Picture this: a couple moves into a new house, and the wife receives beautiful fake candles as a housewarming gift. She loves candles, but her husband is terrified of fire hazards. When she turns on the fake candles, he freaks out, claiming they look too real and make him anxious. Is this a reasonable concern, or is he just being a bit too dramatic? Let’s dive into their heated debate!
The Gift of Fake Candles

Anxiety Kicks In

Messing with the Timer ⏲️

The Fire Fear

Pushing Back ⚔️

A Matter of Adjustment

The Impasse

Life’s Little Luxuries ♀️

Fire Safety Importance

The Fake Candle Standoff

Husband’s Confidence

Wife’s Counterargument ♀️

The Great Candle Conundrum ️
So, there you have it: a wife who just wants to enjoy her beautiful fake candles, and a husband who’s so worried about fire safety that even the sight of fake candles makes him anxious. Is his concern valid, or is he just being too dramatic? Who’s in the right here? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this fiery debate!

Engaging solution proposed for fake candle safety concern

![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a6712c58-c843-4db9-b239-78ba23989058.png)
Husband’s fake candle panic deemed irrational by commenters

Spouse’s controlling behavior over fake candles raises red flags

Spouse’s candle ban is controlling. Fake candles are sweet gesture.

Husband’s fear of candles – genuine concern or overreaction? ️

Partner’s fear of candles may stem from past trauma ♀️

Fake candles causing real panic? NTA says husband’s overreacting.

Couples counseling might be a better solution

Therapy for hubby, backbone for you. RIDICULOUSNESS

Fake candles causing marital conflict. NTA suggests fake candles too.

Electricity vs. Candles: A Bright Debate

Commenter calls out controlling behavior and suggests unresolved trauma.

Using candle warmers instead of candles for safety concerns.

Husband’s fear of fire leads to overreaction with fake candles
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c93aa1f9-7990-4733-be7f-b8cb736af3dc.png)
Encourage therapy for safety concerns, not overreactions.

Stranger agrees, NTA. Fake candles pose low risk, seek help.

Overcoming fire phobia: NTA suggests therapy, burnt food concerns included

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team