws every week

Collaboration and communication is key for a harmonious household

Partner’s family overstaying, NTA for wanting boundaries and help.

Big family or not, assumptions and entitlement are not okay! NTA

Take your half and cut them all off

DIL takes control of her space, NTA comment supports decision

Setting boundaries with in-laws: NTA, respect is key

Set boundaries with in-laws, your home isn’t a hotel

User expresses disbelief at enmeshed family and suggests divorce

Husband’s family treating wife like a maid? NTA

User sympathizes with husband’s family dilemma and suggests setting boundaries.

Reader shocked at the number of siblings mentioned in post

Setting boundaries with in-laws

Defending her space: NTA, her house, her rules
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a95d878f-a353-4ecd-95b9-2be481045e60.png)
Hosting in-laws for the weekend? NTA for refusing

In-laws are codependent and NTA for turning room into office.

Supportive comment warns about future living situation with in-laws

Financial abuse from in-laws? That’s not okay

NTA. Don’t sell your house, ditch your hubby

Supportive comment calls out husband’s family-first mentality.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3afa2210-d3be-4e68-957e-58c274baabf9.png)
Setting boundaries with in-laws

Setting boundaries regarding personal space. NTA for DIL.

Setting boundaries with houseguests, NTA

DIL stands up to in-laws taking advantage of her hospitality

Take control of your home and set boundaries with in-laws

Setting boundaries with disrespectful in-laws. NTA

Empathetic comment suggests to dump the loser and live rent-free

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Diply Social Team