Imagine planning a fun trip with your friends, only to have it turn into a heated debate about money and responsibility. That’s what happened to a 20-year-old woman who invited her boyfriend to join her and her friends on a trip, under one condition: he had to earn the money himself to cover his expenses, which totaled around CAD$5,000. But when he revealed that his parents agreed to pay for everything, she put her foot down and refused to let him join. ♀️
The Trip Plan ✈️

The Money Issue

Mom’s Job Push ️

The Shocking Revelation

Parents to the Rescue?

The Fight Begins

Friends Take Sides

Money Matters and a Trip Gone Sour
So, our protagonist found herself in a sticky situation when she refused to let her boyfriend join the trip after discovering his parents would foot the bill. Despite her insistence that he earn the money himself, he went ahead and asked his parents anyway. This led to a heated argument and even their friends took sides, leaving her feeling confused and unsure if she’s in the wrong. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this dilemma…
OP is called out for being controlling and resentful. ESH.

Commenter calls out OP for trying to fix her boyfriend’s financial situation.

Don’t judge your boyfriend for having generous parents. YTA.

Controlling girlfriend called out for not letting boyfriend join trip

Girlfriend accused of being controlling and jealous by commenters ♀️

Commenter defends 19-year-old’s financial situation, sparks discussion.

User calls out disrespectful behavior in relationship. Yikes.

Denying trip request after months of planning? YTA

Commenter calls out hypocrisy of girlfriend’s jealousy.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Commenter calls out OP for bad behavior in relationship

Commenter calls out OP’s jealousy and control, defends BF’s parents.

Commenter calls out judgemental behavior in relationship finances

Controlling girlfriend labeled YTA by commenters

Girlfriend’s unreasonable condition for trip causes conflict

Mismatched values lead to relationship issues.

Jealous or controlling? YTA for not letting bf join trip ♂️

Commenter accuses OP of jealousy, reply highlights different upbringing

Commenter calls out OP for being unreasonable

Don’t mom your boyfriend into independence. It’s not your job. YTA

Let him go on the trip, it’s his parents’ money

Girlfriend called out for enabling boyfriend’s entitled attitude towards money

Overbearing girlfriend faces criticism for treating boyfriend like a child

Let him fund his trip, his money his business. YTA

Commenter calls out controlling behavior in relationship

Respect his work ethic or move on

Boyfriend’s finances cause tension. YTA or NTA?

Commenter calls out girlfriend for being controlling and invasive.

Don’t be controlling. His parents, his financial situation, his choice.

Commenter deems someone the a**hole

Commenter accused of jealousy for calling OP YTA

Commenter calls out OP’s jealousy and advises break-up

Invited and uninvited, YTA for not being clear about expectations

Teaching financial independence is not your job, soft YTA

Commenter questions how college student saved $5k for trip. YTA.

Commenter calls out controlling behavior in relationship.

Commenter calls out incompatibility and lack of respect in relationship

Commenter calls out controlling behavior in relationship.

Commenter calls out gatekeeping behavior with a fiery response

Commenter calls out boyfriend’s jealousy in paying for trip.

Let his parents teach him to be independent

Overbearing girlfriend demands control over boyfriend’s parental vacation funds

Controlling girlfriend called out for bizarre behavior

Girlfriend’s controlling behavior over boyfriend’s parents’ money. YTA.

Engaging in a debate about financial intelligence and respect.

Commenter calls out OP for being controlling and jealous

Commenter defends boyfriend’s right to accept parents’ help

Partner’s lack of self-sufficiency and responsibility is concerning

Commenter calls out controlling behavior with fiery emoji

Commenter calls out girlfriend for controlling behavior.

Commenter calls out manipulative behavior in controlling girlfriend

Commenter calls out OP for overstepping boundaries.

Let him make his own choices. Encourage, don’t force.

User calls out OP’s controlling behavior in relationship

Commenter defends upper class lifestyle, calls OP controlling.

Girlfriend gets called out for being controlling and out of line

Controlling girlfriend tries to dictate boyfriend’s family trip. YTA

Girlfriend called out for being controlling and manipulative

Boyfriend’s girlfriend called out for being controlling and manipulative

Dating someone you dislike? YTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Partner’s dependence on parents frustrates, but trip not solution. ESH ♀️

Commenter calls out judgmental behavior in trip dispute

Commenter thinks girlfriend is the a**hole for expecting too much.

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team