We’ve all had our fair share of housemate drama, but this one takes the cake… or should we say, the dinner? One student’s housemate has decided that, due to her early morning university commitments, no one in the house is allowed to use the kitchen after 6:30 PM, so she can sleep undisturbed. But what happens when other housemates’ schedules don’t align with this new rule? Let’s dive into this deliciously dramatic tale! ️
The Clean Freak’s New Rule

The Clash of Schedules ⏰

The Right to Cook

The House Meeting Proposal ️

The Ungrateful Accusation ♀️

The Cold Shoulder ❄️

The Reasonable Request ️

The Plea for Understanding ♀️

The Compromise Proposal

The Silent Treatment

The Mumbled Accusation ️

The Final Word ⬇️

The Unbearable Rule

The Kitchen Conundrum: A Battle Over Dinner Time! ️⏰
In a shared living situation, compromises are essential. But when one housemate’s rule threatens to leave others hungry, it’s time to stir the pot! Our protagonist, a hardworking student, finds herself at odds with her ‘clean freak’ housemate who’s imposed a ‘no cooking after 6:30 PM’ rule to ensure her beauty sleep. Despite attempts at reasoning and proposing a house meeting to discuss the issue, the rule-maker remains unyielding, hurling accusations of selfishness. ♀️ As the tension simmers, we’re left wondering – will the housemates reach a compromise or will dinner time continue to be a battlefield? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this culinary conflict! ️
NTA. You called her on her s**t and were respectful about it. You handled this just right. Nicely done!

NTA: Stand firm on kitchen use, she needs to adapt.

NTA, it’s not reasonable to expect the kitchen to be off-limits for 10.5 hours a day. She’s entitled and expects everything to do what she wants.

NTA: Roommate’s unreasonable demands and need for control are addressed.

NTA. Quiet rule at 6:30 PM is ridiculous!
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NTA. Handling kitchen rule drama with a touch of pettiness.

NTA. You handled it well

NTA. Stand up for your kitchen freedom!

Dealing with a difficult housemate’s absurd rules. You handled it!

NTA. Stand your ground and let her handle her own noise.

NTA. Don’t let her control your dinner plans!

NTA. Stand your ground and shut her down!

Demanding kitchen curfew at dinner time? Unreasonable! NTA

NTA handled it like a champion!

Roommate’s kitchen rule is unreasonable, NTA. Stick to lease agreement

NTA – Respectful roommate stands up against entitled kitchen rule!

NTA. Roommate’s 6:30 PM curfew? Sleep or caffeine addiction?

Stand up for your freedom! Don’t let her control you

“Housemate’s kitchen rule is ridiculous! We’re adults! “

NTA- Kitchen curfew at 6:30 PM is absurd! Brace for early morning noise

NTA- Roommate wants kitchen silence, should soundproof her own room

“NTA. Her demand is unreasonable. If she has to wake at 5:00 it is reasonable to want quiet time from about 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. onward. It is unreasonable to demand that people not cook.”

Roommate wants kitchen closed at 6:30 PM, entitled or not?

Housemate’s kitchen rule sparks debate over sleep and cooking

NTA suggests a retaliatory rule to counter the kitchen curfew!

Kitchen curfew: NTA suggests turning the tables on housemate!

Curfew in the kitchen? What’s her bedtime, 6:31?

NTA – You’ve been entirely reasonable here. Hope she comes around!

NTA. Roommate’s kitchen rule causes conflict. Communication is key!

NTA. Collaborative approach to house quiet hours. Be prepared for compromise.

NTA: Standing up to ridiculous kitchen rule like a boss!

Housemate’s selfishness sparks debate over kitchen rules.

Migraine sufferer defends OP, calls housemate unreasonable. NTA!

Roommate’s control freak tendencies are making living together unbearable. Stand up for yourself and reclaim your home!

NTA: Kitchen entitlement and the importance of equal rights!

NTA. Push back and make her pay for the extra food!

NTA: Housemate’s kitchen rule sparks conflict and resentment.

Housemate tries to control communal area, but roommate stands up!

NTA. Unacceptable kitchen rule. Common space, not her domain.
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Shared living: No one can dictate kitchen rules. Diplomacy wins!

Early bird kitchen rule causing sleep-deprived tension

Housemate wants kitchen rule, but it’s NTA to cook after 6:30 PM!

NTA. 6:30 is ridiculously early.

Petty revenge brewing over kitchen curfew.

NTA: Noise concerns? Get noise-cancelling headphones!

NTA: Roommate’s kitchen curfew causes conflict. Who’s the selfish one?

Roommate’s hypocritical rule sparks heated debate. NTA vs ESH.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0c8c594d-4e5f-44a8-9fcc-6aeb92b32ff1.png)
Ignoring unreasonable demands from a controlling housemate.

NTA, offer to help her find someone to take over lease!

NTA. Sleep schedule conflicts are tough. Empathy is important.

Unite with roommates to shut down crazy kitchen rule!

Stand up for yourself! Don’t let her control your dinner!

Stand your ground and fight back! You’re not the a**hole!

NTA stands up against unfair kitchen rule, suggests house meeting.

Kitchen freedom: NTA. Cook whenever you want!

Handling a selfish housemate’s extreme demands like a boss! NTA

NTA – Housemate’s controlling rule sparks concern over food freedom

Fair reaction and proposals. NTA!

Roommate wants no cooking after 6:30 PM? NTA, stand your ground!

NTA: Don’t waste energy on childish housemate’s bizarre rule

NTA. Earplugs exist exactly for this reason.

NTA. Ridiculous kitchen rule! Cooking can be quiet too!

NTA, reasonable rule! Buy her earplugs!

NTA. Roommate’s unrealistic demands make living together unbearable!

Sleep vs. Cook: Battle of the Housemates!

NTA: Roommate’s kitchen rule is ridiculous!

NTA. Stand up for yourself and don’t let her control you!

Handling kitchen rules like a boss!

You pay rent, you make the rules!

Sleep-deprived housemate demands 10+ hours of kitchen silence!

NTA suggests retaliatory rule: No showers or kitchen before 7am!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/052c4650-16e3-4059-95ce-2c6bbc86e0e9.png)
NTA: Roommate’s kitchen rule is manipulative and childish. Solution: ear plugs!

Last Updated on December 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team