Imagine this: you’re pregnant, moving house, and your husband’s friend, ‘Sam’, offers to lend a hand. The evening starts off well, but as the night progresses, things take a horrifying turn. Sam, who was supposed to help, ends up becoming a drunken terror, causing a sleepless, terrifying night for our heroine. But that’s not all, the drama doesn’t end there, folks!
The Night Begins: All Seems Well

The Nightmare Unfolds: A R**e Awakening

The Plot Thickens: Drunken Antics

The Terror Continues: Unwanted Attention

A Fearful Escape: Dodging Sam’s Advances ♀️

The Morning After: Broken Promises and Cancelled Plans

The Final Straw: A Permanent Ban

The Aftermath: Reflection and Resolve

The Final Decision: No More Sam

A Terrifying Night, A Broken Promise, and A Permanent Ban!
In a shocking turn of events, a seemingly helpful friend ‘Sam’ turns into a nightmare for our pregnant protagonist. After a night of terror, fear, and broken promises, she makes a tough decision – a permanent ban on Sam from their house. But was she too harsh? Or was it a necessary step for her peace of mind? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA: Pregnant woman harassed by drunken friend, husband should ban him

Terrifying houseguest, NTA. Move away and get husband’s support.

“NTA. Your house, your rules. This guy sounds like a tool “

NTA for feeling unsafe in your own home. Sam needs help

NTA: Husband’s drunken friend gets a taste of his own medicine

Husband’s friend Sam’s drunken behavior: past incidents and current consequences

NTA – Sam’s lucky he wasn’t kicked out or arrested!

Don’t let him in your house again! It’s dangerous!

“Ban him! Your husband needs to prioritize your safety! “

NTA. Husband’s friend gets drunk, crosses boundaries, and makes you feel unsafe. Time to speak up!

Justified NTA for banning drunken friend with creepy behavior

NTA: Husband’s drunken friend ruins night, time to cut ties

Sam’s drunken antics ruined moving day. NTA for banning him

NTA. Concerns about Sam’s behavior and husband’s lack of action.

NTA. Drunk guy scared OP, but predictably escalated to assault

NTA: Trust your instincts, those red flags are real

Husband’s friend got drunk, refused to help move. NTA, but…

NTA. Uncomfortable houseguest causes chaos and broken promises

NTA – Uncomfortable night with husband’s drunk friend

Protective husband defends wife from drunken friend. NTA

Protecting a pregnant woman from a drunken friend

Setting strict rules for a troublesome houseguest

Watch out for your husband’s priorities

Woman rightfully bans husband’s drunken friend after feeling unsafe

NTA: Drunken friend’s behavior is inexcusable, stay away from him
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NTA. Houseguest got wasted, cost you money, and acted creepy.

NTA: Husband’s friend violates personal space, husband needs to prioritize safety
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Terrifying encounter with a drunken houseguest leads to permanent ban
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“Houseguest From H**l” won’t take no for an answer

Disturbing comment about a dangerous houseguest and consent.

NTA… Terrifying night with drunken friend. Hope husband listens!
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Stay safe! Don’t trust his promises, protect your home

Last Updated on October 17, 2023 by Diply Social Team