Imagine spending years working hard to earn your college degree, and when graduation day finally arrives, your parents suggest celebrating with a picnic lunch in the parking lot. That’s the dilemma faced by one college graduate, who wanted to enjoy a nice meal at a local restaurant to mark this once-in-a-lifetime accomplishment. But their frugal parents, known for their extreme budget-consciousness, insisted on sticking to their tradition of packing sandwiches and eating in the parking lot. The graduate’s request for a special meal sparked a heated debate, with the parents accusing them of being ungrateful and difficult. Let’s dive into the story to find out more!
Graduation Day Approaches
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
The Frugal Family
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
A Lifetime of Saving
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
The Cooler Chronicles
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
The Inconvenient Truth
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
Vacation Frustration ️
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
New Tastes, New Adventures ️
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
The Sandwich Standoff
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
Graduation Lunch Proposal ️
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
A Different Plan ️
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
A Simple Request
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
Parents’ Reaction
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
Not Just Any Day
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
The Fallout
![Image credit: fancy_camel_4405 | fancy_camel_4405](
Graduation Lunch Battle: Who’s Right? ️
So, there you have it! A college graduate who just wants to celebrate their hard-earned degree with a nice meal at a local restaurant, but their frugal parents are adamant about sticking to their tradition of packing sandwiches and eating in the parking lot. The graduate’s simple request sparked a heated debate, with the parents accusing them of being ungrateful and difficult. As the big day approaches, the tension remains. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Celebrating a major milestone with a parking lot lunch? NTA, but cheap.
![Image credit: DigDugDogDun | DigDugDogDun](
Enjoy your lunch with friends and post pics! NTA.
![Image credit: wind-river7 | wind-river7](
Commenter sympathizes with OP’s graduation celebration woes.
![Image credit: chlorenchyma | chlorenchyma](
Commenter and reply both agree: NTA, graduation deserves better
![Image credit: karenrachael | karenrachael](
Celebrate your accomplishments in a cool location, not a parking lot
![Image credit: MuchPreferPets | MuchPreferPets](
Sandwiches for graduation? NTA says no, but some disagree
![Image credit: LoveMoreGlitter | LoveMoreGlitter](
Why settle for a hot parking lot when you can have shade and picnic benches nearby? ☀️
![Image credit: pennywhistlesmoonpie | pennywhistlesmoonpie](
Celebrate your accomplishment, not their stinginess. You deserve better! ️
![Image credit: enthused_high-five | enthused_high-five](
Family’s food-related issues causing graduation celebration conflict
![Image credit: SweatyFig3000 | SweatyFig3000](
NTA suggests not to shortchange special occasions. Replies include sneaking snacks.
![Image credit: sneakyscott | sneakyscott](
Celebrate your way! ️
![Image credit: Andrea_frm_DubT | Andrea_frm_DubT](
Don’t settle for hoagies in the park, you deserve steak
![Image credit: HappyLucyD | HappyLucyD](
Celebrate your achievement your way, NTA
![Image credit: jc1287 | jc1287](
Parents paying for college: common or rare?
![Image credit: StAlvis | StAlvis](
Polite but firm NTA suggests dutch lunch and cookout compromise.
![Image credit: Ok_Kale_5404 | Ok_Kale_5404](
Money saved packing food for graduation, but is restaurant worth it?
![Image credit: Ted4828 | Ted4828](
Graduation stress and a disappointing meal – make your celebration count
![Image credit: LilitySan91 | LilitySan91](
When cheap eats ruin your vacation
![Image credit: wandis56 | wandis56](
Celebrate your achievements and don’t let anyone bring you down
![Image credit: electric29 | electric29](
Celebrate in style! NTA for wanting to eat out ️
![Image credit: Mo-Makes | Mo-Makes](
Don’t let your parents bring you down. You’re NTA
![Image credit: BadAdviceGiver666 | BadAdviceGiver666](
Skipping graduation lunch to save money is hurtful and selfish
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Sandwiches in the parking lot for graduation celebration: NTA vs NAH
![Image credit: RitaAlbertson | RitaAlbertson](
Financial concerns arise for graduation lunch options
![Image credit: 3wordname | 3wordname](
Treat yourself to a 5-star steak, you deserve it!
![Image credit: bananaleaftea | bananaleaftea](
Save money, pack your own food for events. Not weird.
![Image credit: Bibi_Baby13 | Bibi_Baby13](
Frugal parents vs. graduation celebration: NAH, but compromise needed
![Image credit: engineeryourmom | engineeryourmom](
Celebrate on a budget, but is it worth sacrificing experience?
![Image credit: space_dan1345 | space_dan1345](
Consider parents’ financial situation before judging graduation celebration options
![Image credit: trueduchess | trueduchess](
Graduation is a big deal, but is a parking lot lunch enough?
