Imagine this: you leave your computer on the dining table, only to find it later in the trash bin, damaged beyond repair. That’s the predicament one woman found herself in after her husband’s ‘cleaning up’ went horribly wrong. But when she demanded an apology, he turned the tables, blaming her instead. Let’s dive into this domestic drama that’s got the internet buzzing. ️
The Controversial Cleaning Habit
The Lost Computer Mystery ️♀️
The Shocking Discovery ️
The Blame Game Begins
The Damaged Computer
The Demand for Compensation
The Unfair Accusation
The Absent Apology ❌
The Unexpected Twist ️
A Trashy Tale of a Lost Computer and a Marital Meltdown ️
In a shocking turn of events, a woman’s computer ends up in the trash, thanks to her husband’s peculiar cleaning habit. But when she demands an apology, he blames her instead, sparking a fiery debate. As the blame game escalates, the internet weighs in on this domestic drama. Is the husband really at fault, or is the wife overreacting? Let’s see what the web has to say about this trashy situation… ️
“NTA. Husband’s passive aggressiveness and intentional sabotage is a bigger problem.”
NTA – Divorce. Several red flags. Gaslighting husband is disrespectful
NTA. Husband’s manipulative behavior: trashing computer, blaming you, and gaslighting.
NTA but your husband is. Find a safer storage spot
NTA: Husband’s trashy mistake leads to heated argument and consequences.
Passive-aggressive husband throws out computer to teach a lesson
Husband’s trash bin antics: NTA. ️
“NTA. Why thank someone for throwing laptop in trash? “
NTA: Divorce him! He doesn’t respect you or your belongings
Gaslighting husband trashes laptop, NTA. Run, sis!
NTA, but deeper issues at play. Sinister ‘punishment’ tactic
Laptop vs. Paper Trash: The Weighty Dilemma
NTA and hello to all the red flags!!! Husband throws away laptop, controlling behavior, borderline emotional abuse.
Gaslighting husband blames wife for lost laptop in trash
Husband’s computer mishap: Blaming you for his own mistake?
“NTA. Husband intentionally threw out laptop, causing irreparable damage. ️ “
Baffled by husband’s trashy mistake and need for assertion
Trashy habits causing marital strife? Find out more
NTA, seriously? Is he on a power trip or what?
Husband’s trashy mistake: NTA accuses him of intentional computer disposal
Trash bin mishap leads to a heated argument and consequences
Husband’s strange behavior and resentment: NTA, it’s only getting worse
Husband’s sneaky lesson backfires, leaving broken computer and blame game
Husband’s trashy mistake: NTA. Communication is key for a solution.
Accusations fly as suspicions arise. Was it intentional?
Confused by husband’s actions? You’re not alone.
Suspicion and secrets: NTA suspects more than just accidental disposal.
Confusion over a lost computer sparks a trashy argument
Fiery debate: Should destruction of property be reciprocated?
Accidental or Intentional? Suspicion arises in the lost laptop incident
NTA. Trashy husband throws out laptop, owes apology and replacement.
Thrown computer, thrown bin, now wants thanks? NTA, obviously.
NTA: Damaging property, gaslighting you, and narcissistic behavior. Consider divorce!
NTA. Therapy may help. Narcissistic husband lacks respect and empathy.
Trust issues? Partner’s questionable behavior raises red flags. NTA
Husband’s trashy mistake: A calculated move to punish you.
NTA, your husband’s behavior is abusive. You deserve better
Passive-aggressive husband throws computer in trash, destroys screen. NTA.
Sabotage or accident? The truth behind a ruined computer
Both careless: computer left on table, husband put it in recycling ️
NTA. Husband’s trashy mistake: laptop in paper bin? Mind blown!
Garbage bins aren’t storage! NTA for calling it out
NTA. Communication issues and a trashy laptop move make this relationship doomed.
NTA, but a total j**k! Arrogant and r**e as h**l!
NTA: Husband’s trashy mistake reveals controlling behavior
NTA. Passive aggression at its finest.
Husband trashes computer, wife not grateful.
Gaslighting husband intentionally damages computer to control wife. Unacceptable behavior!
Husband threw away her computer and blames her. NTA, examine behavior.
“NTA. He ruined your computer out of pettiness? No honey no.”
Husband’s trashy mistake sparks heated argument, NTA for feeling targeted
Curious about the husband’s trash habits? Find out now!
Unbelievable! How did he not notice the heavy computer?
Husband’s trashy mistake sparks fiery argument. NTA demands compensation.
Curious about OP’s relationship length? Let’s find out!
NTA, husband is full of s**t and deserves consequences
NTA but run now
“NTA – Revenge is a dish best served on the toilet “
Husband’s computer tossed out? NTA! That’s nuts!
A dumb situation with extreme comments. Nice of him, but…
Husband’s trashy mistake: intentional act or genuine accident? ️
Gaslighting partner throws away expensive tech as punishment. NTA.
Husband’s intentional mistake sparks debate about household organization. NTA.
NTA: Expecting gratitude for fixing a mistake? Seriously?
NTA.1. Who puts an electronic device in a trash bin to clean up? (A******s, that’s who). 2. Who TF doesn’t realize the weight of the paper bin when tossing it? This was purposeful. 100%.
Trash bin mishap: A lost computer sparks heated argument
Hubby’s trashy mistake: no respect for personal belongings
NTA. Husband’s negligence and gaslighting is abusive
NTA. Husband’s refusal to take responsibility causes heated argument.
Organize with a pretty box for random stuff, it works!
Dumping a laptop in the trash? NTA, obvious damage. ️ ❄️
Trashy mistake leads to heated argument and accusations. ESH.
NTA. Husband intentionally threw away computer, massive AH
NTA. Husband’s control issues and gaslighting behavior are concerning
Fiery response to husband’s laptop mishap sparks heated debate
NTA: Husband’s passive-aggressive move sparks need for couples counseling
Husband’s trashy mistake leads to laptop disaster. NTA for being upset.
NTA. Husband’s negligence and blame-shifting is unacceptable. Time for a talk.
Husband’s trashy mistake: NTA, but computer toss is a real issue
ESH. Communication in marriage s***s. Work on it. ♂️
Last Updated on August 1, 2023 by Diply Social Team