Imagine planning your dream wedding for over a year, only to have it threatened by the most unexpected of circumstances – jury duty! Our groom-to-be, let’s call him ‘Mr. Dilemma’, and his bride, ‘Janice’, have been saving for their dream wedding in Queenstown, New Zealand. But just two weeks before the big day, Janice’s mother announces she’s been selected for jury duty and can’t attend. Now, they’re faced with a tough decision: stick to their plans or reschedule the entire wedding.
The Dream Wedding
The Unexpected News
The Impossible Request ♂️
The Financial Implications
The Wedding Planner’s Verdict
The Unfortunate Reality
The Honeymoon Hurdle ️
Janice’s Stance ♀️
The International Implications
The Emotional Angle
The Final Update
To Change or Not to Change: The Wedding Date Dilemma ♂️
Mr. Dilemma and Janice are at a crossroads. With Janice’s mother bound by jury duty, the couple is torn between sticking to their dream wedding plans and postponing everything for her presence. The financial implications are massive; the emotional toll, even greater. Janice is ready to reschedule, but Mr. Dilemma is concerned about the financial burden and the impact on his parents’ plans. As the clock ticks, the couple must make a decision that could potentially strain relationships and empty their pockets. It’s a tough call, isn’t it? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA: Use voir dire to excuse mother-in-law from jury duty.
“FMIL’s failure to sort out jury duty clashes causes wedding dilemma”
NTA: You can negotiate jury duty, FMIL should try too!
Fiancé’s mother’s jury duty causing wedding chaos and financial strain
NTA. Let them pay if they want everything moved.
“NTA. It’s a crazy ask. Weddings are expensive and guests would be ticked off.”
NTA. Economically not feasible. FMIL can request jury duty reschedule.
Pay the fine and save the wedding hassle!
Can’t get out of jury duty for a wedding?
MIL prioritizes jury duty over her son-in-law’s wedding?
Wedding during work hours? Mother-in-law’s presence at risk.
Suggest a compromise or take a stand. MIL’s power play?
FMIL should’ve requested reschedule. NTA. Easy solution.
FMIL’s suspicious behavior raises doubts about her true intentions
Court closes at 4pm, but mother could attend at 5ish
Fiancee’s ultimatum: reschedule wedding or lose mother-in-law’s presence?
MIL’s jury duty vs. wedding: Who wins?
“NTA, changing the date could still risk your mom’s attendance.”
MIL’s jury duty vs daughter’s wedding: NTA, change the date!
NTA: Wedding logistics and expenses make changing date impossible.
NTA. Mom’s jury duty vs wedding drama!
NTA, can’t swing it? Don’t move wedding. Money ≠ affordability.
Is the mother-in-law avoiding jury duty for another reason?
Mother-in-law’s absence for wedding due to jury duty dispute.
NAH. Discuss with your fiancee. Has MIL rescheduled jury service?
“Make them pay for changes if they want it so bad!”
Fiancé demands expensive wedding, wants to start over? NTA!
NTA: Juror dilemma – Wedding or court? Ask for exemption!
NTA for not wanting to change wedding date due to expenses.
Engaging jury duty experience in New Zealand and Australia
User shares experience of rescheduling plans due to jury duty.
Mother-in-law drama! NTA groom seeks advice on wedding clash.
NTA, consider a civil service so FMIL can attend.
NTA. Mother-in-law needs to fight jury duty for wedding.
New Zealander avoids jury duty and suggests alternative wedding plans. NTA
Jury duty: A minor inconvenience or a vacation spoiler?
Unfortunate wedding dilemma: change date or lose mother-in-law’s presence?
FMIL’s jury duty causes wedding date dilemma. NTA for wanting change.
Don’t change the date! FMIL needs to escape jury duty!
NTA. Stand firm.
NTA commenter doubts mother-in-law’s excuse for missing wedding
Will the mother-in-law foot the bill for a date change?
NTA. Help your FMIL get out of jury duty ASAP!
Commenter suggests legal advice to help mother-in-law avoid jury duty
Bride refusing to change wedding date, risking groom’s mother’s absence.
Suspicious mother-in-law’s jury duty excuse raises doubts and dilemmas.
Bride’s mom or dream wedding? Tough choice for groom-to-be!
Avoid jury service clash with wedding by proving pre-booked trip.
NTA: FMIL should pay for cancellation if she can’t attend.
“NTA. If your fiancé wants dream location, she needs to compromise.”
FMIL’s absence at wedding sparks outrage and jury duty debate
NTA, but changing date is inconsiderate to other attendees.
NTA: MIL had time to be excused, something fishy going on
Hopeful NTA comment supports groom-to-be in challenging wedding dilemma
Wedding date clash: NTA insists on sticking to original plans.
Engaging suggestion to include mother-in-law after the wedding
NTA, suggest telling judge mind won’t be focused, mention alternates.
Last Updated on December 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team