Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a story for you today! Our protagonist, let’s call him ‘Baby Daddy Wannabe’ , found himself in a real pickle after breaking off his engagement with his girlfriend of 6 years, ‘Mama Bear’ . The reason? He wanted his own little rugrats, but she had a change of heart! Now, her daughter, ‘Little Miss Persistent’ , just won’t leave him alone! Grab your popcorn , because this story is about to get wild!
Messy Situation Alert!

Meeting the Daughter

Engagement Bliss… Or Not?

Baby Drama Begins

Birth Control Bombshell

The Shocking Truth Revealed!

Heartbreak and Hasty Exits ♂️

Knock, Knock… Who’s There?

️ Awkward Conversations

Driving Miss Sasha Home

New Love, New Problems

Soda Sabotage!

️ The Masked Vandal

Calling the Cops!

Blocked and Frustrated

The Police Arrive

Tears and Warnings

⚠️ Final Warning ⚠️

Fed Up and Frustrated

Cops Called on Heartbroken Kid! Is ‘Baby Daddy Wannabe’ the A****e?
Well, well, well! Looks like ‘Baby Daddy Wannabe’ has had enough of ‘Little Miss Persistent’ showing up at his door! After a soda-throwing and car-scratching incident, he decided to call the cops on the poor girl! ‘Mama Bear’ was NOT happy, showing up in tears and hurling insults at our protagonist. But hey, he gave them a warning ⚠️, right? ♂️ The internet is about to have a field day with this one! Let’s see what the jury has to say about ‘Baby Daddy Wannabe’ and his actions! ⚖️ Is he the a****e or just a guy at his wit’s end? Grab your gavel ⚖️, it’s judgment time!
Questioning the quick rebound but agrees with calling cops.

User questions the new relationship, empathizes with the child.

User questions de facto father’s sudden disappearance and behavior.

Parenting woes lead to ESH judgement and car vandalism

User calls out ex-stepdad for lack of compassion towards ex’s daughter

Ex-stepdad not at fault for ex-stepdaughter’s behavior. NTA.

Questioning ex-stepdad’s quick rebound, suspects deeper issues.

Calling the police was the best option to protect everyone

Moving on too soon after a 6-year relationship?

Protect yourself legally from stalker behavior of ex’s daughter

NTA for recognizing Sasha needs professional help, not just discipline.

Engaging debate on the impact of a hasty relationship

NTA for calling police, but AH for manipulative behavior.

NTA for calling the police. Ex and daughter need therapy

NTA for calling the cops on Sasha for damaging property

Respecting boundaries and teaching accountability with NTA judgment

Defending ex-stepdad’s decision to call 911 on vandalizing ex’s girlfriend’s car

Calling CPS may be necessary to ensure child’s well-being. NTA.

Calling the cops was necessary for insurance purposes. NTA ✅

Moving away to avoid ex-stepdaughter’s drama. NTA

Ex lied about wanting kids. NTA for not wanting involvement.

Setting boundaries with kids after separation; tough but necessary.

Calling the cops was the safest thing to do. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/458132df-aa41-447f-96ae-dc71a52082b2.png)
Calling cops doesn’t make you TA, but ESH (except Sasha) ♀️

Leaving Tara was understandable and NTA for calling 911.

Ex-stepdad should help his daughter and rethink new relationship.

Ending a toxic relationship and involving the police was necessary.

Co-parenting is important even after a breakup. ESH.

Blocking and vandalizing, NTA advises ex to handle it.

Abandoned teen vandalizes ex-stepdad’s GF’s car. ESH in situation. ♂️

Calling the cops on vandalizing ex-stepchild’s new GF car. NTA

Supportive comment, acknowledging the right actions taken.

Former stepdad should have provided more support to the girl

Take your time, kids are hard and don’t fix things

Co-parenting struggles with ex’s daughter, seeking advice.

Ex-stepdad tries to reason with daughter, vandalizes car, calls 911. NTA

Compassionate comment supports OP for calling cops on vandalizing child

Parental conflicts cause vandalism? NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/977aa846-e373-4c89-9509-5fb05811d609.png)
Father figure refuses to be in daughter’s life, ESH.

User criticizes ex-stepdad for abandoning his fatherly role.

Teenager acting out due to emotional abandonment, ex-stepdad is YTA.

Ex-stepdad not the a****e for calling the police ♂️

Calling the cops was the smartest move, NTA

Heartbreaking story of abandonment and police involvement.

Parenting advice: Don’t be flummoxed by your child’s behavior. ESH
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/983a2916-2fc4-4ae7-b3b2-3196bcbe6dad.png)
NTA for handling car vandalism, YTA for callous breakup.

Ex-stepdad takes action to keep wandering child safe. NTA

User defends poster’s dating choices and empathizes with teenager’s situation.

Calling cops okay, but don’t make kids collateral damage.

NTA stands up for himself in custody battle with ex-partner.

Compassionate response to tough situation with ex-stepdaughter. NTA.

Breaking up with Tara was the right thing to do

Lack of emotional empathy leads to a messy breakup clusterf**k ♀️

Grieving doesn’t justify property damage. Quick rebound? YTA.

Compassionate comment urges stepdad to be better for grieving child.

Supportive comment for ex-stepdad, calls out Tara’s behavior. ✊

Supportive comment for OP’s actions and decision to move on.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3abc4a73-a294-42c2-9c18-78898d267172.png)
Ex-stepdad’s new GF’s car vandalized, ESH but he more

Live your life without regrets, forget the past

Dodged a bullet with ex’s petty and manipulative behavior, NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2224f4a9-3eab-49dd-96b3-31d79418e4ce.png)
Abandoning a child-like figure in your life can have consequences

Moving on quickly: praised by some, criticized by others. ♂️

Curious commenter suspects missing details in a rushed engagement.

Father criticized for not understanding daughter’s behavior

Dating so soon after engagement is gross, kid pays price.

User calls out OP for being narcissistic, suggests therapy for daughter
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b7ae45b0-9f35-45d4-ae4a-baeadcd23f8e.png)
User accuses stepdad of neglecting his fatherly duties. YTA confirmed.

User calls out stepdad for calling police on ex-stepdaughter.

Heartfelt comment about ex-stepdad’s lack of compassion and responsibility ❤

A commenter questions the stepdad’s sudden departure from family
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/582c40da-216c-45c4-8343-dee011f0c100.png)
Heartbreaking reminder of the impact of divorce on children

Advice on finding a suitable partner after a bad breakup

User calls out ex-stepdad for mistreating his former stepdaughter.

Questioning the stepdad’s decision to call cops, with a burn

Abandoned daughter vandalizes car, but father should take responsibility.

Stepdad not at fault, ex’s lies hurt everyone involved

User thinks calling 911 on stepdaughter was wrong.

Abandoned daughter, YTA. Show love to the child you have.

Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by Diply Social Team