Ever found yourself stuck in a tricky situation that you never saw coming? Well, that’s exactly what happened to a 19-year-old gaming enthusiast when she found herself babysitting her 9-year-old neighbor. What started as a simple playdate quickly spiraled into a chaotic gaming session, complete with a near-miss TV catastrophe, a hamster in danger, and a couple of distressed dogs. Let’s dive into the story and see what really happened.
The Unexpected Babysitter

The Hamster Incident

Dog Drama Unleashed

The PS4 Enters the Fray

Gaming Gone Wrong

Fortnite to the Rescue… Or Not?

The Pricey Demands

Near-Miss Catastrophe

Unpleasant Parting Words

The Unending Gaming Session ⏳

The Aftermath ️

The Unpaid Babysitter

Avoiding Conflict

The Final Verdict ️

The Age Gap

A Gaming Session Turned Sour: Who’s the Real Villain Here?
In a whirlwind of events, our 19-year-old gaming heroine found herself in a sticky situation with her 9-year-old neighbor. What started as a harmless babysitting gig quickly spiraled into a chaotic gaming session, complete with a near-miss TV disaster, a hamster in peril, and a couple of distressed dogs. The young boy’s demands escalated from feeding treats to the hamster, to playing adult games, and even expecting our heroine to foot the bill for his gaming desires. The gaming session ended on a sour note, with the young boy glued to the screen, ignoring his parents’ calls to leave. Since then, he constantly asks to come over to play, leaving our heroine in a quandary. Let’s see what the internet thinks about this gaming showdown…
NTA: Spoiled kid lacks respect, don’t let him in your house

NTA: Protect your property and set boundaries with the child

Neighbor vs. Gamer Girl: Protecting the PS4 from Destruction

NTA: Set boundaries with kids to avoid future problems

NTA. Don’t let him in, what if the dog gets blamed?

NTA. Don’t let a**hole kids ruin your gaming experience

NTA. Communicate with the parents for a peaceful resolution!

You’re not the a**hole for not catering to his demands. ♀️

“NTA. Beware of the psycho neighbor kid. Move ASAP! “

Setting boundaries with a gaming-obsessed neighbor

“NTA. Kid needs to learn boundaries. No is a complete sentence.”

NTA – Firmly say no and avoid future babysitting.

Discipline needed for unruly neighbor. Not the a**hole.

Annoying entitled kid vs. gamer girl: Who’s to blame?

NTA, but maybe talk to his parents about the situation

Honesty is the best policy ♂️

NTA, but a quiet chat with his parents is needed.

NTA. Set rules, work with parents for privacy and boundaries.

NTA sets boundaries with entitled neighbor kid. No babysitting again.

“NTA. Don’t let that kid in your place again. You’ve got this, op!!”
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NTA: Teach him a lesson to save him future grief!

Neighbor’s nightmare: refusing entry to a little troublemaker

19-year-old gamer girl called out for hanging out with 9-year-old neighbor

NTA, but the parents need to reconsider their supervision choices.

Manipulative 9-year-old neighbor tries to game the system. NTA.

NTA – Protecting the kid’s developing brain and your console

Neighbor crosses boundaries by asking inappropriate question. NTA.

Avoid him like the plaigne! Mortifying behavior from a child!

Gamer girl stands her ground against spoiled 9-year-old neighbor

NTA: Setting boundaries early could have avoided this conflict.

Set boundaries now or deal with daily console demands later.

NTA: Gamer girl stands her ground against unruly neighbor

NTA: Stand your ground and don’t babysit again

Spoiled kids and their parents: Who’s really to blame?

NTA: Nightmare neighbor ruins gaming session. No rematch needed!

Parents need to teach their entitled kid some boundaries

Neighbor’s kids causing trouble? You’re definitely not the a**hole!

NTA: Kid acting like an a**hole

“NTA. Entitled kid? Game on! “

“Unruly kid invades personal space. Parents need to step up.”

NTA. Stand your ground and set boundaries with entitled parents.

Neighbor’s social distancing fail

NTA. Firmly address the dangerous behavior and set boundaries

Adult gamer girl criticized for hanging out with child neighbor.

Entitled neighbor pouts, but NTA gamer girl stands her ground

NTA, kid’s behavior is beyond normal. Bad parenting or issues?

NTA! Don’t entertain a r**e kid. Parents should handle it

NTA, confront the parents and ensure your safety.

NTA. Set boundaries and teach him about consequences.

Neighbor’s entitled kid wants to play PS4, but you’re NTA!

NTA: Set boundaries and prioritize your comfort and safety

NTA: Setting boundaries with a disrespectful neighbor.
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NTA. Protect your console from an entitled 9-year-old neighbor.

Neighbor’s lack of discipline: NTA, keep him out!

NTA, but be careful! Liability if child gets hurt.

NTA. Protect your stuff from a spoiled kid.

Not the a**hole. Let’s find out what happened!

NTA…and ‘NO’ is a complete sentence! Haha

Not the a**hole! Let’s dive into the epic showdown!

NTA. Protecting my PS4 from the neighbor’s brat

NTA – Judging a book by its cover, classic move!

Neighbor’s kid, not your responsibility. You’re not the a**hole!

NTA. Spending time with that child sounds miserable

Spoiled kids these days! NTA for setting boundaries.

NTA. Kids can be a**holes too.

Being nice doesn’t mean tolerating a nightmare neighbor.

Neighbor’s kid crosses boundaries, gamer girl is NTA

Not the a**hole. Let’s find out what went down!

NTA. Babysit him at his own house for emergencies.

Neighbor disrespects gamer girl’s boundaries: NTA takes charge!

Standing up to a 9-year-old gamer: Lessons in setting boundaries

NTA: Nightmare neighbor or misunderstood 9-year-old?

Setting boundaries with a 9-year-old neighbor

Set boundaries with the neighbor kid. Protect your pets and games.

Teaching a lesson to a r**e 9-year-old gamer neighbor

Kind gamer girl proves she’s NTA in epic showdown!

NTA. 9-year-old neighbor lacks boundaries and puts dogs at risk

NTA: It’s your stuff, don’t let a kid use it

NTA. An exhausting neighbor and a potential free babysitter

NTA: Spoiled brat vs. Gamer Girl – Epic showdown!

Toxic kid next door: NTA, just keep saying no!

NTA, handled it perfectly!
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NTA. Case closed.

9-year-old neighbor wants to play games, but not share

NTA, set boundaries with the 9-year-old and keep gaming peacefully!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/aadbae81-11dc-4d87-95ab-1d305f300e68.png)
Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team