Picture this: You’re at the grocery store, minding your own business, listening to an audiobook with one earbud in. Suddenly, you find yourself in the middle of an unexpected drama with a furious mom! This is exactly what happened to one shopper who decided to ignore a child saying ‘hi’ to everyone in the aisle. Little did they know, this small act would lead to a full-blown grocery store showdown!
The Innocent Shopper ️
The Friendly Kid
The Offended Mom
The Confrontation Begins ⚔️
The Polite Thing to Do?
The Glaring Mom
The Loud Talker ️
The Final Showdown
The Reaction
The Afterthoughts
A Little Clarification
The Great Grocery Store Face-Off: Who’s Right? ♀️
So, our headphone-wearing shopper found themselves in a grocery store showdown with an angry mom who believed it was the height of rudeness to ignore her child’s greeting. Despite the mom’s repeated attempts to shame the shopper, they finally had enough and confronted her with a sarcastic ‘hello’ of their own. The cashier and another customer found it hilarious, but the mom was left on the verge of tears. Was our shopper in the wrong, or was the mom overreacting? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Teaching moment turned entitlement: NTA mom confronts stranger over child’s greeting
Engaging with strangers: to wave or not to wave?
ESH but OP crossed the line by yelling at the kid
ESH, but Redditors call out mocking of child
A funny NTA comment with a hope for the child’s future
Teaching kids social manners: NTA mom sets healthy example
OP and mother both at fault for petty grocery store drama
Mom and shopper both at fault for grocery store drama ♀️
Commenter calls out OP for mocking child, suggests confronting mom.
ESH for screaming at a child, but waving could’ve helped
Confrontation at the grocery store leads to bad behavior. ESH.
Commenter calls out both parties in grocery store altercation. ♀️
Commenter calls out both parties for immature behavior. ♂️
Commenter conflicted over r**e greeting and insane reaction. ESH.
Friendly gesture turns into mocking, everyone s***s here.
Commenter defends NTA judgement and shares personal experience.
Commenters agree: ESH, but don’t yell at innocent kid ♀️
ESH. Mother overreacts when shopper ignores child’s greeting. Let it go
Commenter calls out fake ‘and then everyone clapped’ story
Petty headphone shopper and angry mom both s**k
ESH: Both parties acted rudely, but mocking a child is unacceptable
Commenter shifts from support to criticism after yelling incident
ESH. Commenter understands but criticizes yelling at the mom.
Commenter calls out OP for passing bad mood to kid
Mom yells at kid, commenters agree everyone s***s here ♀️
Yelling at a kid in a grocery store? Not cool
Kid’s just a kid, but ESH in grocery store drama ♀️
Obnoxious mom vs. headphone shopper – ESH except the kid
ESH but mom needs to chill. Kid is just learning to talk
Cashier gets criticized for not talking to kid enough NTA
Mom and shopper both acted poorly in grocery store altercation
Doubting the authenticity of the story
Acknowledging someone who says hello is basic politeness
Commenter calls out YTA for yelling at a child
ESH behavior: r**e shopper, yelling at kid, involving child.
ESH verdict for mom and OP’s overreaction, agreed by commenters
Saying hi could have avoided grocery store drama
Commenters debate whether kid deserved shopper’s anger.
Commenter calls out r**e behavior in grocery store altercation.
NTA wears earbuds, ignores kid, gets mocked, gives it back.
Questioning the motive behind shouting at a baby
Ignoring a kid is r**e, but screaming at them is worse
The importance of a simple greeting
Don’t let entitled parents guilt trip you. You’re NTA
Commenter calls out YTA for yelling at small child
Mocking a kid is immature. Learn to walk away. ESH
Commenter calls out YTA for mocking a small child
ESH in grocery store drama, mom should be the bigger person
Ignoring a kid saying hi? ESH, but who’s worse?
Commenter calls out entitled parent, sparks no replies.
Mom stands up to entitled shopper with unruly child
ESH but small gestures can make someone’s day
ESH, but mom was worse. Kid needs to learn boundaries
Commenter calls out mother’s behavior, defends child’s innocence.
Mocking a kid for saying hi makes you a mean a****e
Ignoring a kid, screaming at them: ESH ♀️
Friend doesn’t say thanks, but is it about manners?
Sarcastic comment gets no love in grocery store drama ♀️
Last Updated on May 30, 2023 by Diply Social Team