Imagine being a 13-year-old girl, hospitalized due to epilepsy, and still being forced to attend your Zoom PE class. Sounds absurd, right? Well, that’s precisely what happened to this poor girl, who we’ll call ‘Zoomie.’ Despite informing her PE teacher, Ms. R, about her hospitalization, Zoomie was still required to attend the class. Little did she know that this would lead to an embarrassing and uncomfortable situation that would leave her in tears. Let’s dive into the story…
Zoomie’s Hospitalization

Email to Ms. R

Ms. R’s Response

Zoom PE Class

Forced to Turn Camera On

Exercise Time?

Ms. R’s Inappropriate Suggestions

Uncomfortable Situation

Ms. R Gets Mad

Zoomie Leaves the Meeting

Peer Pressure and Consequences

Marked Absent and Mom’s Involvement

The Aftermath

Guidance Counselor’s Decision

Taking a Break

Zoomie’s Ordeal: A Heartbreaking Tale of Insensitivity
Zoomie, a 13-year-old girl hospitalized due to epilepsy, was forced to attend her Zoom PE class, despite informing her teacher, Ms. R, about her condition. Ms. R not only made Zoomie turn her camera on but also pressured her to exercise in front of the class, despite being hooked up to IVs and unable to leave her bed. Humiliated and embarrassed, Zoomie left the meeting in tears. She later received an F for the day and was marked absent, while her classmates and teacher seemed to think she should’ve just explained her situation in front of everyone. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this heart-wrenching situation…
NTA hospitalized teen faces insensitivity from teacher, internet offers support

Teacher’s insensitive Zoom PE class suggestion outrages commenters
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A student hospitalized due to epilepsy gets an F in participation
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NTA. Report the teacher to the school board

NTA reports insensitive teacher; sarcastic reply receives backlash
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Supportive comment suggests taking issue to higher-ups for resolution.

NTA stands up against insensitive teacher; legal action suggested

NTA. Commenter suggests hitting the room call button and letting a nurse confront the insensitive PE teacher. A reply warns of ableist nurses.

Commenter and replies wish harm on insensitive teacher

Teacher forces hospitalized student to attend Zoom PE class. Outrage ensues

NTA for missing Zoom PE class. Teacher’s food diary policy insensitive

Teen with epilepsy feels embarrassed about attending Zoom PE class

NTA writes a letter to the principal addressing teacher’s insensitivity

Hospitalized student’s NTA comment sparks funny reply about school.

Report insensitive teacher to principal for forcing hospitalized student to attend PE

Teacher’s insensitivity towards epileptic student sparks outrage

Epileptic student shares experience of teacher’s insensitivity. NTA.

Teen’s privacy invaded during Zoom PE class, NTA should contact administration

Supportive commenter offers to help student confront insensitive teacher

Teacher’s invasion of privacy causes outrage among commenters

NTA comment suggests reporting insensitive teacher to headteacher or superintendent.
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Teen with medical condition forced to attend PE class, NTA.

Student’s medical privacy violated by teacher during hospitalization

Savage revenge plan against insensitive teacher gets support

Stand up for yourself! NTA. Report the teacher’s insensitivity

Lack of empathy from teacher during Zoom PE sparks outrage

Epileptic student advises on reporting teacher’s insensitivity

Teen’s privacy violated by teacher during Zoom PE class

Teacher’s insensitivity causes outrage, commenter defends hospitalized student.

Commenter questions teacher’s qualifications in insensitive Zoom incident.
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Parent offers support and advice to hospitalized teen facing insensitive teacher

Support for reporting insensitive teacher in Zoom PE class

Doctor’s note needed to skip Zoom PE class. NTA wins.

Curiosity leads to gossip: when sharing goes too far

Mom can still complain to school, NTA comment agrees

Hospitalized student clarifies teacher’s ignorance on Zoom attendance

Get parents and teacher’s superiors involved! This is absurd

Teacher crosses the line, asks for private medical info

Encouraging comment suggests finding trusted teacher or reporting to principal.

Supportive commenter advises teen to report insensitive teacher’s behavior

Teacher’s insensitivity causes outrage, advice on how to handle situation

Speak up! Teacher’s insensitivity towards hospitalized student sparks outrage
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Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team