A friend’s tale of trauma after losing a free home is annoying. She dropped out of school and lived rent-free for years. Now she claims to be homeless and traumatized. Would I be an a**hole to tell her she’s spoiled?
Spoiled friend loses free home, now claims trauma. Really?
Spoiled friend refuses to move, causes chaos for family.
Traumatized friend blames everyone but herself for losing free home
Is it wrong to call out entitlement in this situation?
Spoiled friend loses free home, complains about being ‘traumatized’
Are entitled people always going to act entitled? It seems that way for one friend (27) who was given the opportunity to live for free in a second home owned by her parents, but decided to drop out of school and never return while still living for free. When her parents decided to sell the home, she made no effort to pack, move, or find a new place until her father and a friend stepped in to do it for her. Now, she’s retelling the story as if she was a victim of trauma and homelessness. It can be frustrating to listen to someone complain about a situation they brought upon themselves, and it’s natural to want to call them out on their entitled behavior. But would it make you an a**hole to do so? Let’s explore this situation further.
Friend loses free home, claims trauma; commenters call her spoiled
Cutting off a toxic friend can be tough, but necessary
NTA commenter calls out spoiled friend who refused to pack.
Engaging, non-confrontational approach to discussing friend’s entitlement.
Debate on whether friend is spoiled after losing free home.
Backing away might be the better option here ♀️
Friend’s entitlement called out, trauma claim debunked
Calling out entitled behavior, NTA wins this one.
When is it time to cut off a toxic friendship?
When privilege is taken for granted
Time to face the truth and grow up
Tough love for entitled friend
Friend refuses to become independent despite having a job ♀️
Could there be deeper issues at play?
Friend loses free home, claims trauma. NTA for calling spoiled?
Volunteering at a soup kitchen could do wonders
Facing consequences – NTA for calling out spoiled behavior
Debate over whether friend’s loss of free home is truly traumatic
Reality check needed for entitled friend
Moving trauma is subjective, but this friend seems entitled.
Friend complains after being helped to move out, spoiled behavior ♀️
Honesty is key, but avoid name calling.
Boundaries not set earlier, NTA for not enabling entitlement
Spoiled or Traumatized? NTA calls it like it is ♀️
Friend loses free home, judgement ensues. ♀️
Spoiled friend loses free home and claims trauma – NTA’s opinion.
Consider therapy for friend before calling her spoiled.
Calling out entitlement NTA for holding her accountable.
Calling out “Rich Kid Problems”
Stop overusing ‘traumatic’. NTA for calling out entitled behavior.
Correct the record, but don’t police her feelings ❤️
Validating feelings is important, but dismissing others’ homes is insensitive
When calling someone out, pick your battles wisely
Engaging with privileged friends can be difficult
Respondent says NTA and suggests they would silence the friend
User shares personal story of homelessness and challenges idea of trauma.
Friend behaving spoiled after losing free home, WNBTA for calling out.
Playfully roast your BFF for being spoiled with love ❤️
Commenter calls out friend’s entitlement in losing free home ♀️
NTA refuses to pack friend’s things, avoiding further entitlement.
Friendship risk for entitled ‘friend’.
Spoiled friend claims losing free home was traumatic, NTA for calling out
Step back from friendship, be honest about behavior, avoid name-calling
Encouraging response to friend’s entitlement and potential for growth
Suggest professional help for her trauma, avoid invalidating her feelings ♀️
Approach the situation delicately to avoid worsening the victim complex.
Navigating delicate friendships and emotional reactions to loss ♀️
Friend’s entitlement and victim mentality cause tension, difficult conversation ahead
Questioning the motives of a friend’s behavior, NTA.
Questioning the friendship with a blunt NTA comment
Call out the BS! You’re NTA
Show your friend the truth with kindness
Judgment on the post changes after reading the details. NTA
Is calling her spoiled justified?
Harsh judgement! Is there more to the story?
You’re NTA but you may have enabled her spoiled behavior
Offer alternative perspective to friend’s behavior and suggest therapy.
INFO: Juicy details on a friendship gone sour
Can illusions be harmful? An intriguing philosophical debate.
Not the a****e, but tread carefully with the term ‘spoiled’
Last Updated on April 16, 2023 by Diply Social Team