A planned beach day turns sour when a friend brings his girlfriend and toddler without warning. One of the group members decides to cancel, citing discomfort around kids. The friend gets offended and demands they be friends with his girlfriend and child too. Is the canceler the a**hole? Read on to find out.
Surf plans cancelled due to toddler – AITA for cancelling?
Last-minute toddler addition ruins beach trip – AITA?
Canceled beach day for a toddler? Maybe not the A****e
Toddler trouble: canceling plans with friend’s kid. AITA?
Canceled beach plans due to toddler discomfort – AITA?
Respecting boundaries with friends who have toddlers
Toddler’s behavior causing discomfort for friend on the spectrum.
Clarifying edit made regarding friend’s autism and cancelled plans.
Not wanting to hang out with a toddler – AITA?
A planned beach trip with friends was canceled because one of the friends invited his girlfriend and their toddler. The post writer, who has previously expressed discomfort around the child, decided to stay home instead. This decision led to the friend getting offended and accusing the post writer of not being a true friend. The post writer has no issue with the girlfriend but does not want to hang out with the toddler all the time. The situation is made worse by the fact that the friend’s toddler is allowed to pull hair and put sticky fingers in the face of the post writer’s friend, who is on the spectrum. The post writer is now questioning whether they are the a*****e in this situation. Read on to find out what people have to say about this controversial topic.
18 year olds don’t want to spend time with a toddler
Friend insists on bringing toddler despite discomfort – NTA
NTA for cancelling plans with selfish friend and toddler.
Bringing a toddler changes the whole outing. NTA for canceling.
Having a toddler around every time you hang out? NTA
Comment section discusses potential motive for gender-switch posts.
Parents should understand that not all events are for kids
Agreement with NTA comment sparks quick reply
Friends with kids? NAH but occasional adult only time.
Adult time ruined by small humans? NTA wins!
Last minute changes are never fun.
Commenter predicts end of friendship due to differing priorities
Having a toddler changes the dynamic of adult events ⚖️
Respectful NTA comment and grateful reply
YTA cancels plans due to friend bringing toddler to beach
Respectful request for adult-only event repeatedly ignored – NTA
Suggests N**W activities to avoid friend’s toddler – NTA
Choosing to be childfree – NTA, but tough decisions ahead.
Deciding if the friendship is worth it after canceled plans
NTA for wanting adults-only outings with friends. Friend needs to understand.
18-year-olds don’t want to hang out with a toddler – NTA ♀️
Child-free plans ruined by friend’s toddler – NTA.
Friend brings toddler without notice, cancels plans – NTA
Canceling plans due to toddler – justified or r**e?
Set boundaries with friend’s toddler to avoid future conflicts ♀️
Parenthood shouldn’t end friendships.
Going to adult events devolving into groveling for attention ♂️
Unexpected kid ruins adult beach day – NTA cancels plans
Supportive comments for young parent spending time with their child
Don’t let others take advantage of your generosity ♀️
Don’t let your friend’s choices ruin your plans NTA
Avoiding toddlers on beach trips – NTA ️
Setting boundaries with friends who bring kids to social events.
Adults deserve kid-free time once in a while ♀️
Surfing plans canceled due to toddler? NTA, plan ahead next time ♀️
Setting boundaries with friends and toddlers
Canceling plans due to a friend’s toddler – NTA
Make plans that include everyone – NTA comment
Unwilling to befriend toddler – AITA or just immature?
Friend brings toddler on beach trip, friend cancels plans – disagreement over adapting to friend’s growth
Teen doesn’t want to spend time with friend’s toddler – NTA ♀️
Comment about teenage pregnancy gets sarcastic reply
Commenter seeks clarification on OP’s issues with friend’s toddler.
Empathetic response to friend’s parenthood struggles. ❤️
Last Updated on April 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team