We all love receiving gifts, right? But what if the gift you’re being offered isn’t exactly what you want? One person found themselves in a sticky situation when they declined a family member’s gift offer, sparking a heated debate amongst their relatives. Let’s dive into the story and see if this gift rejection was justified or just plain ungrateful!
The Desired Thing ️

Saving Up

Family Member’s Offer

Lower Priced Thing Suggestion

A Compromise?

Family Member’s Reaction

No Gift, No Problem?

Update: Appreciation and Clarification

Baking Enthusiast

Family Member’s Alternative

The ‘Spoiled’ Comment

Working-Class Perspective

The Great Gift Debate: Ungrateful or Justified?
So, our baking enthusiast had their heart set on a high-end KitchenAid stand mixer, but when a family member offered to buy them a cheaper model as a birthday gift, things got a little tense. The protagonist suggested the family member could contribute the cost of the lower-priced mixer towards the desired model, but this suggestion was met with anger. Ultimately, they chose no gift at all, sparking a debate among their relatives about whether they were being unreasonable, spoiled, or a j**k. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this gift-giving dilemma…
Standing up for oneself and setting boundaries.
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Polite rejection of a gift leads to accusations of being spoiled

Handling rejection with grace. NTA for paying for own gift.

Receiving a gift you didn’t want? NTA for being disappointed.

Being practical and reasonable is NTA. Enjoy the gift later!

Polite gift refusal causes family member to lash out. NTA!

Offering to pay the difference, NTA. Your achievement will shine ✨

Some people prefer practical gifts over random ones

NTA. Family member was being a d**k about it.

Saving up for quality items, NTA stands their ground

Respecting differences is key. NTA for rejecting the gift.

Gift giving should be about the recipient, not the giver. NTA

Respectful rejection of gift proposal, suggests self-satisfaction better.

Stick to your guns and buy the whatchamahcallit. NTA

Gifts should be given freely, not used to manipulate. NTA
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Home baker defends gift rejection, praises stand mixer’s value

When gifts miss the mark

Investing in quality pays off in the long run. NTA.

Standing up for oneself against a controlling family member. ♀️

Be specific about what you want, waste of money otherwise.

Curiosity about the Thing, but NTA for rejecting gift

Kitchenaid gift sparks drama, but recipient is NTA.

NTA Some people can’t handle rejection and it’s toxic

Setting the record straight: reasonable suggestions or skewed story?

KitchenAid mixer: the ultimate kitchen essential according to NTA comment.

Saving money doesn’t make you ungrateful, NTA.

KitchenAids are worth the price, and OP is NTA!

Gift-giving is about the receiver, not the giver. NTA
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Missed opportunity for a better gift

Curiosity piqued! What could the gift possibly be?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/64bb6094-8292-45dc-8915-0ca07f3c5465.png)
Reasonable NTA asks for contribution to expensive gift, not ungrateful.

Demanding a Christmas list and buying cheaper versions? NTA

Baker shares tips for saving on a KitchenAid mixer

Defending a gift’s cost: NTA and misunderstood

NTA comment calls out entitled gift-rejecting ‘spoiled brats’

Stick to your guns and get the model you want. NTA.

Getting a gift you don’t want? NTA for rejecting it!

NTA. Polite rejection of gift misunderstood as spoiled behavior

Curious commenter demands gift details, NTA (not the a**hole)

Buying a gift means getting what the recipient wants.

NTA declined a gift to avoid financial burden. Responsible move

Money is the best guarantee to make someone happy
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Set the record straight! Don’t let them spread lies.
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Grandmother’s entitlement leads to no contact. NTA.

How to convince someone to give you what you need

NTA. A heartwarming story of a simple solution and compromise. ❤

Setting standards for gifts doesn’t make you ungrateful. NTA

A Kitchenaid mixer sparks a discussion on practical gifting

Choosing a quality gift is justified. Relatives should contribute happily.

NTA defends buying expensive mixer, values quality over others’ opinions.

KitchenAid mixer: worth the splurge according to happy recipient

Enthusiastic endorsement of Kitchen Aid mixer

Saving up for a KitchenAid stand mixer is worth it!

Kitchenaid mixers unite! NTA for wanting quality over junk.

NTA. Saving up for what you want isn’t being spoiled

Don’t settle for less to please others. ♀️

Compromise suggested, family member being unreasonable. NTA.

Upgrade to avoid settling

Take control of your own gifts! ♀️

Explaining the importance of function in gift-giving.

NTA stands their ground against family member’s insult.

Upgrade the Thing and kill them with kindness

Respectful rejection of gift, justified. Don’t let them punish you.

Accept the money they would have spent to compromise!

Researching and knowing what you want is very adult
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Polite rejection with class and manners. Get a warranty!
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Don’t settle for less! Congrats on standing your ground

Value is subjective, not ungrateful to want higher priced gift.

Suggests a win-win solution for gift rejection.

Using a simple analogy to explain the difference between PC models ️

Clear reasoning and refusal of gift – NTA ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/aaef7592-d094-4dcb-a720-f51307d23345.png)
Family member throws tantrum on OP’s birthday, gets called out

Don’t settle for less, NTA. Relative is being obnoxious

Saving up for a specific ‘thing’ and declining alternatives. NTA

Controlling gift-givers are the worst. NTA for rejecting it.

Gift receipts are a great idea to avoid ungratefulness

Family member’s gift was about showing off, NTA for rejecting.

Guessing game and NTA verdict in gift rejection drama

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Diply Social Team