![Image credit: EKGEMS | EKGEMS](
Proud of graduation? Skip McDonald’s and celebrate properly! ️
![Image credit: RedneckBastich | RedneckBastich](
Parents behaving badly over graduation lunch choice, opt for safety.
![Image credit: Emotional_Chair_9024 | Emotional_Chair_9024](
![Image credit: Dietcokeofevil73 | Dietcokeofevil73](
Commenter questions assumptions about family finances. NTA.
![Image credit: Rolling_Beardo | Rolling_Beardo](
Celebrate your way, forget frugality. It’s your big day!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
![Image credit: MikkiTh | MikkiTh](
Celebrate your accomplishment your way! ️
![Image credit: chrystalight | chrystalight](
Cultural and financial issues behind graduation celebration choices
![Image credit: Reasonable_Wish_8953 | Reasonable_Wish_8953](
Commenter criticizes peer pressure at graduation celebrations.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
First-gen graduate’s parents skip ceremony for cows. NTA.
![Image credit: flickercat | flickercat](
Understanding the root of their behavior can bring empathy
![Image credit: Soft-Tangelo-6884 | Soft-Tangelo-6884](
Celebrate your milestone the way YOU want to! ️
![Image credit: HAP_48_Mel | HAP_48_Mel](
When your parents offer to pay for your wedding reception
![Image credit: MysticYoYo | MysticYoYo](
When your parents are the mods of r/frugal…
![Image credit: thebutchone | thebutchone](
Your parents’ cheapness is an unhealthy obsession
![Image credit: cherrybounce | cherrybounce](
Celebrate with a fancy picnic or treat yourself to dinner , don’t stress over family and money
![Image credit: valuedvirgo | valuedvirgo](
Celebrate special occasions, don’t settle for sandwiches in a cooler
![Image credit: MortalSmile8631 | MortalSmile8631](
Celebrate special occasions without scrimping and saving!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Celebrate guilt-free, go out with friends and enjoy the milestone!
![Image credit: AffectionateBite3827 | AffectionateBite3827](
Celebrate your graduation your way, but show empathy towards parents.
![Image credit: mevelynstar | mevelynstar](
Celebrate in style! Don’t settle for a parking lot lunch
![Image credit: onceler80 | onceler80](
Celebrate your graduation, invite your parents, but don’t force them
![Image credit: Fit-Analysis6602 | Fit-Analysis6602](
Save where you can, but graduation day is a ‘cheat day’ ️
![Image credit: NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister](
Offer to pay for going out to eat to avoid conflict
![Image credit: Deep_Marsupial_1277 | Deep_Marsupial_1277](
Not unreasonable
![Image credit: TigerBunE | TigerBunE](
Celebrate your achievements with a nice restaurant meal ️
![Image credit: Nikiella80 | Nikiella80](
Celebrate in style! Don’t settle for a parking lot lunch
![Image credit: WhatTheCluck802 | WhatTheCluck802](
Skip the restaurant drama, pack PB&J for a peaceful celebration.
![Image credit: Fredredphooey | Fredredphooey](
Celebrate your accomplishment however you want! Congrats on graduating!
![Image credit: ashleybahla | ashleybahla](
Parents being cheap on graduation event: YTA
![Image credit: loudyjack | loudyjack](
Celebrate your graduation with friends, go out and enjoy lunch! ️
![Image credit: MissFancyPlantz | MissFancyPlantz](
Skip the drama, celebrate your way!
![Image credit: Aware-Helicopter-448 | Aware-Helicopter-448](
Celebrate your graduation without breaking the bank
![Image credit: cmnsense_superpower | cmnsense_superpower](
Stand up for yourself! NTA for wanting your way
![Image credit: SquirrelBowl | SquirrelBowl](
When you hate sandwiches but still choose the parking lot
![Image credit: Unusual_Individual93 | Unusual_Individual93](
Choosing a restaurant for graduation? This commenter says NTA.
![Image credit: Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612](
Celebrate your achievements with a nice meal and friends!
![Image credit: MadHatter06 | MadHatter06](
Be your own person and enjoy a nice meal out with friends , NTA.
![Image credit: Mission-Cloud360 | Mission-Cloud360](
Celebrate your graduation the way you want! NTA
![Image credit: Beautiful_mistakes | Beautiful_mistakes](
Wedding sandwiches from a cooler? NTA raises questions.
![Image credit: moosegooseofdoom | moosegooseofdoom](
Celebrate your way! NTA for choosing restaurant over sandwiches
![Image credit: xj2608 | xj2608](
No a****e here. Short and sweet.
![Image credit: facinationstreet | facinationstreet](
Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team