We’ve all been there: playful teasing takes a wrong turn, and suddenly, feelings are hurt. In this case, an 18-year-old Asian American girl and her 20-year-old white boyfriend found themselves in a heated argument after she jokingly called him a ‘Mayo packet.’ Little did she know, her boyfriend would retaliate with a racial slur that would leave her questioning their relationship.
The Nickname Game ️

The Retaliation

The Hypocrisy Accusation

A History of Jokes

The Apology

The Stubborn Stance

The Gen Z Trend

The Assumption

The Problematic Nature

The Line Crossed

The Long History

The Realization

The Plea

A Battle of Racial Slurs: Who’s the Real Culprit?
In a world where racial slurs and stereotypes are tossed around like confetti, it’s hard to know where the line is. The girlfriend thought her ‘Mayo packet’ nickname was harmless, but her boyfriend’s retaliation with a known racial slur left her reeling. With a history of racial jokes between them, she’s left questioning if she’s part of the problem. As the dust settles, one thing is clear: this couple needs to have a serious conversation about boundaries and respect. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
POC defend OP, explaining the difference between slurs and jokes.

White girlfriend’s racial nickname backfires, commenters defend POC experiences.

Debate over racial slurs and their impact on different communities.

NTA – OP apologized, but BF doubled down on using slur.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/87d28bb7-188e-4911-8947-7bb3e31c5dcb.png)
Leave his a**. He’s a racist who thinks he’s superior

NTA comment calls out white privilege and fragility.

Calling a white person “mayo packet” ≠ using a slur against Asians

Navigating racial humor on Reddit as a POC.

Debate over racial nickname, NTA says mayo packet not as bad.

NTA jokes about future kids’ race, partner suggests painful comeback.

NTA! BF refuses to stop using racial slur despite OP’s request

Defending a harmless nickname, white people need to chill

Defending the distinction between Mayo and a racial slur.

White folks need to read a history book before defending racism
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2cbc94ee-7e50-454b-8d53-9e62f2ec0494.png)
Racist boyfriend called her a terrible name. Time to leave?

Boyfriend uses racist slur, girlfriend not in the wrong.

Mixed-race couples with racially charged nicknames? A divisive issue.

Defending a racial nickname? Not cool. This NTA comment agrees.

OP’s boyfriend’s racist behavior finally catches up to him.

Defending use of a racial nickname for white people. NTA.

Choosing to still use a racial slur after being asked to stop. NTA

When a joke goes too far: NTA apologizes but still attacked.

Girlfriend called out for racial nickname, but not the villain.

Boyfriend’s racist slurs normalized onto girlfriend. NTA.

NTA calls out boyfriend’s racist behavior and suggests reevaluating relationship.

Debate over racial nickname sparks humor and confusion among commenters

NTA comment sparks backlash from ‘not all white people’ crew

Defending the use of ‘mayo packet’ as not a racial slur.

White person finds racial nicknames funny, suggests better condiments

Stand up against racism, you deserve better

Exploring the difference between a silly nickname and a racist term

Don’t let him justify racism. NTA for standing up.

White male defends girlfriend’s right to call out racism.

Using a racial slur as retaliation is never justified. NTA.

John Mulaney has something to say about this NTA comment.

Commenter shares experience with racialized terms and supports breaking up.

User defends against racial nickname, no replies yet.

Racial nickname leads to conflict. ESH learns a lesson.

White girlfriend apologizes for racial nickname, but boyfriend won’t budge.

Comparing racial slurs to condiments? Overreaction or valid point?

Mayo packet not a slur, but still not a nice nickname

Insensitive racial nickname sparks backlash and apology. #StopAsianHate

♀️ Girlfriend endures racial slurs from boyfriend for too long.

Dump him and find better friends. NTA

White privilege and ignorance exposed through racial nickname incident.

Girlfriend apologizes, boyfriend doesn’t understand why racial nickname is hurtful. NTA.

Racial jokes are not humor, calling someone a mayo packet is not the same as a racial slur. NTA

Not the a**hole for what? Tell us more!

Dump the racist boyfriend for using a known slur. NTA

Fairness in relationships: avoiding offensive language with partners

Last Updated on May 17, 2023 by Diply Social Team